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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Teddwed88 11 years, 10 months ago.
April 30, 2013 at 4:57 pm #754197
Simply type in it’s Gender and species and name style I will then help with names! (Example: You: Cotton Candy Pup, Girl, real names. ME: kyle, lacey, Molly) ~teddwed88
May 6, 2013 at 3:53 pm #756033
hi! chesire cat: Girl: Katness (cat-ness), Anna Marie, Serendipity (ser-en-dip-pity) (means happy quincedence), Alicea (alice-uh),Cali. BOY: Faulon, Colice (caw-less). MagicalHippogriff- GIRL: Esme (es-may), Serendipity (ser-en-dip-pity) (means happy quincedence), Katness (cat-ness),Korell (core-elle), gazelle (guhz-elle), melace. Sorry for not many suggestions! (I had to re-write this 4 days late because of issues! :() bye XD
May 6, 2013 at 3:31 pm #756052
I need some Peace out puppy names: Peaceout Puppy, Girl, I would like some magical names and I don’t really like names like Peace and Hippie and stuff like that please though. Please and Thankyou!
May 8, 2013 at 4:50 pm #757063
ok!!! :). PEACEOUT PUPPY gen:GIRL type: MAGICAL: Esperanza(in Spanish it means hope),Hope, Shallean (shay-lean),Alice, Mallory, Faith, Serendipity (means happy quincidence), Cali, Mayle (may-lee), Daisy, Paisley, Rosey, Brooklyn, if you need more than respond :)
May 1, 2013 at 9:52 am #754455
hiya! i need two names. chesire cat, girl/boy, i was thinking something like Alice was going to be nice. 2. magicalhippogriff girl. majestic names
May 8, 2013 at 4:50 pm #757064
hi! chesire cat: Girl: Katness (cat-ness), Anna Marie, Serendipity (ser-en-dip-pity) (means happy quincedence), Alicea (alice-uh),Cali. BOY: Faulon, Colice (caw-less). MagicalHippogriff- GIRL: Esme (es-may), Serendipity (ser-en-dip-pity) (means happy quincedence), Katness (cat-ness),Korell (core-elle), gazelle (guhz-elle), melace. Sorry for not many suggestions! (I had to re-write this 4 days late because of issues! :( ) bye XD
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