Need help with fashion? No need to fear- just click right HERE!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Need help with fashion? No need to fear- just click right HERE!

This topic contains 44 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  HKSdancemomsfan10 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #657882

    Yay, it opened!!

    1. #659123

      Fairylady- just wondering, why do you need to post it on here? Is it like an order form or something?

    2. #659004


      Do you mind if i copy and paste something i used on another fashion advice thread? it has all the same info.

    3. #658999

      Kbk- I am SO SO sorry to say this but we currently aren’t hiring, sorry!! We will let you and Bostonterriersrule know if something goes wrong.

      Guys, won’t be on Sunday, have to go to a baby shower :)
      but I will do the orders when I come back

    4. #658988


      HI! do you think i can PLEASE work hear? PLMK thanks!

    5. #658985

      Hey there BostonTerriersRule. Here is what I have come up with for your Yorkie.

      Ruffle Sequin Sandals (45)
      Designer spiral dress (350)
      Any bow of your choice pink/blue/red/sparkly pink (15)
      TOTAL: 410KC

      Thanks! And if you don’t like it, we can always redo it!!

      And sorry no jobs are available right now… Sorry!

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