Need help with fashion? No need to fear- just click right HERE!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Need help with fashion? No need to fear- just click right HERE!

This topic contains 44 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  HKSdancemomsfan10 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #657882

    Yay, it opened!!

    1. #659478

      dirdenjan wrote on 2012-08-29 at 03:13 PM

      Ally6429 wrote on 2012-08-29 at 11:43 AM
      Pet type: baby penguin
      Pet gender: girl
      Colors: likes light pink and red
      Style: christmassy and babyish at the same time
      Budget: please keep it under 450 KC, please!
      Specific items: I have the Mrs. Santakinz Bonnet
      Anything else: make sure it’ll look okay on her- most shirts, pants, and dresses become distorted and crooked on a bird like her!
      I also have a snowy owl with mostly the same preferences, but the style is more businesslike and grown-up. She also is kinda magical-ish.

      Hi Ally6429! This is what I came up with for yourr baby penguin Red bow (15) Red T-shirt (20) fuzzy slippers (35) and ruffled skirt (195) and that takes us to a total of 265 dollars. If your not satisfied I can redo the outfit for you! Thanks and bye!:o)

      hi ! i need help ! i don’t really need an outfit 4 1 pet if u don’t mind . i just need a cheer leading outfit 4 my pets and i don’t have the kinzstyle shoppe ! can u help me make 1 4 my pets out of kinzstyle outfit clothes !? i would have posted at soccerstars fashion shoppee but i posted and still no answer and it’s been 3 days ! can u help !? their school is really hip and modern ! please help me ! gummy~

    2. #659457


      Ally6429 wrote on 2012-08-29 at 11:43 AM

      Pet type: baby penguin
      Pet gender: girl
      Colors: likes light pink and red
      Style: christmassy and babyish at the same time
      Budget: please keep it under 450 KC, please!
      Specific items: I have the Mrs. Santakinz Bonnet
      Anything else: make sure it’ll look okay on her- most shirts, pants, and dresses become distorted and crooked on a bird like her!
      I also have a snowy owl with mostly the same preferences, but the style is more businesslike and grown-up. She also is kinda magical-ish.

      Hi Ally6429! This is what I came up with for yourr baby penguin Red bow (15) Red T-shirt (20) fuzzy slippers (35) and ruffled skirt (195) and that takes us to a total of 265 dollars. If your not satisfied I can redo the outfit for you! Thanks and bye!:o)

    3. #659445


      Hi ferretfriend:) This is what I came up with… Red Wolf: Dude hat (55) Army shirt (45) Black and white sneakers(45) and the charm fairy leggings. Which brings us up to a total to 145 dollars. Cougar: Dark shdes ( 75 ) blue T-shirt ( 20) boys varsity pants (158) blue ball cap ( 20) black and white sneakers (45) :) and that brings us to a total of 318 dollars spent. :) If your not satisfied with your outfit I can always redo the outfits for you, thanks for stopping by at our fashion shop:)

    4. #659353


      FluffySilly713 wrote on 2012-08-26 at 01:10 PM

      Hey guys! My friends and I would like to help YOU with fashion! Just tell us…
      Pet type:
      Pet gender:
      Specific items:
      Anything else:

      And we\’ll help you right away!

      Hey, Fluff!!

      OK, Here it goes.

      Pet type: Red wolf
      Gender: Boy
      Colors: Hmm…Don’t really have a prefference as long as its not girly. Don’t especially want my wolf in pink, lol.Or purple, for that matter.
      Style: Hmm..I guess a camo or something like that, want it to look hunter-ish.
      Budget: 700 KC But doesn’t matter too much.
      Specific items: Hmm..I have these charm forest leggings he looks good in. If you could use those, that would be great!!
      Don’t have anything else.

      Pet type: Cougar
      Gender: Boy
      Colors: Blue, green, Or a light violet/indigo.
      Style: It can be for anything. Just normal, casual clothes.
      Budget: 700 KC but doesn’t matter.
      Specific items: Hmm, I like the sequin hemmed jeans he’s in.
      Don’t have anything else.

      Thanks, Fluff!!

      -ferretfriend :)

    5. #659322


      FluffySilly713 wrote on 2012-08-26 at 01:10 PM

      Hey guys! My friends and I would like to help YOU with fashion! Just tell us…
      Pet type:
      Pet gender:
      Specific items:
      Anything else:

      And we\’ll help you right away!

      Spotted Turtle
      Green and White(Colors of turtle. Spot likes all colors)
      Cute and loves to snuggle
      Budget: 400KC or more if I have to
      Specfic Items: No Sneakers unless Purple or Red.
      Anything else: Nope. Only that pants, shirts, dresses and belts don’t show under her shell.

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