Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ~~OVER THE RAINBOW RIDE (PROMO) FOR TRADE!!!~~

This topic contains 498 replies, has 48 voices, and was last updated by  guest112232 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #85146



    1. #599578

      cupcakequeen1313 wrote on 2012-05-09 at 05:26 PM

      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-09 at 05:16 PM

      cupcakequeen1313 wrote on 2012-05-09 at 03:09 PM

      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-08 at 11:47 PM

      cupcakequeen1313 wrote on 2012-05-08 at 09:45 PM

      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-02 at 05:42 PM
      Hey jewels I’m very interested :)
      Atomic Couch
      Rainbow Fountain of Wow
      Sunny Savannah Oasis
      Jumbo Jungle Shower
      Sly Slide
      Majestic Dog Mansion
      Cool Cat String Swing *on hold maybe*
      Golden Glide Waterslide
      Cool PSI:
      Snowy Campsite
      VIP Booth
      Underpass Hideaway
      Cocoa Basket Bed
      Blueberry Bumper Car

      If jewels does not want it, would you be interested in trading your golden glide water slide? I’ve been looking for it everywhere!!!!! I don’t have any other signature PSI but I could give you mutliple regulare PSI for it.

      Go ahead and offer :) If jewels does want it later then I’ll consider hers first, but if she doesn’t want it, i’ll trade with you if i like your offer.

      Okay thank you so much!! These are all my haves and I would definitely give you any 3 that you wanted!
      -Wand Sparkle Tree
      -W pond
      -Ribbons and Bows tree
      -Twister in a Pot
      -Running Shoe Racer
      -Orange Plasma Ball
      -Safe and Sound Mini-Locker
      -Gemstone Table
      -Webkinz Dragster
      -YangYin Blossoms
      -Dex Dangerous Space Fighter
      -Retriever Treadmill
      -Black and Chrome Paw Stove
      -Egg Chair
      -Hidey House Lounger
      -Long Neck Deck Chair
      -Lap It Up Pool
      -Shaggy Yorkie Couch
      -Pink Convertible
      -Trailblazin’ Terrier Scooter
      -Far North Sleigh
      -Starlight Stable
      -Bed of Roses
      -King of the Castle Bed
      -Fantasy Coach Bed
      -Wetlands Pond Bathtub
      -Beautiful Blush Treadmill
      -Buried Bone Fridge
      -Curbside Cuisine Fridge
      -Puppy Collar Clock
      -Icy Ocean Bathtub
      -Horse Show Victory Photo
      LMK If anything works!

      Hey :) I would take starlight stable, dec dangerous space fighter, black and chrome paw stove LMK add me at puppycujo

      Ok THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
      Would you like to meet in a trading room? My username’s leeanne13 :) LMK!

      Oh wait, sorry, I forgot this was if Jewels didn’t want it. I’m just so glad to have finally found someone with the slide that likes my offer!

    2. #599562

      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-09 at 05:16 PM

      cupcakequeen1313 wrote on 2012-05-09 at 03:09 PM

      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-08 at 11:47 PM

      cupcakequeen1313 wrote on 2012-05-08 at 09:45 PM

      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-02 at 05:42 PM
      Hey jewels I’m very interested :)
      Atomic Couch
      Rainbow Fountain of Wow
      Sunny Savannah Oasis
      Jumbo Jungle Shower
      Sly Slide
      Majestic Dog Mansion
      Cool Cat String Swing *on hold maybe*
      Golden Glide Waterslide
      Cool PSI:
      Snowy Campsite
      VIP Booth
      Underpass Hideaway
      Cocoa Basket Bed
      Blueberry Bumper Car

      If jewels does not want it, would you be interested in trading your golden glide water slide? I’ve been looking for it everywhere!!!!! I don’t have any other signature PSI but I could give you mutliple regulare PSI for it.

      Go ahead and offer :) If jewels does want it later then I’ll consider hers first, but if she doesn’t want it, i’ll trade with you if i like your offer.

      Okay thank you so much!! These are all my haves and I would definitely give you any 3 that you wanted!
      -Wand Sparkle Tree
      -W pond
      -Ribbons and Bows tree
      -Twister in a Pot
      -Running Shoe Racer
      -Orange Plasma Ball
      -Safe and Sound Mini-Locker
      -Gemstone Table
      -Webkinz Dragster
      -YangYin Blossoms
      -Dex Dangerous Space Fighter
      -Retriever Treadmill
      -Black and Chrome Paw Stove
      -Egg Chair
      -Hidey House Lounger
      -Long Neck Deck Chair
      -Lap It Up Pool
      -Shaggy Yorkie Couch
      -Pink Convertible
      -Trailblazin’ Terrier Scooter
      -Far North Sleigh
      -Starlight Stable
      -Bed of Roses
      -King of the Castle Bed
      -Fantasy Coach Bed
      -Wetlands Pond Bathtub
      -Beautiful Blush Treadmill
      -Buried Bone Fridge
      -Curbside Cuisine Fridge
      -Puppy Collar Clock
      -Icy Ocean Bathtub
      -Horse Show Victory Photo
      LMK If anything works!

      Hey :) I would take starlight stable, dec dangerous space fighter, black and chrome paw stove LMK add me at puppycujo

      Ok THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
      Would you like to meet in a trading room? My username’s leeanne13 :) LMK!

    3. #599550


      cupcakequeen1313 wrote on 2012-05-09 at 03:09 PM

      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-08 at 11:47 PM

      cupcakequeen1313 wrote on 2012-05-08 at 09:45 PM

      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-02 at 05:42 PM
      Hey jewels I’m very interested :)
      Atomic Couch
      Rainbow Fountain of Wow
      Sunny Savannah Oasis
      Jumbo Jungle Shower
      Sly Slide
      Majestic Dog Mansion
      Cool Cat String Swing *on hold maybe*
      Golden Glide Waterslide
      Cool PSI:
      Snowy Campsite
      VIP Booth
      Underpass Hideaway
      Cocoa Basket Bed
      Blueberry Bumper Car

      If jewels does not want it, would you be interested in trading your golden glide water slide? I’ve been looking for it everywhere!!!!! I don’t have any other signature PSI but I could give you mutliple regulare PSI for it.

      Go ahead and offer :) If jewels does want it later then I’ll consider hers first, but if she doesn’t want it, i’ll trade with you if i like your offer.

      Okay thank you so much!! These are all my haves and I would definitely give you any 3 that you wanted!
      -Wand Sparkle Tree
      -W pond
      -Ribbons and Bows tree
      -Twister in a Pot
      -Running Shoe Racer
      -Orange Plasma Ball
      -Safe and Sound Mini-Locker
      -Gemstone Table
      -Webkinz Dragster
      -YangYin Blossoms
      -Dex Dangerous Space Fighter
      -Retriever Treadmill
      -Black and Chrome Paw Stove
      -Egg Chair
      -Hidey House Lounger
      -Long Neck Deck Chair
      -Lap It Up Pool
      -Shaggy Yorkie Couch
      -Pink Convertible
      -Trailblazin’ Terrier Scooter
      -Far North Sleigh
      -Starlight Stable
      -Bed of Roses
      -King of the Castle Bed
      -Fantasy Coach Bed
      -Wetlands Pond Bathtub
      -Beautiful Blush Treadmill
      -Buried Bone Fridge
      -Curbside Cuisine Fridge
      -Puppy Collar Clock
      -Icy Ocean Bathtub
      -Horse Show Victory Photo
      LMK If anything works!

      Hey :) I would take starlight stable, dec dangerous space fighter, black and chrome paw stove LMK add me at puppycujo

    4. #599457



      I’m interested in your ride. What would you like for it? I have quite a few things.


    5. #599455

      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-08 at 11:47 PM

      cupcakequeen1313 wrote on 2012-05-08 at 09:45 PM

      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-02 at 05:42 PM
      Hey jewels I’m very interested :)
      Atomic Couch
      Rainbow Fountain of Wow
      Sunny Savannah Oasis
      Jumbo Jungle Shower
      Sly Slide
      Majestic Dog Mansion
      Cool Cat String Swing *on hold maybe*
      Golden Glide Waterslide
      Cool PSI:
      Snowy Campsite
      VIP Booth
      Underpass Hideaway
      Cocoa Basket Bed
      Blueberry Bumper Car

      If jewels does not want it, would you be interested in trading your golden glide water slide? I’ve been looking for it everywhere!!!!! I don’t have any other signature PSI but I could give you mutliple regulare PSI for it.

      Go ahead and offer :) If jewels does want it later then I’ll consider hers first, but if she doesn’t want it, i’ll trade with you if i like your offer.

      Okay thank you so much!! These are all my haves and I would definitely give you any 3 that you wanted!

      -Wand Sparkle Tree
      -W pond
      -Ribbons and Bows tree
      -Twister in a Pot
      -Running Shoe Racer
      -Orange Plasma Ball
      -Safe and Sound Mini-Locker
      -Gemstone Table
      -Webkinz Dragster
      -YangYin Blossoms
      -Dex Dangerous Space Fighter
      -Retriever Treadmill
      -Black and Chrome Paw Stove
      -Egg Chair
      -Hidey House Lounger
      -Long Neck Deck Chair
      -Lap It Up Pool
      -Shaggy Yorkie Couch
      -Pink Convertible
      -Trailblazin’ Terrier Scooter
      -Far North Sleigh
      -Starlight Stable
      -Bed of Roses
      -King of the Castle Bed
      -Fantasy Coach Bed
      -Wetlands Pond Bathtub
      -Beautiful Blush Treadmill
      -Buried Bone Fridge
      -Curbside Cuisine Fridge
      -Puppy Collar Clock
      -Icy Ocean Bathtub
      -Horse Show Victory Photo

      LMK If anything works!

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