Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives NEED DIVING BELL FLIPPERS?

This topic contains 29 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  GravityFallsDipper 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #631490


    i offer vauled clothes

    1. #631818

      Does anyone want my flippers?

    2. #631766


      all i want is charm and noone has it r wants to tade it if you have a heartand if you havecharm add e o webkinz woul an i want to trade with you because i have been looking fr charm for 3 years!!!! and isil have ot gotten it so if you wont to trade with me add me on webkinz my username is thorobreed thanks you for having a heart

    3. #631758

      thorobreed wrote on 2012-07-15 at 08:12 PM

      whats her user i will add her and does she want deer?

      Mislevs UN is beclev. I don’t know if she needs deer. She’s on a vacation I think. I was goimg to say VayK I think thats how you splee it short for vacation. I know I spelled some stuff wrong. LOL!

    4. #631756

      thorobreed wrote on 2012-07-15 at 08:35 PM

      oh i just looked it up its the wrong one i need the SCUBA top so sorry i dont want it any more sorry but im looking for the charm tiara and i will trade deer for it

      Okay. I don’t have scuba or charm, but good luck in your search.

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