******!!!-Naming Contest-!!!******

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This topic contains 327 replies, has 60 voices, and was last updated by  4444polarbears 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #642844

    yay it posted!! ok, the first pet is a stormy dragon!!


    1. #652675

      Names for a white tiger:
      Snow Shredder
      Ice Claw
      Frost Bite
      White Thunder
      Salt n\’ Pepper
      Cream Jewel
      Snow Dance

      $hinx =^D

    2. #652463



      P.S. i will be kinda busy for the next 8 days, but i will try to be on every now and then to check in on stuff ‘n stuff. :)

    3. #652419

      3rd place goes to…..iloveanimals1 with Songsofsilk!
      2nd place goes to…. SW with VioletFlight!!
      1st place goes to…… Stealthstorm with Lavenderfalls!!!

      Honorable Mentions:
      jopazy1 with Rain Light and A.R.G. with VioletWing!

      everyone did great, and when i say everyone, i mean everyone! ;)

      next pet is…… the white tiger!! Good luck and have fun!


    4. #652289

      anyone else? results will hopefully be today!


    5. #651832

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-08-16 at 04:30 PM

      princesscocol wrote on 2012-08-15 at 09:50 PM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-08-14 at 07:43 PM
      3rd place goes to… Topaz with FireDream!
      2nd place goes to… SW with SunsetGlow!!
      1st place goes to…. A.R.G. with Katniss!!! (she was known as “the girl on fire”)
      Honorable Mentions
      pc with Hot Chelle Rae and Jopazy1 with Racing wildfire!
      Next webkinz is…. the Silk Sparrow! Good luck and have fun!

      yay! at least an honorable mention! now silk sparrow names
      3.flora or flower
      4.butter milk or butter silk(random)
      6.grape juice
      8.purple princess
      11.silky smooth
      12.slipery or slipery slide(since it looks like it just took a bath.LOL.)
      14.may flower or may
      16.flitter or flutter
      hope i win! – pc:)

      hi, pc! u have 16 names, so please pick your top 15, and results can be soon after. no rush this time; i am actually kind of stalling to try to see if topaz has enough time 2 enter. good luck! (also good luck to all the others, of course. )

      sorry, instead take out petal.

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