Need a name for Spooky the Mazin Hamster

Home Forums Mazin’™ Hamsters – Archives Need a name for Spooky the Mazin Hamster

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Owlpaintingshoe997 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #823723

    Hey dudes and duets I need a Name for a Mazin Hamster Spooky . I was just going to call him spooky but I was wondering if there was any other good names for him. So post away . Owl out :D :) :D :) :D

    1. #827516


      Okay so yeah, those are some names!

    2. #827515


      I named mine Spooky but I guess there are some ideas. Let’s see: Ivy, Raven, and Pumpkin. Also Jack-o-Lantern if you don’t like Pumpkin. Thanks! You could also get it off of black cat names. I named my black cat Moonlight and my sis named hers Spooky and my mom, Boo.

    3. #826425

      Thank for all of the great names I like Spooks. I really hope it doesn’t make anyone mad that didn’t chose names ,and if you are mad at me please don’t be. But thanks for the spelling tip Snowflake Pup Queen and Lindsey7618 thanks for the name. I’m thinking about putting up a post for a name for a bubblegumasaurus but I think I was just going to name her Bubbles or bubble, but I might just name her myself. So thank you everyone !!!! – owl out :D

    4. #825407

      Karl, Barry, Michel, Mark, Tyler and I’m a lady okay just a clarification and you spelled dudet duet

      • #826421

        I’m sorry i’m not good at spelling at it was midnight when I type it up, so thanks for the names.

    5. #825322


      What about Spooks?

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