Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives LOTS OF PET FOODS FOR TRADE!

This topic contains 57 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  Cinnybugg2 12 years ago.

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  • #705765

    Me and my sister have tons of pets. Just name a pet food you want and i’ll tell you if i have it in stock! We have all the birthstone pets and some random candy kinz and zodiac. My sister has a love puppy. We have many signatures. So if you need a pet food just let us know!

    1. #713194


      TF, Thank you so much you’re awesome!

    2. #713021

      Cinnybugg and CCCCC—-I just sent my last two candy kinz psfs. LMK if you want any other pet foods! Ilove345—-Just sent some birthstone psfs. Will continue to send tomorrow. Enjoy!

    3. #712950

      Cinnybugg and CCCCC—-I sent the some candy kinz PSFs. I believe i have more. Ilove345—–Yes i do. I sent a friend request from pigcow35. When you accept i can start sending.

    4. #712914


      Thanks a lot TF… Received the latest batch of goodies… Something is headed your way. Have a great weekend! ~~~~~ Cinny

    5. #712763

      Cinnybugg and CCCCC—–I just sent both of you some candy kinz. I believe i have more so there will probably be more tomorrow. Ilove—-Yes i do! I just sent a request from pigcow35. Once you accept, i will start sending the psfs.

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