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Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Need help with fashion? No need to fear- just click right HERE!

This topic contains 44 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  HKSdancemomsfan10 11 years, 8 months ago.

  • Author
  • #657882

    Yay, it opened!!

    1. #779774

      Wow this is soooooo old. I can start helping you guys find the perfect outfits. ;)

    2. #725157

      Sorry peeps i’m soooooooooo busy cuz of school work but i might be here on the weekends :D :)

    3. #663885

      Hey Puffs, can you do Fairylady’s order? I’m busy right now,have to go to piano lessons

    4. #661952


      :Ok. I am going to start advertising on other forums and articles, oh yeah, puffy, On your ready to trade forum I have hula hat for torn, I could add if you wanted. Bye:)

    5. #661332

      dirdenjan wrote on 2012-08-29 at 08:52 PM

      Thanks puffball! I’m going to check it out right now!:o)

      Kelly, can you advertise people for our forum? I mean, we need new customers lol. :)

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