Melody,Pink rockerz tutu,and priceless movie screen for trade!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Melody,Pink rockerz tutu,and priceless movie screen for trade!

This topic contains 16 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Madukayil 11 years, 6 months ago.

  • Author
  • #790883

    Hiya! I have melody, priceless movie screen,pink rockerz tutu, and also some other stuff. PLK if you want to trade.XD

    1. #793107

      Hiya guys! I now have wz jeans,elf hat, and elf shoes for trade! XD

    2. #792709

      Hallo there! What are you looking for in exchange for melody? PLMK if it still is for trade. Thanks! ~helloprettypanda~

    3. #792566


      I need the movie screen. Are rares ok? I have a lot you can choose.

    4. #792097


      I have psis I really NEED the movie screen!!

      • #792637

        BubbleGum5, that willl depend on what psi. I am only trading promo or big psi. And guys, I also have signature sly slide for trade, and shutsX2.

        • #794079

          That sounds very cool! I am in need of the sly slide. Please take a look at my trading list, it’s on page 2 of my wishlist forum.

      • #794700


        Jessica what do you want for the stuff- i really do not want or need anything but I would guess you want something……what are you looking for? There are so many nice people on this site you may get the items if you share what you are looking for in your trades….

    5. #791945


      What’s a priceless movie screen? I don’t remember there being one in year one, but if there was I would love it!! I am collecting priceless so please lmk! Thanks!! -Missy <3

      • #792636

        He inki14! I was actally not sure at first, but a few people offered big priceless for it. I was actally quite suprised to:) but I checked online and i think it is worth alot…you can check again if you want. BTW the things they offered were ponho,the forest dress thingX2,(retired promo), and white bunny. LMK if you still want to tradeXD And I also have green and blue lava lamps for trade if anyone is looking for it.:) I will also be posting more stuff for trade.

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