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This topic contains 51 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by Useabelis 11 years, 8 months ago.
May 6, 2013 at 2:42 pm #756162
Hi! I have a musem(just some rooms filled with PSI’s) but I don’t use or add to it anymore. Does anyone want all the PSI’s for a museum for FREE? Just give me your Webkinz username and in about one to three months I’ll have them all sent to you through Kinzpost. But PLEASE use the PSI’s just for a museum, not for trading to get some stuff!!! You can show the museum to all your friends and they’ll be like “WOW!!! YOU’RE AWESOME!!!” That is the benefit of owning a museum! So please don’t trade them!!! My Webkinz username is friend2day.
May 14, 2013 at 3:06 pm #758566
I’m so sorry hlhf5, absilu1, and TerryTreefrog99099. I’m going to give them to Lambtyler and forest85. Lambtyler, you need to tell me your username so that I know who you are. Thanks!!!
May 13, 2013 at 4:06 pm #758092
hey lambtyler, i have psi clothing but, sorry, im not willing to give them away. my UN is friend2day. but i think were already friends. arent you Anigirls? please tell me your UN so that i know who you are. forest85 and lambtyler, you both asked for some psis, so ill need to divide them evenly between you both. is that okay? but PLEASE tell me your usenames or i wont know who you are.
May 9, 2013 at 4:48 pm #757377
Oh, cool! I guess you could say I have my own museum- its a room full of rare and psi items. What kind of things do you have? Any signature by chance? Oh, and my UN is same on Webkinz as it is here. I can’t believe that I might have signature in my rare room for free! Thank you. ~TerryTreefrog99099
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