Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives NAME THAT PONY!!!

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  chillylily 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #796410

    Ok, so this is basically a My Little Pony quiz. Someone has to give hints of a pony and another person has to try to guess name of that pony? Got it? Hints: I am a white Pegasus, my wings are tiny, my eyes are red, and I scream “YEAH!”. Can you guess the name of that pony?

    1. #800005

      easy one: pony with bubbles as her cutie mark!

    2. #798346

      Mrs.Cake, right?

    3. #797735


      Yes, his name is Snowflake! I have one too:I am a light blue Earth pony with a fluffly pink mane that sticks up. I LOVE SWEETS!

    4. #797651

      YES!!! Great job! On the wiki his name is Snowflake!

    5. #796663

      OMG I KNOW THIS!! Isn’t his name Snowflake or something? Kind of bulky and muscular? In the Wonderbolt Academy Episode?

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