My First Wishlist!

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  kittycupcake21 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #792056

    Hi everyone! Thanks for stopping by! This is my FIRST wishlist and there is a LOT of stuff on it. Thanks! Here it is: Neon plant, yin yang blossom, melody hat (really want), Pageant princess bed, sleeping dragon bed, candy pup tent, cinnamon bun bed, log lodge pool, yarn ball sofa, witch’s brew bathtub,summer watering hole, celebration throne, mad hatter chair (really want),mad hatter tea table (really want),puppy love couch, and bookworm bed. My username is Emilycat2011 so you can friend me. I can try to trade you for anything you have to give me but, I really only have curio shop only. Thank you!!!!!

    1. #792603


      Hi kittycupcake! I have the mad hatter tea table you’re looking for. I will trade it for an Aztec item if you have one. I also have the witch’s brew bathtub and pageant princess bed, but I would need something other than curio shop items for them. My user is yellowjeep17 like it is on here. Thanks!! -YJ17

      • #793462

        What would you like for those items? I do have a few rares. Thanks so much!!!

    2. #792590

      Hi! my user name is 1667740, and I have 2 items you wanted; the yarn ball bed, (I have two), and the bookworm bed. friend me if you want them!

      • #793359

        Thank you so much! Is there anything you want in return? If you want I have mideval wallpaper! Thanks!!!!!!

      • #795207


        My brother has the witch bathtub. He can mail it to me.

        • #804017

          Thanks, do you want anything in return? =^.^=kittycupcake

      • #804015

        Ok, I added you to my friends list. Thanks so much for the wonderful offer! :D =^.^= kittycupcake

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