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This topic contains 44 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  HKSdancemomsfan10 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #657882

    Yay, it opened!!

    1. #659218

      1. There’s no occasion but i just want my pets to shine

      2. this is for 4 Pets actually. Fluffy and Puffles share 2 rooms and they’re basically twins.
      #1 Is Fluffy, A Persian Cat.
      #2 is Puffles, a Pom Pom Kitty.
      #3 Is Rose, and White Terrier. and finally
      #4 is Dazzle, a Brilliant Bandit

      3. Fluffy: She is very cool and is the know about everything fashion. She loves decorating thinks to the max. Her favorite clothing pieces are shorts, sandals,heels, tank tops,sparkly dresses and shades. She is currently dressed in white holly wood sunglasses,a daisy hair clip,dancing shoes, and a glittering silver dress.

      Puffles is a little more laid back. She owns her own restaurant (Puffle’s Cafe) along with fluffy and Rose.She enjoys stuff that looks enchanted and outdoorsy and she enjoys cooking.her favorite items of clothing are shorts, tank tops, dresses, and tiaras.She is currently Dressed in a Bramble Circlet,ruby slippers, and a fairy princess ball gown.

      Rose on the other hand is a teacher .She more of a boho chic kind of girl them glamorous like fluffy. she enjoys printed dresses and flowers. Really anything laid back.Her current outfit is ruby slippers, a stunning kimono and sparkle’s tiara. But normally she would wear simple and a spring fling dress and a pair of cowboy mini boots.

      Dazzle is new. She just came to my account in march. she enjoys classic city wear and prints. She’s currently wearing a pair of ruby slippers, a princess hat, and a glittering gown. She would normally wear a pair of slouch boots,a sparkly pink bow, jegging capree shorts, and a made in the shade tank though. her favorite items of clothing are jeans, shorts, print tank tops, a hair piece, and boots.

      They all are good friends and do almost everything together. Fluffy and Puffles have 2 different bedrooms that they share which are covered with the rarest stuff i have. Dazzle has a city themes bedroom that I’m working on and rose’s room is island themed.

      4.My Budget is basically whatever it takes i if necessary i will trade some stuff in the trading room to get it.

      Oh! And i forgot about my Dog Scotch! Her personality is laid back and she a sort of tom boy and girly girly. she has a baseball themed room and she likes thing that aren’t overly loud.She likes baseball type hats and guy like clothing. since she is a mixed style ill give you her outfits

      Casual: Boardwalk Board Shorts, a Base Ball Hoodie, Purple Flip Flops and a Webkinz Hockey Helmet

      Fancy: Sparkle’s Tiara, Ruffled Sequin Sandals, and a Designer Dress

      Sleepwear: Pokadot Pajama set ( from w shop very cheap) pink fuzzy slippers and a party hat

      Sporty: Too Cool Ball Cap, Dark Shades, and a dj outfit

      Swimwear: Peace Sign Swim shorts, European Flare Shades, and a pink striped swimsuite top.

      She is a Cocker Spaniel named Scotch.

      If you can, can you give her a nice sporty girly outfit for each one exept fancy (that one just needs to be laid back) ? Thank you very very much 8D

      P.S. They are all girls ^^

    2. #659214

      Fairylady- oh okay then you can post it :)

      Puffer- my mom’s friend’s sister’s

    3. #659163

      yeah lol sorry i didnt make that clearer

    4. #659155

      yeah. sorry i didnt make that clear >< it like the pet,personallity,favorite clothing genter, etc. sorry about that

    5. #659152

      FluffySilly713 wrote on 2012-08-28 at 07:09 PM

      Kbk- I am SO SO sorry to say this but we currently aren’t hiring, sorry!! We will let you and Bostonterriersrule know if something goes wrong.
      Guys, won’t be on Sunday, have to go to a baby shower :)
      but I will do the orders when I come back

      Who’s baby shower? Lol, sry if i’m nosey but I just wanna ask lol

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