Needing Estore Points or Promo Furniture!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Needing Estore Points or Promo Furniture!!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  SMG & SMG2 12 years ago.

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  • #717218

    SMG & SMG2

    Hi! I am looking for some estore points or promo furniture. I would love to trade some of my priceless I have, and will try to consult a good trade.

    1. #718912

      SMG & SMG2

      Sorry for the lateness of replying! I do need points, and have plenty to offer, but in this case, I must ask you to bring some people who you have traded estore points with, since I have not seen you around. I am asking this because there have been many people who claimed to have estore points, but gave unreasonable clarifications on HOW they had estore points but needed a estore item, or else where had a excuse. None of this is a accusation, so do not take it personally, but keep in mind what my safety issues are.

    2. #717891


      I have points. What are you offering?

    3. #717585

      SMG & SMG2


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