Home › Forums › Webkinz World – Archives › Moving Doors and Deleting\Relocating Rooms Petition 2
This topic contains 56 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by EarthLover22 11 years, 2 months ago.
December 24, 2013 at 11:43 am #841529
Alright Guys, I have started a forum like this before, but sadly it’s lost in all the jumble of forums. So, I have decided to start something very close to it, once again. The thirty four signatures I collected on my last petition WILL be counted toward this forum as well. Unless you request to have it removed. The user names of those who have previously signed may be added to this forum at a later date. I would also like to note that if you sign this petition you may not ask to have your name removed. We will be counting EVERY signature, and every comment, as a signature. This also means your name will only be counted as one signature no matter how many times you sign, or leave a comment. I hope this makes sense, I am sometimes known to be a bit confusing. Also, if you have a backup account, I WILL be counting this as another signature. So for example, on my last forum crissy135 and cutie135 signed. This is an example of backup accounts. I counted both as a signature, as they are different accounts. When you sign, there is absolutely no obligation to return, for any reason. However, I would GREATLY appreciate if you would kindly tell one friend about our petition, and kindly mention it may be a wonderful idea for them to sign. I am known to babble , so I won’t go on any longer, but, I do want to leave you with a statement as to WHY we do this. This is a community of members joining together, to stand for something we feel should be added to the site. We will not cease in fighting, by word of mouth, (note, in a very kind way) for are cause. I know allot of us put way to much time and effort into our rooms, to have our houses layouts destroyed by unwanted rooms, and doors. I hope you agree with me, and if you do PLEASE do not leave here without signing this petition. Thank you, we would highly appreciate you joining with us, designergirl101~
December 24, 2013 at 8:19 pm #841594
2011????? I knew I had been waiting a while but had no ides it was that long. I have a real issue with the doors. I like to use estore walls a lot and the doors ruin my rooms. My house is shaped so weird from trying to avoid doors in the back walls. Well, now that I have more than two hundred pets on my main account, I have no good locations left for rooms. Who wants a door right in the middle of a big window? DF
December 25, 2013 at 10:00 am #841776
Sure! But it was on the last petition. I have every name from it in my above post!
December 25, 2013 at 9:08 pm #841911
Oops didn’t see also I am really starting to sing (for Christmas I got a karaoke machine after a little bit I am gonna do I knew you were trouble by Taylor Swift ) so yeah bye.
December 24, 2013 at 8:19 pm #841585
Good job guys, WOW I just posted a comment and it not visible! Which means its on a 2nd page! Oh ya, lets get this moving!
December 24, 2013 at 8:17 pm #841583
Alright-y good response so far! I have this list of those whom have signed on my last forum. So this is not alphabetical, but names appear in order signed. Take note; I will not be doing this every time somebody signs. This is just an informative post, so that you know whom all has signed. Other than this post, if you prefer to be updated, then you can do so yourself. By reading all the POSITIVE feedback we receive. I hope I don’t seem strict, but I do hope this is a VERY positive, EXTRA informative, SUPER fun forum. And frankly, it won’t be if we do not treat each other, and this matter, with the utmost respect. With no further ado, here are the pioneers in signing are first forum. Someday we will thank these forum members immensely! For they will have started the movement to make doors movable. dogfish, LambTyler, cruisingal, helloprettypanda, puppyluver13, designergirl101 (I’m counting myself, but you don;t have to thank me immensely), LarpDarp66, crissy135, cowgirllittlebear, momofredheadboys, Tennessee Frogs2, LoveWebkinzForeverGirl, cutieace, Artisticat, jami912, Charlestonian, cuddlyfur1, christinekc, Snowflake Pup Queen, caebff, Selly2008, e3459d, lila53, Madukayil, Elizabeh, cutie135, 4BubbaGump, smsmo, LesMisLover, sweetcupcake, markg97, liloldlady and Cosmosia. If you have signed here I thank you! You may ask to have your name removed however. Since these signatures are a transfer, the original petition. I see that as of now, three signatures are awaiting moderation. All of whom have never signed before! How exciting, there will soon be thirty seven signatures! Thank you all! :)
December 26, 2013 at 10:30 am #842005
I was just going to sign for support, when I read I signed the first petition. So instead I signed for the boys and my little niece, so two more supports. I will spread the word. Thanks for all the work you have done putting this together. ~MORHB~
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