
Home Forums Questions – Archives Museum?

This topic contains 51 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Useabelis 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #756162


    Hi! I have a musem(just some rooms filled with PSI’s) but I don’t use or add to it anymore. Does anyone want all the PSI’s for a museum for FREE? Just give me your Webkinz username and in about one to three months I’ll have them all sent to you through Kinzpost. But PLEASE use the PSI’s just for a museum, not for trading to get some stuff!!! You can show the museum to all your friends and they’ll be like “WOW!!! YOU’RE AWESOME!!!” That is the benefit of owning a museum! So please don’t trade them!!! My Webkinz username is friend2day.

    1. #762043


      Done!!! I don’t have any more PSI’s to give away! But I did keep a few that I couldn’t bear to give away. And yes, I know, it did not take one to three months to send them all like I said it would. I just thought it would take longer to send them all. I hope you enjoy your museums!!! It’s always tons of fun to collect things…. and to add to them! I’m planning on starting a museum again…. but this time I don’t plan on giving it away!!!

    2. #761068


      forest85, yeah! It’s okay if you put them in different rooms!

    3. #760382


      hey chilly thanks I just got your package and I thought who on earth just sent me these things? and then Im like oooohhhhhhh, I know who sent them. thanks again. do you mind if I use some of them in different rooms like bedrooms??

    4. #760372


      Okay! Sorry about the long wait LambTyler and forest85! I’ll start sending the PSIs!!!

    5. #758957


      Lambtyler!!!! I NEED YOUR USERNAME!!!!

      • #759653


        Hey I will add you and so you know who it is I will send you something small and you can send the psi back to that person. I don’t really like posting my UN online. Sorry for all the trouble. Just accept friend requests and so you know it is me I will send 3 apples from the w-shop!

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