Monthly Deluxe Clothes for trade!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Monthly Deluxe Clothes for trade!

This topic contains 16 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  dogfish 12 years ago.

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  • #708551

    Wizard School Professors Robe (October 2012) Paint Can Cap (September 2012) Puppy Patrol Shirt (December 2010) Glittering Evening Gown (January 2013)
    Sleep Walking Hat (November 2012)
    DJ Headphones (Unknown)
    Ring Master Hat and Shirt (Unknown)
    PLMK if you are interested. I also have some other random clothes.

    1. #709904


      FROG – I could add something to the jacket, If you’d like… LMK

      • #709957


        Hi FF I already got the DJ for you, just need to send. You do still need it , right? DF

    2. #709184

      FF—-Hmm, DJ is little harder to do for the jacket. I understand if you don’t want to trade. I don’t think i need the mask. PLMK Pokefrevr——I’m on right now. Just friend tilliefrog.

      • #709199


        Hi frog, I may be a tad bit confused, but will you trade DJ for the prince jacket? PLMK If not what will you take for DJ? DF

        • #709213

          Dogfish—–Maybe, but probably not. I have been kinda looking for the racing helmet and jacket as i was not deluxe when those were released but i hear they are very valuable.

          • #709228


            Ok, I have just one set, I didn’t have deluxe back then either. It would be way easier for me to find DJ for ferret in the TR, Thanks anyway, DF

    3. #709159


      Oh, gotcha; sorry about that. Umm…Friend me on Webkinz and meet me in the trading room whenever you’re on. (=

    4. #709139


      Frog – I might do that…. I mostly wanted DJ, Though. I’ve been trying to get the low but popular clothes recently. I might have a silly skeleton mask somewhere… I’d have to search for more stuff, though. LMK

    5. #709131


      What does PLMK mean? And, I need the Glittering Evening Gown and DJ; I have Gold Sandals, Valentine’s Facepaint and PSI/rare. Thanks!

      • #709147

        Hi Pokefrevr! PLMK means please let me know. DJ is currently on hold for FF but the Gown is still available. What PSI do you have? PLMK

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