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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #873067


      I would really love to have a new line of webkinz pets. I would suggest making ‘Endangered Species Webkinz’. They could sort of replace our signature, though nothing can ever truly replace them (Dramatic sniffle)! With each Endangered Species purchase, a certain amount goes to help the species the webkinz is modeled for. I would buy Every single one if I could!! -FerretFriend

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      • #873128

        I would love that!!!!! We could save endangered species at the same time!!! love it great idea!!!

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      • #873130


        ferretfriend, there already is Endangered Signatures! :)

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        • #873374


          she knows that she’s saying none signature endangered webkinz that would go towards helping animals and I think it’s a great idea!

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          • #966410

            Exactly i would love to spend the money if it was for a good cause especially animals!!!! I have 13 signatures and i love them i have about 33 webkinz including signatures so i would hve been really happy if the money had gone to a animal cause signed rosey

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      • #873375


        I love that idea I would buy everyone too!!!

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        • #2355045


          I would love that!!!!! I really want a Webkinz signature!

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      • #873884

        They need more zums and lil kinz and kinz clips! And signatures!

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        • #2289401


          i totally agree with you checkersleopard! i wish you win them more or earn them somehow but i guess not. :(

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        • #2295495


          Yes they need make more toys

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      • #873858


        great idea ferretfriend!!! love it!

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      • #873800


        OMG yes!! And we could have a Lion Tamarin Monkey!!! *dies of cuteness* I would love to help save poor little animals around the world and have fun too :) Ganz could raise so much money for endangered species just with this line of pets!! ~Queen

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        • #882388


          an endangered bengle tiger!!!!! yes yes yes!!! i would buy one of those!! and if it was helping save them then i would buy 2!!!!!!!

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          • #913497


            Ya! They could make a collection called the Endangered Pets Collection and every month or after a certain amount of time they could put out a new endangered pet plush! It would help raise awareness of that certain endangered pet and they could say for every purchase they will donate 1 or 2 dollars to help stop there endangerment. Or even better, the money could go to the endangerment fund. Well I guess that’s the same as to stop the endangerment, but you know what I mean! What do y’alls think! :P

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      • #873827


        Actually, they already have those. But good idea on the donation thing!

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        • #875116


          They already have them?? Where, so I can get one?? ~Queen

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          • #875180


            Hi Queen, you can find them on Amazon. :)

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            • #876260


              SWEET!! ~Queen

      • #875315


        ferretfriend They use to have Endangered Species Webkinz but they quit making them.

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        • #899668


          Yeah Webinz should bring them back.

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          • #902325


            This year being that its Webkinz 10th anniversary I think it would be cool for part of the month of April to have a throwback to 2005. It would be the best thing that they could possibly do for the event. It would bring the old and new members to have nostalgia and see what Webkinz was like back in the day. I myself never got to see how it was like back then and it would be my all-time dream for them to do this. Thanks! ~Brooke

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            • #902516


              Cool idea! I like that since I started playing with my son in 2006.

            • #904167


              Sorry, but I don’t like this idea. I have been a member since 2005 and have worked my tail off to get the things that I have. I don’t think it would be right to allow people who haven’t been on since the beginning, to just have a free for all, when it comes to getting the things the rest of us have earned.

            • #908254


              Great idea no more deluxe :)

            • #911058

              Back then there was no deluxe or estore points and everything was equal :( i miss it

            • #914135


              There should be a link click here for the old webkinz so you can try your account in the old version or the new version and keep all your items

            • #928218

              That is an awesome idea!!!! They should totally do that! I joined in 2012, so I wasn’t around when all Webkinz was equal, I think it would be really cool to do that! :) ~Emily

          • #914306


            YEAH! Besides, I really like the Asian Elephant. NOW THAT IS AN ENDANGERED SPECIES!!!!

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        • #913501


          Oh well I guess I just made the same idea with out even knowing! But did they give some of the money to the endangerment fund to that specific species???

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      • #966888


        How about more contests? I’d like to have contests like the one when we created our own deluxe item of the year!

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      • #971006


        Back when I was younger, i loved webkinz (starting around 7 years ago). I eould really love to see the old webkinz again. I understand making some games cost actual money, and this “Deluxe membership” stuff, the economy isnt the best these days. But the format overall is something I really miss. I think there should be different format options for players. I would pay a good deal of money just to see and play that old webkinz website i loved so much as a kid.

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        • #1087768


          I am with you on that OmgItsmLol! I would love to have the old layout. (In fact I wish they would do this for other gaming websites too.)

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      • #985306


        I would love it if we could get the correct answer after the Jelly Bean Challenge! All these years guessing and never knowing if I am even close! Would love to know what the amount actually is!

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        • #1100814


          RIGHT! I mean, I only got it once when only there was three jelly beans and I really think that the prizes are great (I think, I don’t remember what I won), but, I want to earn more of those prizes! Please, can you do this Ganz! PLEASE! ………………………………………………………. Okay, that just sounded melodramatic but oh well, can you please look into this.

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        • #1370546


          I AGREE

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        • #2385929

          I think I remember reading somewhere several years ago that all players viewed the same jellybean jar. When someone guessed the correct number, the next person to try saw a different amount. With this system, telling us the correct answer after we ran out of guesses would open the door for cheating. Of course, they could just change the system so that everyone saw a “random” amount. By the way, I guessed it correctly once at 10,000 when it appeared full. (I’ve also been close several times using that number as a guide.)

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      • #990658


        Hey Ganz, I don’t know what you guys did but now when I play the new Jumbleberry Blast game – it doesn’t give you your Kinzcash when you finish playing it anymore. Please fix this! Thank’s.

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      • #990745


        Hey designer team, I’m not trying to sound ungrateful or rude or anything! But honestly, I think the Estore needs a structural upgrade. If I didn’t know that the Estore was truly owned by Ganz, I would be thinking “what is this?” There’s just something about the layout that isn’t professional-looking. I think, (and this is just my personal opinion, please don’t be offended!) that you should give the Estore and maybe WKN a makeover, and I bet you’d sell a lot more stuff! I know I sounded a little rude in that comment, but I said it as nicely as I could. :) :)

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      • #996348


        Epic idea!

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      • #1001981


        As a tae kwon do practitioner, I would really, really like it if there was a martial arts school room theme (that can be purchased with KinzCash, preferably), and some outfits to go with it (uniforms, belts, etc.). Thanks! -IceStorm13

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        • #2366989

          I do taekwondo too and I love that idea. IT SOUNDS AMAZING- anyway you seem like a cool guy. I wanna add you, user is LottieandJack.

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        • #2453349


          I would love this so much!

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      • #1012570


        OOh I like that idea, of Donating an amount to the species!

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      • #1087767


        Way to go FerretFriend! I LOVE that idea and I would SO buy an endangered webkinz, just to help out a good cause! :)

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      • #1099410


        The wish fatcory is EXPENSIVE!!!! Many people don’t have enough tokens to purchase items such as the Campkinz Pool which is I think 100 tokens. The prices are as high as 300! I have been saving up since last year and have only gotten 13 tokens! Please change this!

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        • #1182859


          and almost forgot something, there could be Wish Token capsules sold in vending machines in stores like Walmart too? and the numbers could range anywhere from 1 wish token to 100!

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        • #2400363

          yes. I wish you didn’t have to save 10 tokens just to open the wish factory.

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      • #1106146

        no, you know what i would really love? if webkinz didnt make your account expire after a year of not buying pets… my account just expired and now i can literally play like ten games in the arcade and i cant play quizzys games!(ETC) i’m sure a bunch of you are deluxe members, but if you aren’t, then i’m sure you know what i’m talking about and how i am feeling. i know there’s nothing that I/we can change, but this would make Webkinz alot more fun. i also like your idea

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        • #2389725

          I agree

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        • #2517499


          wow i just realised that you have to buy a pet EVERY YEAR just to have a full account. i really cant believe how unfair that is. THERE ARE TWO THINGS I THINK PEOPLE ASK FOR OVER AND OVER. please let us change our webkinz names . and please let us delete unwanted rooms. thanks webkinz loved this game since i was seven.

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      • #1112174


        Yes! ferretfriend, but not the replacing the signature, but that is a great idea!

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      • #1162188


        Great idea!

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      • #1164075

        I would love if webkinz realesd a wallpaper of your own closet! I have so many clothes in webkinz and all my clothing slots are full, and the storages in all my pets rooms also are! I made an extra room called closet but it would be really awesome if it had the closet feel to it!! And also I really hope they can update the webkinz mobile for things like the kinzville academy!!

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        • #2366983

          Yeah, the Webkinz app doesn’t have that fun style like the PC version, we need the academy on it, the park, treehouse, shops etc! – LottieandJack

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      • #1840387


        thats such a wonderful idea!!

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      • #2271413


        Is it possible to check on peoples fireworks display panels, as my panel no. 5 blinks a big red rectangle on my screen. Am I the only one this is happening to? Any help would be greatly appreciated! ~Rubadubba2

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      • #2377967


        same dude, I’d love to see some endangered animals line. I have some animal examples for the line Such as przewalski’s horse (An Endangered Wild Horse breed from Mongolia), Komodo dragon. The Galapagos tortoise, Axolotls, and maybe the Japanese Giant Salamanders. I think they’d be cool pets just to add to webkinz in general tbh. Feel free to add on guys.

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      • #2401909


        i would life a red baseball bayying helmet

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      • #2453347


        I would love that as well!!

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    2. #873065


      Ganz I suggest that y’all needed to add 5 seconds to the Strength Class in the Kinzville Academy, for the last level it’s impossible to pass anymore and I’m so close to passing!

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      • #873344

        I support markg97′s idea about adding a few more seconds to the Strength class! ~MORHB~ ps. hi Mark, hope all is going well.

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        • #873897


          And bring back the Tutor Option!!!! Uh, please.

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          • #875311


            I like the ideal of the Tutor Option being brought back.

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          • #876891


            I too would like to see the Tutor Option come back!! I have been at the same point now for 2 years on level 9 for Strength, Agility, and Speed. Most of the time, the timing between when I ckick on the strength and when the computer responds is off and I usually can’t get more than three quarters of the target number. The Speed spinner completely disappears once I start and I can’t get the meter to register. Lately the Agility timing is off too and I can’t even begin to judge when to jump because it isn’t consistent. I use library computers and they really aren’t old so there seems to be no reason for the problems I am having. I have become so discouraged with these 3 classes, that I don’t hardly bother to try any more. Getting the Tutor Option back would definitely help me to complete these 3 classes so I can complete Kinzville Academy for my first pet Greatheart, my Clydesdale which I adopted back in September of 2007. Please consider bringing back the Tutor Option for Kinzville Academy, Ganz!!! It may be the only way poor Greatheart can graduate!!

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            • #892397


              What’s the tutor option? it sound SO cool!

          • #905453

            tell me what it is, please.

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        • #873635


          Thanks for supporting ~MORHB~ what level are you on (i’m on level 9) and everything is going well, hope the same with your family. And it’s nice talking to you on the forums again do you think LambTyler, Atomton, and Dogfish will come back? See you around W.W.

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          • #874666

            I have seen crissy, LT and atom post once or twice on here. I don’t know about DF, but I hope she will come back and get in touch with people again. ~MORHB~

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            • #879843


              my sister princess wants a mth puppy and a glitter zebra.she wants the math puppy to be white with math symbls all over it and would like you to try to make it a plush.she wants the glitter zebbra to be pink with spakly pink stripes and also wants you to try to make it a plushe.i know princess has webkinz newz account but she wanted me to say this because more people would notice it so i did what she said. ~tiger and princess~

            • #910307


              Hey guys! I hear all these comments about wanting to transfer webkinz onto other accounts. Well, I am here to say NO! Do not change this, Ganz! As we all know, people are getting scammed every day on webkinz and people are stealing their stuff! What would happen if someone hacked into your account, stole your rooms AND your pets! Imagine losing your absolute favourite pet you’ve had forever! What happens with you give all your pets? Is your account gone completely? Ganz, this is a very, very bad idea! So much could go wrong! You could lose your entire account! DO NOT agree to this idea! ~Thanks, Piper65PH

        • #990660


          They should do this and make the width of the goal bars bigger all the way to the end of the class, nobody is ever going to complete this class the way that it is. None of my pets will ever get their diploma if it isn’t changed.

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      • #873332


        I so agree markg97. I have two pets that only have this class left and have been on level 9 for more than a year. I need more time or an even better option for me is to bring back the tutor option where you pay to pass the class. That used to be an option back before classes were free. I really wish the tutor option was still available. Please, please Webkinz, bring back the tutor option OR add some time to the strength class. Thnx!!

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        • #873898


          Oh sorry Chiny, didn’t see your comment. But I think the Tutor Option should be brought back, ’cause my computer is CONSTANTLY freezing up.

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          • #878067


            I know the Group Chat With the ‘Kinz thingy is supposed to be only with them talking, but I think we should be able to speak with them too! Please?

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            • #878876


              I think that would be fun, but unfortunately, it might not work out well (there might be too many comments for them to reply to, etc.). There was a topic before the update that was really fun; it was simply called “Kinz Chat” and you could create your own Webkinz character and have your character interact with others, in a similar fashion that the “‘Kinz Group Chat” employs. The topic was archived after the changes, which is really too bad, but it was for the best. (After all, it’s easier for the mods to review comments now!)

        • #875325


          Contrats on making it to level 9. I passed every class except for strength. I’m stuck on level 7. I get to one lift left and run out of time. Either adding time or making the target area larger would help a lot. I don’t remember what the tutor was about. I really would like to graduate!!!

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        • #882387


          i mean math puppy

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        • #899479


          yes to the tutoring thing. Please ganz! have some mercy on our poor exhausted webkinz ;-)

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      • #873260


        I totally know what you mean!! I am sooo stuck! I’m stuck on several of the classes. I wish we could skip levels with KinzCash or even epoints. When I first started you could buy your levels. It is really hard to compete in the Stadium with older users who bought their diplomas. I wish we could do that again!!

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      • #873769


        OMGosh!! Ganz, YES YES YES. Level nine strength is a nightmare! I just CANNOT get any higher. Saw a post below, and remember Becky said same before, about tutor class and being able to “buy” one’s way up. I do not know how that worked, and it sounds unjust if only open to deluxe, so I think I would not want that, but Ganz, PLEASE, a little more time?!!

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        • #874380


          Hi Elizabeh, I didn’t really know what tutor was (until I read chiny post) either, I do remember Becky saying something about it though, and I would like that option also added back (and yes it would be unjust if it was for deluxe or had to paid with eStore points). See you around W.W.

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          • #874625


            Yep back when they had tutor I didn’t need it. I was new and the lower levels are easy. Plus back then 200KC was a lot of money money for me. I can afford it now. And back then there wasn’t any Deluxe only stuff. I bet the people who are winning all the contest are the ones who took advantage of the tutoring back then. The only tournaments I have ever been able to win are the quick ones. I don’t even place with the other contest.

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            • #875314


              Becky71W I have won some of the tournaments with pets that never had the Tutoring. I remember the tutoring option too. I did not need it then, but now with a new computer most definitely need it now.

            • #875589


              Same here, Becky. Even with my pets having reached level 10, and some pets with no fails and high scores, I usually place pretty far down. I’ve given up on large contests. :( I did place second in a large Amateur Cooking contest once! with my hedgehog Herriot James.

            • #880292


              Becky, good to see you! (hugs) Yes I agree, Back then in webkinz, ALOT of stuff was avaible to all. Which I miss that. I miss everything really that was in 2007 (when I began playing). -Gracie

          • #878880


            I wouldn’t say that bringing it back as a Deluxe or Estore option is unjust, per se, but it is true that it would be rather vexing to those who have only full membership. Buying your way to the top is kind of unfair to begin with, in my opinion, but if I had to have it I’d rather it be a side option. In fact, this is a very good example of something that should be Deluxe or Estore; the only reason I’d be reluctant to make it this way is because almost half of the features of the site are also Deluxe and Estore (including things that were available to full members before!).

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            • #880293


              Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D @Fracktail exactly! I am a full member but it costs me $49.45 which is good but unfair to others I agree! -Gracie

            • #927052

              I don’t like the Deluxe thing, good to make money, just a lot. And, I’m not complaining because I’m not, just ’cause so much is locked! It gets really annoying…………………….

      • #881670


        oh, yes, please! markg97 is totally right about adding time to the strength class! all of the classes get really difficult at the higher levels. i can’t imagine a child being able to do them!

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    3. #873042


      How about a coupon storage container of some type? I have over 20 coupons, and would really like to be able to store them. One of my daughters has over 80 (no, she never uses them,) and complains all the time that they’re cluttering up her dock. (She’s also obsessed with keeping her dock as small as she can.)

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      • #873373


        Good idea kinz should do that!

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      • #873341

        I have asked about this before. I would love to have a coupon book. Separated in sections for wshop, bingoz, wow and whatever other coupons there are. Have a couple sections for each coupon (3 or 4 for wshop) that allows 10 coupons per section. It would be nice to be able to put it in our rooms like the Trading Card books too. Great suggestion Linden!! ~MORHB~

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        • #873864


          great idea momofredheadboys wish i had thought about it

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        • #873883

          They need curio shop coupons!

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          • #905033

            i know right!

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        • #873857


          good idea morhb!

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        • #873799


          There are so GREAT ideas on here!! That would be a dream come true for me because I love the coupons and half the time whenever I get a free coupon on Daily Activities, it messes up and I end up getting no coupon (has anyone else had this problem??) so I would love to be able to purchase a coupon book from the wshop! ~Queen

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        • #924671


          That would be cool. And it would be even cooler if you could get it in different colors. And if you could add your own notes. And I would like (love) it if you want to be my friend on WW. My username is Sage974. (No space)

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      • #873257


        Great idea! Something that stores your coupons is a very clever idea!

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      • #878168


        Yeah, that’s a good idea, Linden! :)

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      • #879508


        Linden, did u know u can sell coupons at the WShop? you only get 5kc for them, but it’s worth it to get rid of all those smallish ones. and u can turn the biggies (over 50%) into cash. buy the superstove from the furniture/kitchen tab using your coupon and then sell it back. the WShop pays 50% of the purchase price back, so it you use a 60% coupon on a 2,000 kc item, you come out ahead by 200 kc. if you use a 90% coupon, on a 2,000 kc item, you come out ahead by 800 kc. hope it helps!

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    4. #872968


      Hello again. I’m happy to see the SUGGESTIONS forum open. I have wished for wall hung kitchen cabinets. They could be used as a storage item, but if not, I think they would really make a kitchen or bathroom look more complete. Some could look like glass front or solid door. I hope someone likes this idea. Eilish

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      • #872994


        I love your idea! I hope that comes to an upcoming theme

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        • #873083


          I also like your idea!

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          • #910312


            Hey ganz! Why can’t we edit our doors? We could buy new doors, and then place them where we want in the room! There could be designed doors, and they could be big, small or like an elevator! (NOT ONLY FOR DELUXE MEMBERS, FOR EVERYBODY!)

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            • #2389131

              I agree. Why can we move the doors to the side instead of just having them be in the middle. Sometimes, the doors get in the way of my room placement.

      • #873372


        yes cabnits that hang would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! My kitchen walls looks so boring without them :(

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        • #2280303

          Upper cabinets are a great idea.

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      • #873343

        Supports Eilish’s idea about hanging cabinets! ~MORHB~

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        • #908753


          I have wrote an idea for a new pet for Ganz to make! Its on page 111. If anyone wants to friend request me my username is isavic31. Btw i’m getting a new webkinz soon! Its a pink and white dog and her name is going to be Bubblegum! Peace =D

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      • #873318


        i love that suggestion ellish

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      • #873856


        i love that idea elish and redgreen!!!!

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      • #873802


        YES! I’ve been wanting these for 5 years xD More modern/realistic kitchen items in general would be awesome: I’d like counters to fit together better and not have that divider line, granite/marble counters would look awesome, on wall microwaves built into the storage cabinets, more kitchen flooring (tile), and shelves with plates/jars and such. Maybe make a new modern kitchen room theme for the estore? The current estore kitchen theme doesn’t totally cut it.

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        • #873823


          How about a Webkinz White Wolf? I think a lot of people want it. Others don’t because they say it looks like the Arctic Fox, but What about the Puggle Pup? It looks like the Pug. Besides, it doesn’t look THAT much like the Arctic Fox (If it’s made how I imagine it). I’m working on a drawing of what I think it should look like, but I can’t get the side view of the pet right. Please consider this idea, Ganz.

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          • #908371


            I would love a white wolf! The timber wolf and red wolf is so cute. But a white wolf would be so awesome!

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        • #909317


          Hey, Ganz! First of all, I just want to shout out that you are totally awesome! I have a problem I’d like you check up on. Since I adopted a tawny pup, I received what is said to be a “Tawny Pup Gift Box”. I’ve tried and TRIED to open it, but it won’t work! It’s annoying, every time I try to open it, webkinz logs me out with the excuse “We can’t connect to webkinz world, please try again later.” It SuCkS! I can’t even receive my tawny pup psi! Please try to fix this horrible glitch!

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      • #873798


        Girl I had the same idea!! It would make the kitchen look so expensive!! I love it ;) ~Queen

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      • #873642


        I like this idea, cabinets would provide additional storage and look nice! Good suggestion!!

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        • #875941

          I would definitely like it if they made a kitchen set with actual cabinets and drawers. It would look real and more cozier. Good Idea!!!

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      • #879501


        love the idea! i really would like to have more storage space, esp in the kitchen!

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      • #887571


        Love your idea, Eilish! My kitchen could really use some cabinets.

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      • #903074

        another awesome idea

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      • #911635


        Glass door shower, or sliding glass door shower! We need a modern bathroom theme, in gray or gray-blue, with real looking tile floors. I hope these become real, KAS.

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      • #913480


        Also, for a while I have always thought that it would be really cool if we could have doors. I mean it’s just a plain white door in Webkinz, but if we could buy doors I think it would look great. One of my Webkinz is a girl and her name is Lil’ Leena and her room is super girlified and pink pink pink! So why not add a super cute pink bow door to match her pink bow room theme? In fact why not have doors that match all the room themes? I think this would be a great addition to the room themes. What do you think people!!

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      • #914472


        i remember when you first posted this idea and i loved it then and i wonder why we never hear anything about our suggestions, especially the really good ones like this.

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    5. #872967


      Well a while back there was a user who had a suggestion for a cool Newbornz webkinz! (so do not give me credit for this) They would be sort of like lil’ kinz but they’d look like the Newborn version of the pet. And that would put good use to the Nursery room. well the newbronz PSF would just be baby food. For every Webkinz Newbornz it would be Babyfood. I just know webkinz newbornz would be a great addition to the Webkinz Familly

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      • #872997


        Would this newbornz webkinz be able to move around, or just lay there (like a newborn)? I don’t quite get the concept. Maybe they could be moved around in a stroller.

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        • #873331


          maybe they would crawl , btw love the idea

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          • #873797


            I LOVE this idea!! I have a nursery room so I just pretend that my Mazin’ Hamsters are babies because they are the only ones who look like babies! Plus I just love babies so this idea should TOTALLY happen ~Queen

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            • #874547

              My babies are lil kinz and kinz clips.

            • #882443


              I love this idea too! Or what if the Webkinz Newbornz could just be kinzklips?? That way Webkinz could just make a virtual part of it and then the kinzklips aren’t just access to one thing!

            • #937922


              I Also LOVE that idea!

          • #873722


            crawling would be very cute!

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            • #876821


              we should all put this suggestion for new borns in the suggestion thing on our webkinz account if enough ppl ask for it it might happen just remember to give ppl credet :) add me my UN is mackadd. :)

            • #887951

              i would love that

            • #893973


              ooooh yeah totally awesome! i also think a action where the pet cocks its head left or right would be totally cute! =)

            • #919683

              if the kinz klip idea would happen i cant find any kinz klips except online!

            • #927050

              Crawling and newborn Webkinz isn’t the best idea, but that would be cute. :)

          • #905498


            I think we should be able to feed our pets directly from the Wshop. It’s annoying how we have to leave THEN feed our pets THEN see if we need to go back to the Wshop AGAIN to buy enough food to satisfy our pets! If we could feed them AT the Wshop, then we automatically know if we need to buy more food while we are still in the food section. Sometimes, I have to go back five or six times! Please help, Webkinz World! (if anyone agrees with me, please say so!)

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            • #915323


              PLLLLLLEEEEAAAASSSSEEE make a Russian Blue Cat, Ganz! it could be be bluish-gray with silver parts on the chest,ears,ans paws and silver ovals on top of the eyes. the eyes can be green and there are three dark rings around the tail.

            • #917796


              Actually, if you buy a number of things ahead you will have a variety in your dock. I have so much foo(in my dock from gifts and prizes that I never go to the w store for food unless I am making something. S

            • #917797


              Actually, if you buy a number of things ahead you will have a variety in your dock. I have so much food(in my dock from gifts and prizes that I never go to the w store for food unless I am making something. S

            • #919684

              webkinz please make more signatures and please make a cupid pup with a little bow and arrows on its back or a vampire pup or werewolf pup those would be so cute and how do you enter a webkinz design contest!?

          • #908326

            And maybe on their icon where it shows their happiness, healthiness, and hungriness, the newbornz will cry when there hungry. And when they are sick they can go to the doctor and Dr. Quack will give them a shot! If you would like to friend me on Webkinz my username is Poody678! ~doodlepoodle~

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            • #915690


              Dr.Quack is leaving

            • #919682

              your doctor quack idea just backfired because doctor quack is retiring which means he is not going to be in webkinz world any more so you cant go visit him if your pet is sick and i wish doctor quack was not retiring because what if your pet is sick i think its stupid that doctor quack is retiring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        • #873222


          I never really thought of that… a Stroller would be good. I kinda need help with this part… :D

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        • #884438

          I think the newbornz idea is cute. I actually was going to suggest that because the have a nursery room theme that you can buy. I have it so it would be nice to have a baby webkinz to use!:)

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          • #887972


            Go newbornz webkinz!

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      • #873376


        Good idea redgreen :) that would be so cute! Alos some suggestions is u could bring the Webkinz Super Fan theme back to the W-shop for one day! I miss that theme and need some more furniture peices to complete my room :) Also I was thinking that kinz should change out some of the prizes for the ganzworld rewards on Webkinz newz because I have almost all the prizes and I would love to see new ones! Also a suggestion for a new Webkinz would be how about a Mustache puppyz? Or a fall squrlle that has a leaf desighn on it :) also I hope u will make the clothing store room theme and the other themes from the “pick your next room theme contest” that was when the Toadstool theme won ;) I like the Toadstool theme but I hope kinz will make the other room themes too :)

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        • #873855


          hey! i think ganz should make a rushin blue cat and a black pug! the rushin blue could be gray with 3 black rings on its tail and silver tips and the black pug could be all black with a little white and brown eyes! i don’t know about a psi or psf for them yet. these ides were not mine! i only thought of how they should look like! i had the idea for the rushin blue since i got my pet rushin blue though. WHO agrees WITH my IDEAS!

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          • #879497


            i especially like ur idea for the Russian cat. idk about the dog bc there are so many dogs already, but we could use more cats!

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            • #882384


              thanks avzoragw!!! actully the black pug is my friends idea,not mine.i have my own russian blue cat and she looks excactly like how i want the webkinz,thats were i got the idea.

            • #884439

              I think that we can’t have to much stuff so we could use different things of everything!!!:)

            • #914518


              maybe the Russian blue is a blue-ish gray and the PSI would be a Rushin’ Blue Sports Car w white wall tires and the PSF would be Blue Borscht (however you spell that!) which would be like beef veggie stew but the beef would be blue and the broth would be beet-colored.

            • #971803

              Oh my gosh i just thought of this we should have a hairless cat in webkinz world and as a plush!

          • #882731


            I LOOOOOOVE your ideas! I totally agree! They should also make a Munchkin and a Scottish Fold! Also, I think Ganz should make it so you can buy 100 of each color of zummies in the e-store for only 1000 e-store points! Would you look at my ideas down further on this page and tell me what you think of theme (and these!) Thanks! Lillia01 (Psalm 4:8)

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            • #887570


              Lillia01, I think that a Scottish Fold webkinz is a great idea. Scottish Folds are soooo cute! I hadn’t seen a Munchkin cat before you mentioned it, so I just looked them up and I think they look kinda like a cat version of the Dachshund. Haha :) I wonder how the Munchkin would look as a webkinz? :)

            • #914520


              a munchkin cat is a grrrreat idea! (in case anybody doesn’t know, it’s a cat with little short legs, like maybe 1/3 the length of a regular domestic cat. it’s a mutation that just appeared in the eastern half of the US and, for some reason, has lasted.) they’re really cute kitties! the PSI could be a bunk bed where the bottom bunk is almost flat on the floor bc the munchkin cat is sooo short. maybe it could be called the Munchkin Mini Bunk. and the PSF could be a Short Stack of Tuna Pancakes with a big glop of tartar sauce on top. Dear Ganz, please make this one fassssst bc i need one now! :D love to all!

          • #913406


            TigerKinzKG, I love pugs! I have a black pug and when I look up pictures of pugs or companies make stuffed animal pugs and there ALL fawn colored! I have four stuffed animal pugs, (I know, I’m crazy), and none of them are black! One of them is the Webkinz pug too. Also, do you mean Russian blue cat? But these are great ideas!

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            • #919686

              webkinz can you please make like insect webkinz like butterflies and ants and caterpillars and etc if you agree say insect

          • #919150

            Russian blues would rock! A white-with-orange-spots cat would be cool 2. tashiekins

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          • #937923


            I like the Idea about the Russian blue cat. They should also should make a non-signature, fluffy ragdoll cat that ACTUALLY looks like a Ragdoll, Because I have Ragdoll cats and hey look NOTHING like the webkinz signature ragdoll.

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        • #877509


          I think we should be able to wear belts over dresses and with skirts, and there should be sweaters we could wear over shirts and dresses.

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          • #878070


            Oh I bought the “Too Cool Baggy Pants” from the estore. There wasn’t a preview option, so I couldn’t see what it looked like beforehand. I used my free estore points, 2500 to be exact, and I tried them on my pet, and the UNDES hung out!!! Seriously?!? None of my pets like to do that! I can only hope something will block that part when I put it on. Ganz, can you PLEASE change what they look like? Oh and another thing: When I put venetian, masquerade, etc. masks on my arctic fox, they block the eyes. Can you change that too?

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            • #887788


              Oh, another clothing suggestion: I think that if your pet is wearing a clothing item that has a hood (Hoodies, Jackets, Cloaks, etc.), then you should have the option of putting the hood up or down. And if the pet is wearing a hat, then the hood would go over the hat. One more: I think earrings, necklaces, and bracelets would be a cool addition.

          • #879498


            ur totally right! it would be so much better if we could layer clothing items! also, i really need a black bow tie for my tuxedo cat, Clooney. i mean, come on, what’s a tuxedo without a bow tie? u know what else would be nice? if our clothing choices would show in the little pet window at the lower lefthand corner of the screen and in the tournament arena. love to all! :D

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            • #917795


              I need more of an assortment of hair things. Bows in different colors. I am tired of the huge bow on the forehead and would prefer the side bows. I am looking for green, yellow, red (on side) white, purple and black. These would coordinate their outfits much better. The ladies have very pretty hats and look cute in caps too, however, need bows! Such a simple thing to change the colors for more variety. S

            • #971801

              Toatally agree!! I love the girly hair bows and hats we have now but i do wish there was a larger selection of bows including one ear bows or to ear bows meaning one bow on each ear and i would really love tail bows for horses, monkey and the pegasus collection but mainly for long tailed animals. Like for the tip of the tail in rainbow assortment of colors!

          • #883919


            I wish we could wear a sweater over a shirt. ALSO Webkinz used to allow us to do an event once a day to win a prize, now it is every 24 hours. Some days I am allowed to play in the morning, other days it is for an hour in the evening. If the events are once a day then there are days I can’t do them because I did them late the day before. PLEASE switch back to at midnight the contests are reset. We would be so happy .

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          • #902599


            Agreed. :)

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          • #919687

            yeah i agree with pokekinz

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        • #879496


          really, really agree about the GanzWorld rewards! and, playnowpuppy, i don’t think i have any of the superfan theme, but if you let people know what specific pieces you’re looking for, someone will send them to you. kinz fans are awesome genrous people.

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        • #887971


          We need to switch out prizes!

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        • #905025

          i think that u ganz should put in the webkinz theme on webkinz day every year.

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      • #873261


        I like this idea too – how about making a diaper as a clothing item – maybe they could also come with a box for an outfit like the Rockers do – it would have a bonnet, bib, diaper and baby booties.

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        • #873742


          awwwww that sounds so cute! the new borns would be adorable in those!

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          • #873882

            You should make a Neon spot zebra! I think it would be cool. It would have a navy blue body with a yellow spot over its right eye. It’s body would be covered in spots of the colors orange yellow bright green and white! The mane and tail would kinda be like ribbons of the same four colors. The psi would be a neon trampoline which would look like a normal trampoline except that the center would be navy blue and the outer rim would change colors. It would go from Green to white to orange to yellow every bounce. The pet special food could be Spotted gumdrops of the same four colors. The pet box would have ears coming out the top of it and would still be spotted. Thanks for reading! Please tell me what you think of the idea or if it needs work in some areas!

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            • #874549

              lol or a striped giraffe would work….

            • #879500


              checkersleopard – wouldn’t a spotted zebra be a horse? either way, i really like ur ideas. idk y so many people seem to dislike fantastic animals and keep begging for more realistic ones. well, i like them, too. sounds cool, though. and i like ur color scheme idea.

            • #935922


              That is a good idea

          • #892461


            Um I would not want my webkinz running around in a baby outfit. No offense, but not my kind of clothes.

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            • #905027

              it doesn’t matter, they wouldn’t be running,they could be crawling. they could also have a pacifier.

        • #905456

          that would be super adorabbbbbbleeeeeee

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      • #873712


        great idea!

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      • #874621


        I don’t normally collect PSF’s but I would with this collection. As long as they were in baby food jars. Love the ideal.

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        • #876822


          or baby bottles….

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      • #875789

        That’s a awesome idea! The babies could even have the little onesies. That would be soo cute!!!!

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      • #876251


        There could be a series(like the rockerz) with baby animals. So you would have baby puppies, kittens, horses and even lions, foxes, monkeys, and giraffes. That would be really cute!

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        • #878071


          And wolf pups!!!!!!!! Woooooooolf Puuuuuups!!!!!

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          • #882549


            Aww, that would be so cute! I would really want to see baby dragons. That would be the most adorable thing ever!!! On an unrelated note, do you like Pokemon? (Just wondering because of your username. I love Pokemon, myself. :D)

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            • #883261


              Yep. Lucario for evaaaaaa! In case you didn’t guess, Lucario is my favorite Pokémon. I made up a sorta Pokémon imaginary game thingy, and the main character is a Lucario named Ricardo.

            • #883406


              Lucario’s awesome! I always tend to like the Pokémon that everyone else hates. For instance, I think Tangela is the most adorable thing to walk this (that?) planet. I don’t like the “conventionally cute” ones like Pikachu and Emolga that much because they look like the same face slapped onto a different creature. I don’t know why, but that just bothers me. >M< Also, I like Trubbish and Garbodor. I know they're supposed to look disgusting, but I can't help but love them! ;_; I am also quite possibly insane. Did I mention that? Because that happened.

            • #883470


              My favorite Pokemon is hands down Liepard!

            • #883621


              Me too! I LOVE Pokemon I like most video games anyway though… I have a Trainer card and a Growlithe card. I do like me a good Growlithe! LOL! My fav. Pokemon is…………. Heck I like all Pokemon! However I do really like Amaura and Nidoran. ANYWAYS or anyways ha ha… OKAY!!! How are you suppost to gat baby’s when first of all no lil kins second they don’t grow and are born 10! Glad to get THAT off the fingers… I think 10?

            • #883775


              Reply to Fracktail: Ikr? They all have the cheek pouches. And I can understand liking tangela, trubbish, and Garbodore. I also like Tyranatar. Idk if it’s popular or not. I have a female Tyranatar(Don’t judge me XD) named Jade. I generally like the older Pokemon. And Mewtwo is AWESOME! Btw, I think I’m crazy too. XD Would you want to friend, Fracktail?

            • #883837


              Tyranitar is an amazing Pokémon! Mewtwo is also so awesome, oh my gosh. I actually prefer like his original sprite in Red/Blue (unlike a lot of the original sprites; seriously, look up Golbat’s sprite in Red and Blue, it is so creepy and messed up), because it’s gross and slimy and actually looks like it would be the product of humans making artificial life (which is pretty much the whole point of Mewtwo). Regarding your friend request, that would be awesome! My Webkinz username is pinkpigpigpig (no capitals or spaces).

            • #883927


              OK, I’m Lilennarenna on WW. I can’t get on my computer very often any more, though…. Actually, I can’t get on my computer at all. I can sometimes get on the other computer.

            • #903088


              I love Pokémon also. I have a couple Pokémon games on Nintendo 64 and a few on Gameboy ds. my favorite Pokemons are Articuno, Celebi, Lugia, Moltres, Zapdos, Giratina, Electabuzz, Wartortle, Lucario, Arcanine, Farfetch’d, Kangaskhan, Magmar, Lapras, Ditto, Aerodactyl, Snorlax, Munchlax, Dragonair, Dragonite, Mew, Mewtwo, Togepi, Togetic, Slowking, Heracross, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Ho-Oh, Treecko, Sceptile, Grovyle, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Medicham, Meditite, Electrike, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Roselia, Swalot, Gulpin, Sharpedo, Carvanha, Wailmer, Wailord, Camerupt, Numel, Torkoal, & Spoink. I like a lot more but I’m getting tired of typing so I’m not typing anymore.

            • #937924


              And Maybe when you get a Dragon or a Bird newborn They could come in a egg.

            • #944036

              I love Pokémon as well! My fave is Meloetta, Kirlia, Ponyta, or Emolga I can’t decide.

        • #879842



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        • #881669


          lol! u could have little black tadpole babies for the frogs! wouldn’t that be funny?

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          • #882386


            yes exora!!! it would be cute too!

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        • #919152

          yeah! they could be even younger than the lil kinz so lil kinz would be in the middle!

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        • #944029

          That sounds so cute! I would totally adopt the baby fox.

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      • #879444


        i’ve been thinking about MiniKinz myself. when i was a kid, we were all crazy about any kind of baby critter. i think it would sell well as plush toys, too. imagine giving your little sweetie a momma dog with pups all of whom could come to life in Webkinz World! we would also want bibs, booties, baby food, baby bottles, a stroller to take the little one(s) for a walk in the park, etc., etc. MiniKinz would be about half the height of a regular kinz, though their heads would be proportionately larger. in the plush version, you could use the same fabric and even the same eyes – they would appear larger on a smaller head.

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      • #885959


        Yeah! you should totally do that ganz!

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      • #888577


        Wouldn’t it be fun to have baby “Peaches” from Ice Age? That would be cool! Whatever happened to the treasure hunts Gennelle? I loved those!!!!

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        • #905030

          that would be awesome, and also they could make other baby animals from other movies.

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      • #888890


        yes i think they should do that. tat would be awesome

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        • #888891


          please webkinz do this

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      • #894781


        I’m not sure if they did this already but how about making a police department or fire department ? I’m thinking about you mike lol that hound is my bro’s fav lol can’t wait to see what ganz have in store for us

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      • #894780


        Dear ganz, this is kinda cool that we have a mayor ! Can we have a vice mayor ? Maybe we can get a free pet and it can be a cow !!! I would name her cowabelle lol ganz I really love webkinz so plz don’t turn webkinz into a deluxe only site plz don’t :/ . I would be so sad if you did :( . -my9tail

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        • #926199


          I don’t think Webkinz would turn deluxe only.

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      • #895415


        cool whan are thay coming out?????

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      • #896543


        Love this idea!!!!:)

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      • #898028


        that is a cool idea about the newbornz, but I think we should have a choice if that was to happen. Like there could be a button that says “newbornz” or “webkinz” because if I got a really cool pet that I wanted to use right away, I wouldnt really want to go through a whole process before being able to take it around kinzville. Still cool idea. I also thought it was nice how redgreen made sure the other person got the credit for it :)

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      • #898647


        Hey Gennelle Webkinz! I think that there should be another room in the clubhouse. My idea was to make a “Creative room”. For all who is creative (like me). What do you think of this idea?

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        • #905032

          i like this idea and there could be some other rooms like; sherifs’ room, firehouse, sleeping room ( it would be filled with tons of beds ), and tons of other ideas.

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        • #924670


          I love the idea! You know what would be cool? If you could do art work and hang it up.

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      • #898651


        Gennelle, for the club house, i suggest there should be a new room called Creative room for all who is creative like me. What do you think o this idea?

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      • #903073

        i think thats a …….. great idea i would definitely get one if ganz sold them

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      • #903075

        i think what would be good is if they had more games in the magical forest and is if they had a demo for the deluxe games in the arcade and if they had more then only a few todays activities a day and vacation island weren’t only for deluxe members and if the kinsville shop were for everybody. those are my suggestions

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        • #937925


          YES!! Please change some of the Deluxe thing so non-members could do those things too!

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      • #903390

        WOW! Webkinz newbornz! Super cool idea! I have a BIG nursery room and what do we do with the room if there is no baby? NEWBORNZ! NEWBORNZ! NEWBORNZ! NEWBORNZ! I think that the e store stuff should stay at the e store Not the w-shop. Its driving me crazy i don’t have the money to get e store points. And there should be a wizerd of Oz room them and outfits. : D :)

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      • #903989


        Hey, cool idea! Maybe webkinz could make a baby clothing store, too, with diapers and adorable baby onesies, available only to nebornz! So cool!

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        • #913457


          About the Newbornz, how about we adopt them and then we can watch them grow into Webkinz! It’s just an idea but I think it’s cool. It could go through different stages like baby, toddler, kid, teenager, then a grown up Webkinz!!

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      • #905003


        Pet Idea: Devilish Dog Food: Hot Pocket from Hades Item: Flaming Inferno Bed

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      • #908369


        @Redgreen Yes, I think that is a good idea! It would be so fun!!! I would want the timber wolf baby and the red wolf baby! My sister wants a dachshund baby. xD

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      • #909959



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      • #910002

        this would be a great idea but would they make a verity of pets if do this would great but if not still a very good idea

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      • #910006


        Can you please add me on webkinz? My user is 37 Rusty. I need help. I wanna make a neon tutu, but I can’t buy the clothes because I’m not a full member. Can you please send them to me?

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        • #923447


          I would LOVE to send you one, but full members can’t send it to non members. :(

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          • #926200


            I thought it was just the other way around. And they are called free members webkinz everyones a member. I wish it were the same for amazing world. Just the title would make me feel happy.

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          • #926202


            Make a webkinz echidna, tenrec, pangolin, anteater (did you think people would confuse it with the aardvark?), ant, platypus (that has front legs and a tail) not a googles, a piggy bank pet, a rocking horse pet, a bee, a starfish, a gnar something its like an alligator and please make plush versions of the ladybug, the shimmering snake, and the polar gummy (It doesn’t have to be translucent, just have the colors.)

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          • #942043



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      • #910008


        Can you please help me? I wanna make the neon tutu, but I can’t buy the clothes because I’m not a full member. Add me please. My user is 37Rusty.

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      • #910009


        Can you please help me? I wanna make the neon tutu, but I can’t buy the clothes because I’m not a full member. Add me please. My user is 37Rusty. Send them to me

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      • #910010


        I need help. I wanna make the neon tutu, but I can’t buy the clothes because I’m not a full member. Add me please. My user is 37Rusty. If you add me, send me the recipe please. Thank you.

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        • #938663

          Hi! Are you still after the clothes for the neon tutu recipe? I’m kaiapolarbear. I’ll invite you and send them to you. I know what it’s like to wanna buy stuff you can’t cause it’s deluxe or full membership stuff. Still dreaming of being Deluxe :P

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      • #910311


        Hello, ganz! Could you maybe make a new feature we could very greatly use? I’m thinking our own docks! You would name your dock and add items you want to keep there. Kind of like a webkinz room! So you could have a psi dock, a rares dock, a food dock and a clothing dock, so trading would be so much easier to find what you need! They would be different then the dock we already have, because this one has a food and clothing category like the other one, but it is ONLY the items you want there, not just those items in front!

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      • #910359


        I think it would be a great idea to be able to get 50-100 estore points everyday for the I love my webkinz thing. Because not even deluxe people can get a lot of the cool estore stuff. I also would like it if you could send and trade estore stuff. I would be very happy if you would use this idea.

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      • #911634


        I don’t think newborns would work out (I am not a hater!). It would be hard to make. But, crawling and bringing baby clothes to the E-store would be awesome! Ganz, everybody likes these ideas, JUST MAKE IT HAPPEN! :D

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      • #912644


        Bring more rooms to kinz plus :) Make kinz chat plus all rooms again! I want to talk to my friends, i dont always want to trade. Then i decline peoples trades and they get mad! Also, bring back the red type in kinzchat plus. Its easier to just not be able to send it and have to re type… then saying something that sounds bad and getting banned. Half of the time, im banned, and its for no good reason, an accident… Red type would prevent stuff like that.

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      • #914470


        idk if anybody else suggested this (probably!) but i did months ago and thought they could be called MiniKinz and there could be, you know, like the Mommy and the Baby one, or the Daddy and the baby . . . . Kids seem to always like that. the psi could be a stroller where the adult kinz could walk the baby in the park or a cradle or a rocking horse and the psf would all be baby bottles and/or jars of baby food.

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      • #915969


        Good idea, red green! Okay, whoever got the idea. :D

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      • #919752


        OMG!!!! what a great idea count me in! (dont worry I know it was someone else I am not giving you credit) (but you did post that and I read it and now I know about it because of you do get some credit.)

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      • #922754


        OMG! count me in

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      • #923918


        Would they grow up in the account, or what? Are the pets something you buy or, do pets have kids?

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      • #930163


        OMG that is a great idea I`m in

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      • #930535



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      • #936759


        I was just playing around on my account on webkinz, and I wanted to see how much estore points cost. When the “Proceed to the estore?” page popped up, I noticed something: There are a bunch of webkinz on the page, and I realized Roberta (I think…) Rabbit was smiling in the background. Then I noticed there were braces on her teeth. BING! And that’s how I came up with the idea of Dr. Bunny’s Dentist clinic! It would be cool to have a dentist clinic, because the heath clinic retired a little while ago. So it would be AWESOME to take your pet in to see Dr. Bunny, and you can decide to put braces on your pet (for around 500 kinzcash and NOT DELUXE OR ESOTRE POINTS) Please respond to my idea, ganz! By Piper65PH

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      • #942276


        HERE IS MY AMAZING AWESOME IDEA: let’s let Free members/people whose webkinz accounts expired be able to do everything in the Kinzville Academy. When my account expired, it was TERRIBLE, because I couldn’t do Style, which was a key class for my pet, who was on her way to becoming a model. I couldn’t do Style, so I never got to the required level to compete in Amateur. Luckily, I found another webkinz pet that I hadn’t registered, but I only discovered it A YEAR after. There was also a lot of other things I couldn’t do, like send packages or play certain games. THAT IS OUTRAGEOUS. People should at least be allowed to send packages, right? Either way, they wouldn’t be allowed to play DELUXE games, so why deprive them of the few they have??? I won’t stand for this unfair treatment, and it DEFINITELY SHOULD NOT be tolerated. Thank you for your time. If you agree, please reply your opinions, because those who bought a plush pet in the first place shouldn’t be treated like they didn’t. GIVE US OUR RIGHTS!!! NO DISCRIMINATION AND FREEDOM FOR ALL!!!! ~Raindrop

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      • #944048

        This idea would get me to play and buy webkinz more. I think when you adopt a pet you should be able to other genders besides boy or girl. Please comment and agree. No hate comments allowed or they will be reported. :) ~ Veggie

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      • #946339


        That sounds cool. what about lil’ kinz tho? it’s basically the same thing, right? What about the food thing? Would it be stocked into the w shop? I’m a little bit confused. Also, if you make a new type of webkinz like that, they should add dating with opposite (not being mean) gender of webkinz so that having a baby in the game would make more sense. The people you date could be with another user or yourself, but you have to be friends with the other user because otherwise it might not be safe for the younger kids. But if you want to have two of your own webkinz date, then you do not have to friend yourself or make another account. Also, I like the idea of the newborn baby webkinz. that was just a suggestion. Please make trampolines work in the new webkinz version, and also what about loosing sleep and food when you play wishing well 2? WHAT ABOUT THE CARS??? AND SKATEBOARDS? :( please change htis! :)

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      • #950328


        These forums are not as organized as I would like. With this said, I am adding my general comment. Since the update on caring for your pet, I have noticed many glitches with items in the rooms. For example, I added my moon chair to my new pet’s room, but it is showing as “over sized” and outside of the appropriate field of the screen. When I attempt to remove and re-add it, it is still the same. Now, my new family prize, the stained glass solarium wallpaper is stuck wrapped around one of my outside rooms. I hope this can be fixed, and I do not know any other place to make my concern known. Finally, I will really like to see options added for selling rooms, or moving them to create a better house. I have many rooms, most of which I do not have pets for yet, but I am a happy pet owner of 18 Webkinz now. In addition, I have introduced my grandson to the wonderful world of Webkinz and my best friend who has recently become a Deluxe Member. I am not sure I will be upgrading my account to a Deluxe account anytime again in the near future. (Unless these problems get resolved, and caring for the pets is not so detailed. After all, with only 18 pets, there is no way I can fill each and every one of their hearts in the day. The most I have been able to do=4. LETS GET THIS SERVICE WORKING BETTER, SO WE CAN ENJOY OUR ACCOUNTS AGAIN!

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        • #950596

          Listen everyone. I know basically everybody “hates” the new Webkinz X ok? But read this. STOP CONPLANING OK!? The Webkinz team is trying their best to fix everything. It hurts my feelings that you might be hurting their feelings about it. I mean, they worked really hard to bring you Webkinz X. and they are still working really hard to please you! PLEASE GIVE THEM A BREAK!

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      • #950595

        GREAT IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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      • #952291


        I would be so happy if they did this, I have an entire nursery room (bought the whole theme and everything) and I only put lil’ kinz’s in it. I’d be so hyped if they actually did newborn webkinz… BABYKINZ xD

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      • #957321


        webkinz should make a griffin plush and a hippogriff

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    6. #876239


      I really like the idea of getting to create your own online pet but the pet would probably have to be pretty expensive (since they have to have someone do all the actual designing to make it computer-friendly) so I don’t know how practical it is. Maybe if they had some “create a webkinz” contests where the winners get their pets turned into a pet for everyone to buy :D What do you think? ~Queen

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    7. #878920


      Thanks for becoming my friend! I love chocolate, lemons, popcorn, caramel, most sweet things, avocados and tomatoes! I also love making things and writing and drawing! There is a little bit about me! OH! I also love reading! What inspired your usernames? My name isn’t actually Lillia, but when I was younger, that is the name I chose when playing, so I chose that! Anyway, have you seen the Sweet Tooth Tiger and Wintermint Reindeer? I love them! I really hope Ganz does this and maybe we could have crafty critterz again! And the pet of the month music videos. And I wish Webkinz would stop retiring pets! I am so excited about the Gingerbread Puppy! I bought the virtual one last year though, so now I’ll have to have two… Lillia01 (1 Timothy 2:4-6)

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    8. #1099620


      I really love the idea of the place where you can draw your webkinz and send it in and stuff, thats really cool!

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    9. #876254


      Yes, that’s also a good idea. I know mine isn’t very practical, it would just be so cool! Then everyone could have a custom-made pet! I think it would have to be more expensive, but maybe just that person gets their pet they designed and they post it on Webkinz Newz and if someone else wants it, they order it! About how expensive do you think it would be? Ganz would get a lot of money for Webkinz if they did this, though. I know there are websites where you send in a picture of something and they turn it into a plush, so I based my idea off of that. Lillia01 (2 Peter 2:4)

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    10. #876483


      I didn’t know that there were sites like that!! That’s awesome! I’m not sure how much the pet would cost, but I think it would be kind of a lot since it would be a plush AND online instead of just one or the other. I think if you really wanted to do it then it wouldn’t be a lot of money (I’m guesstimating maybe around $40?). I would LOVE for that to be a thing and if it’s at all possible then Ganz should DO IT! ~Queen

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    11. #876705


      Your guestimate is probably pretty accurate! I really wish they would do this because that would be amazing!!! Did you like my idea about the Christmas thing? That would be amazing if everyone got the pet instead of just selective members! Can I add you to my friends list, Queen? You’re super nice and encouraging and full of brilliant ideas! What’s your username? Thanks! Lillia01 (Ephesians 1:7-8)

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    12. #876893


      I would love to add you @Lillia01 ! I have two users: ConstanceContraire and LegitDisneyPrincess :) Add me on either one or both if you like! And your Christmas idea is right on! It would be a great way to celebrate the holidays to get a free pet (like when everyone got the free rabbit from Hop!)! I hope that Ganz does it! ~Queen

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    13. #882389


      how about a creat a tiger contest!!!!!!!

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    14. #884284


      Maybe they could create a “customizable” pet, like they do for the trick-or-treat jack-o’lantern… know, you have a basic pet and you choose among various options for ears, eyes, feet, colors, etc. That could give players unique pets while keeping prices down. What do you think?

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    15. #973312

      I was thinking everyone could get one plain animal of there choice just a white animal And they could customize it! And they could keep changing it! For example they could pick colors,patterns,patches,fur,maine,feather or scale color,eye color and lashes! I hope someone agrees with me

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    16. #1147125


      i like your username @queen

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    17. #892521


      What if there was a weather-based room theme? It could have things like a lightning-powered television, a bed made of clouds, a raincloud shower/bathtub, etc.

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    18. #893532


      I like your ideas that would be so cool. I wish there was a webkinz that could control the weather

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    19. #894102


      Great idea Fracktail! Maybe there could also be a Sunshine Lamp!

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    20. #895087

      Awesome idea Fracktail!!! XD!!! Want this!!!!

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    21. #902872


      Hi Fracktail. I think a weather based them would look cool. It could have a bed shaped like a cloud with lightning bolts on it. and a dresser & side tables with hail or snow on it. I would like a cloud shaped table with icicles hanging from it and chairs shaped like lightning. what do you think?

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    22. #905091


      I would love that!

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    23. #920455


      That’s a good idea. It might need some weather themed pets.

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    24. #923268



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    25. #940547


      i agree thunderstorm cat

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    26. #946337


      omg yea!

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    27. #950531

      I love your idea, Fracktail! Please friend me on webkinz! My webkinz username is the same as mine on here: goldenrose100

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    28. #952290


      That would be such a great idea. :D

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    29. #895254


      I think the Cloud Sheep and the Thunderbird sort of fit that aspect in a way. They also provide a sort of contrast between sun and storm, order and chaos. Very interesting. (Thus concludes Fracktail’s unnecessary analysis of Webkinz pets that are completely unrelated! And now back to your regular programming.)

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    30. #895474

      I like regular programming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woohooo!!!! XD!!!! TOO…….MUCH……..CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    31. #896038


      Regular programming for me is raving lunacy and general idiocy. I’m pretty sure my antenna has bad reception. (yay for television metaphors)

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    32. #896494


      Gaah why does my weather post keep on moving to the end???? It’s really weird. D:

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    33. #896539

      Hahaha :D actually I don’t watch tv very much at all AND if I do I like watching old timey shows…..comedy old timey shows…….like in black and white or when color just came out…….I KNOW I’m just weird in my own special way ;) HURR HURR! And I think it’s hilarious that your weather room theme idea keeps reposting on every page :D i re-read it every time!!! I’m NUTS XD!

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    34. #903087


      Hi Fracktail. My username is NITA007 please add me. I’ll even send you a gift as a thank you for adding me. It will be a random gift, like books, food, toys, I might even send you a rare or exclusive item. You don’t have to send me anything in return. The 0′s in my username are zeros.

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    35. #896557


      Could you guys at GANZ make a Gypsy Vanner Plush? I just discovered it and thought it was beautiful, but then I found out it was estore only. I would really like to see this pet as a plush.

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    36. #896919


      YOU MEAN LIKE LOONEY TUNES??? ‘Cuz Looney Tunes rocks my socks. When I watch TV I usually watch cartoons. Like Wander Over Yonder! And Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends I guess, but since that’s over it doesn’t really count. Speaking of television, it’s Christmas special season! (That’s when all the Christmas specials are ripe and ready to harvest.) And you know what that means…THE WIZARD OF OZ IS GONNA BE ON OH MY GOSH I’M GONNA WATCH IT SO MUCH

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    37. #898687


      totally!!! i loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove that movie! i finished watching that yesterday! so freakily awesome!!!!!

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    38. #898729


      I like the muppet wizard of oz.

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    39. #898938

      hahaha yeah looney tunes is pretty epic! Bugs. Dafy, and Elmer Fudd XD! But I mean OLD Old old timey shows…like way back then…in the 50′s or 60′s or something like that…..yeah I’m different teehee………. I forgot about foster’s home for imaginary friends!!!!! :O!!!! I use to watch that show ALL THE TIME!!!! but like all good shows… stopped running and disappeared :( poo…….. blue was hilarious though!!!! :D

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    40. #942224

      i like teen titans go and gravity falls but that is beside the point

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    41. #898693


      I KNOW RIGHT. It is the best. Also, I identify with the Scarecrow on a personal level. Probably due to our mutual lack of brains! (I’m just kidding, only one of us lacks brains. The other one is called Fracktail! :D)

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    42. #902485

      Did my post on page ninety four get on there? I can never see my own posts and i want to know if other people can! It is really annoying please fix this! Please tell me if you can see my posts.

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    43. #902598


      Awesome idea, Pokekinz!!! That would be so pretty! :)

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    44. #902604

      Nice idea Pokekinz! I love Gypsy Vanners. Especially if they are plush! :D I had an idea that they should make a beluga whale! That would be adorable! Also a whale shark would be cool, but somebody else suggested that.

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    45. #902605

      sorry wrong page.

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    46. #903072


      Heheh, it’s not much of an idea, since it’s just converting an estore pet into a plush. Thanks, though! Okay, I have another idea here: Could there maybe be a separate place on Ganz World that’s for older members, with less strict and less vague rules…?

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    47. #903708

      Could webkinz make it so your pets need more care? Like you know the happiness, hunger, and health bar? I think that they should add a sleep, cleanliness, and bathroom bar.Like for sleep when they get too tired then you need to put them to bed,and the cleanliness when that goes down they need a bath or to wash their paws and brush their teeth,and the bathroom means they need to use the well bathroom. Hope this makes sense and hope you all like it! Just think its a good idea. Even if you only put in one of those bars… Checkersleopard

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    48. #903764


      Oops. My reply to you, Checkersleopard, moved up to the top of this page for some reason. :|

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    49. #910773


      that’s a great idea!!! i think that would make people be more aware of their pets cleanliness. XD i think that you should be able to transfer Webkinz from one account to another.

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    50. #919149

      I think that’s an awesome idea! tashiekins

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    51. #946611

      I agree on the cleanliness and bathroom bars! I know this is an old post, but I gotta say I agree. It appears a site update created something like a sleep bar for WebkinzX

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    52. #910004

      I agree lillia01 why retire pets because some people just started collecting them like my neises but the ones they want are retired

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    53. #1147126


      whats your webkinz username you sound like me kind of i love makeing things drwaing i love reading and i love (1 Timothy 2:4-6) lillia01

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    54. #913769


      I think that’s a great idea. I have some pets I would love to transfer. I would also like to be able to hide the doors in my rooms.

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    55. #921008


      Crystal Snow Cat
      Breezy Bear
      Cloudy Cat
      Sunshine Snake
      Misty Mouse
      Lightning Lioness
      Rainy Rabbit

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    56. #942223

      yes i agree hi im new here but yes i totally agree.

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    57. #922295


      That’s a good idea.

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    58. #922897


      the pikas are really cute, but i think the pygmy rabbits are much cuter. i sure hope neither of these precious critters goes extinct! thx, MirandaElan! love to all! :D (Ganz, pls make a pygmy rabbit pet, maybe a Lil Kinz?)

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    59. #922898


      i just tried searching Kinzapedia under pets for “rabbit” and “bunny” and got an error message saying “Apologies, Nothing found for your search.” is Kinzapedia broken or getting worked on or something? thx!

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    60. #922905


      migrubbs, you seem like a sweetheart, so it’s hard to talk to you about this because i really don’t want to hurt your feelings. i also have ocd (obsessive compulsive disorder). sweetie, you need to get some help. do you have someone you can talk to about this? it’s something you can fight and you can have a better life once you beat your ocd. until you get in to see a good therapist, please try limiting yourself to one post a day of no more than ten pet suggestions. ok, honey? i wish you well! ur gonna have a great life!!!

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    61. #923281


      Ganz, what are you doing with the pages in Trading Forums? I go to post a trade and I’m on page 265 and then an hour later I log back in and I’m on page 65 and another hour goes by and I’m on 265 again and another hour goes by and I’m on page 65 again and another hour goes by and I’m on 265 AGAIN! I’m getting dizzy just typing this. I’m having a hard time trying to find my posts with all the pages being added and taken away on an hourly basis. I will go back 10 pages to see if my post is there and if it isn’t, I will post it again. I see way too many duplicate postings. This is what I PROPOSE you do: ONLY allow the current month postings and put the Current Postings on Page 1 and NOT on the last page like it is already. AND put a drop down box for the page numbers for us to pick what page we want to go to and find our postings. This would save on duplicate postings and we would be able to find our postings faster and answer the members we want to trade with faster too. The old postings you can put into archives and if we want to access the archives we would be able to. Please seriously think about this proposal. Thanks.

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    62. #924370


      keuka01 excellent idea i agree. only 1 month for trading, maybe set up archive info in a new tab

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    63. #936755


      Yeah, it takes wayyyy too much time looking for my post. I’ve posted 4 or 5 duplicates of the same thing more than once. And it takes too much time waiting for moderation. I really really wish Ganz will fix the problems with the forums so we can have a happy trading! Love your suggestions!

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    64. #940050


      I AGREE

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    65. #2284081

      Something like this would be quite useful across all of the forums.

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    66. #937592


      Hey @Pinkle2324, I completely agree with you. My comment took forever to get moderated, but then the next day when I checked on it, it wasn’t even there XP I guess my comment had something “not meant for the Newz” on it lol anyways I was actually gonna make a suggestion! Ganz- I was planning on sending you a letter, but I have not been able to yet, so that’s why I am gonna post my ideas here, then probably send you a letter too xD Anyways, 1. I think that it would be a great idea if you where to actually let us type what we wanted to say onto our Kinz-Post letters! I think me, along with several other member would absolutely love to be able to message there friends exactly what they would like to say! 2. Instead of having around 50 parks, which most of the time are completely useless, you should make a new areas where kinz-chat plus member are able to meet! Once again, myself, along with a lot of other member would probably love this! 3. It would be nice if the red letters would not appear when your trying to type messages to your friends in the Kinz-ville park… cough cough.. 4. Maybe instead of having a bunch of online only pets, maybe you should take pets that have already been made, then sell there virtual one in the Estore! Hint-maybe the Signature Line would be nice? Or the lava dragon? Because I really want virtual lava dragon for my account but already have a lava dragon, I really do not want to use it code for value reasons, but that would be nice to be able to buy retired/older/Signature pets in the Estore! Since, If I where to just want a Signature Timber Wolf Code, and where to buy it off of one of the websites out there that sell anything. People could scam you by giving you a less valued pet code, a already used code, or nothing! I personally would not want to spend $50 on a code and have it be used… 5. A new pet line! I think that a new type of pet would be nice! Since there recently has not been a new rocker pet and since the Signature line is retired, I think that a new line would appeal to some members, wanting to collect a certain plush! I myself, do not really like the rocker pets except the Country Horse. Now that is cool looking xD Hopefully you will read all of this and I may be sending you a letter pretty soon (: What do the rest of you guys think? ~lavadraon~ aka ~Adventurekinz~

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    67. #1101207



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    68. #939270


      I agree with you about the letters. Either something like that or maybe can we have new letters in general? Since it’s webkinz’s tenth year XD

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    69. #940333


      Haha Ikr @Hhayes I have always wanted to be able to type our letters to people, It would be much more accurate, instead of “Meet me in the kinz ville park this afternoon” You might be able to say something like “Are you gonna be on this afternoon?” Or something to get it to be more exact (: It would make perfect sense to add it to Webkinz X since that’s “Keeping everything you love” with new things I guess, Maybe Ganz could have a regular Kinz chat mail and a Kinz chat plus mail! That would be better xD Since some people have just kinz chat, then others have plus.

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    70. #947878

      Hiding doors would be great. There are some rooms where only having certain doors even with rooms on all sides around it would make placing furniture a whole lot easier. It’s super annoying in my storage room where there are four doors and no matter what room I come from, or if I jump, my pet always appears at the door that is blocked and I have to move the storage container to let it through. There should maybe be a setting to decide what door your pet goes to when you jump in order to correct that.

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    71. #951941

      @thelonewolf I understand why you “hate” the new upgrade, but please consider this, THE WEBKINZ TEAM HAS WORKED VERY HARD TO BRING THIS UPDATED TO US AND NOW WE ARE THROWING IT IN THERE FACE. It hurts my feelings that we might be hurting their feelings… so please at least keep your bad comments to yourself. The webkinz team is trying to get everything back to normal. Thank You!

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    72. #952376



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    73. #952103



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    74. #994735


      @Chloe_Webkinz your right

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    75. #953191

      Key Master

      We will be adding the “Speak to Pet” function back soon. I don’t have a timeline for it yet though.

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    76. #953994


      whaaa? whadayamean? tons of people are commenting they love it,

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    77. #958254


      I would really enjoy a whole new theme of prizes for the Spree bags. Maybe the current set of road pieces and traffic signs could be retired to a Wshop theme or Curio shop item. Maybe they could be replaced with pieces to build an airport or a hiking path with things like butterfly fields and frog marshes. Anything really. The current theme is just really old and it isn’t worth the effort to open bags anymore. Thanks for considering!

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    78. #1236256


      will it be only for members? What about non-members?

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    79. #1362664

      Yay!!! i’ve really missed it!!

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    80. #962630


      @ MirandaElan…I agree. I’ve felt that way for a long time. How many rooms with roads can an account handle, anyway?

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    81. #1089105

      THANK YOU MIRANDAELAN! Such a disappointment when all you get for one day is a shopping bag space that you don’t have.. I usually just end up sending what was in the shopping bags anyways.

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    82. #998605


      Users used to be able to make their own threads here a long time ago, but they took that functionality away after a while because there ended up being too many topics for the moderators to handle. Here’s some advice to make it easier to find pages: instead of clicking through the pages bar, go up into the URL bar on the top of your browser (that’s the place where you see the website name); at the end you should see “/page/274/“ somewhere (“274” being the page number). You can change that number to any existing page number, and when you go to that URL you’ll be directed to that page, without having to click through. Hope this helped!

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