Need help with fashion? No need to fear- just click right HERE!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Need help with fashion? No need to fear- just click right HERE!

This topic contains 44 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  HKSdancemomsfan10 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #657882

    Yay, it opened!!

    1. #658953

      Bostonterriersrule wrote on 2012-08-28 at 11:08 AM

      FluffySilly713 wrote on 2012-08-26 at 01:10 PM
      Hey guys! My friends and I would like to help YOU with fashion! Just tell us…
      Pet type:
      Pet gender:
      Specific items:
      Anything else:

      And we\’ll help you right away!

      blue purple pink
      classy fancy
      doesn’t matter
      a dress
      if you need help here i would gladly give it
      i own Fashion Party and Ce Ce’s Fashion Shop so i have some experience
      i will take a test if needed

      Sorry, we don’t really need help. So what I think will be best for your Yorkie is Blue Flannel shirt, Distressed Stretchy Jeans, White Hollywood Sunglasses, Purple Mod Hat, Blue Mary Janes shoes, and any kind of belt.


    2. #658695

      FluffySilly713 wrote on 2012-08-26 at 01:10 PM

      Hey guys! My friends and I would like to help YOU with fashion! Just tell us…
      Pet type:
      Pet gender:
      Specific items:
      Anything else:

      And we\’ll help you right away!

      blue purple pink
      classy fancy
      doesn’t matter
      a dress

      if you need help here i would gladly give it
      i own Fashion Party and Ce Ce’s Fashion Shop so i have some experience
      i will take a test if needed

    3. #658631

      Sorry guys I had karate and I’m not even done with homework but here’s the outfits:

      4pb- hey there! Here’s your outfits…
      Mohawk puppy:
      purple jeans (225) OR distressed stretchy jeans (315)
      dapper vest and shirt (80)
      dark shades (70) optional
      black and white sneakers (45)
      TOTAL: 420- 490

      cotton candy pup
      ballerina leotard (50)
      blue bow/sparkly pink now (15)
      layered skirt (200)
      ruffled sequin sandals (45)
      TOTAL: 310

      strawberry leopard:
      white Hollywood sunglasses (95)
      lime green shorts (80)
      groovy hearts swimtop/pink striped swimtop (30)
      fluorescent flip flops (75)
      TOTAL: 280

      if you’re not satisfied let us know and we can redo your outfits.

      here is your outfit:
      fall floral skirt (110)
      purple pajama top (35)
      ruffle sequin sandals (45)
      any bow of your choice (pink blue sparkly pink red) (15) OR pinypon clip (I can give you one if you don’t have one)

      if youre not satisfied let us know we can redo your outfit.


    4. #658597

      meandwebkinz wrote on 2012-08-27 at 11:44 AM

      FluffySilly713 wrote on 2012-08-26 at 01:10 PM
      Hey guys! My friends and I would like to help YOU with fashion! Just tell us…
      Pet type:
      Pet gender:
      Specific items:
      Anything else:

      And we\’ll help you right away!

      my pet type is a yorkie
      it’s a girl
      what do you mean by colors? Her favorite color is purple
      style is fantsy
      budget is anything up to 1,000 and under
      no specific items
      thanks your friend,

      Ok, so you like purple. hmmmm….. If you’re deluxe, you might have the purple pixie dress. If not, I cannot come up with anything that’s fantasy. So, what I can come up with is Purple Pajama Top, Star Fly Pants, Purple Mod Hat, High Cut Runners, Dog Bone Belt, And maybe White Hollywood Sunglasses. I’m sorry if my suggestion looks weird on your yorkie but I just thought of purple clothing and that’s what I came up with. :)

    5. #658496

      Hey guys! Thanks for stopping by, I’ll try to get outfits done after homework


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