Looking for Winterfest Windows and BeeBee Antennae

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking for Winterfest Windows and BeeBee Antennae

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  dogfish 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #705983


    Hello, I’m looking for 1-3 winterfest windows and would like to trade. I’m also in need of the Bee Antennae to finish the bee costume. Please let me know if you have these items and what you would like in return. Any help is appreciated, feel free to add me as a friend as well. Thanks!

    1. #706073

      I have the bee antennae! What do you have!

      • #706129


        Oh wow, perfect! I don’t have a lot of experience trading, is there anything specific you’re looking for?

        • #706152


          Hi I have a ton of those windows, the blue ones, right? Just friend me at clo91 and I’ll send you three for free. LMK if your UN is different, so I know what I’m sending and to who. Always happy to help, DF

          • #706461


            DF Thank you! My user name is the same and I’ve sent an invite. Thank you so much. Is there anything I can do to repay you or help you out? I appreciate it, you’re fantastic.

            • #706512


              NP, jdst, I really need nothing. I’ll send those out today. LMK if you got the bee antennae , I have one sitting in my dock, a free gift from some where. JLMK if you need anything else and I’ll add you to other accounts. I’m trying to down size, LOL TTYL DF

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