Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ~~OVER THE RAINBOW RIDE (PROMO) FOR TRADE!!!~~

This topic contains 498 replies, has 48 voices, and was last updated by  guest112232 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #85146



    1. #602062


      Sure thanks a bunch

    2. #602060


      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-14 at 11:33 PM

      Oh jewels, how about light blue regular. You can trade the first three, and then the other two, after midnight so we can trade again. Sounds good? LMK thanks

      I’m there now. I thought we could trade nowand I would post the rest when we are done. or I can post it now.

    3. #602057


      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-14 at 11:30 PM

      jewels250 wrote on 2012-05-14 at 11:22 PM

      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-14 at 11:01 PM

      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-14 at 08:13 PM

      jewels250 wrote on 2012-05-14 at 07:21 PM

      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-14 at 10:11 AM

      jewels250 wrote on 2012-05-13 at 09:42 PM

      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-13 at 08:42 PM

      jewels250 wrote on 2012-05-13 at 03:29 PM

      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-13 at 12:15 AM
      Hey jewels, I don’t know if you saw my post but LMK :) thanks

      Hi Puppy, I like your VIP booth and Kinzville Park window. Did you have anything else you wanted to put on a list or did you want me to make an offer on those 2 items? PLMK I’ll be back in a few hours. Taking My Gran to an early dinner!

      If you wanted the slide you can offer on all three :) I listed the stuff that I liked in previous posts. Please let me know what you can put together for these three. Sweet of you! LMK thanks!

      O.K. So for your slide, window and vip booth I offer these ;
      Large Spring Egg Wardrobe (Promo)
      Candy Steam Whistle (E-store)
      Northern Research Igloo (Sig)
      Giant Movie Screen
      I chose things off your list, PLMK what you think. I can always switch out items for others. Thanks

      Hey do you think you can switch out the well hmm, i need the banana split seeds, but is there anything else you need so that you can add the seeds? thanks!

      I’m so sorry I traded those days ago. If you like, I can add one of these ; donut seeds, candy cane seeds or marshmallow seeds. My treat, you don’t have to add for one of these! LMK if that will do. Thanks,

      Oh no worries! Do you think you can add donut seeds please? You’re really kind, are you sure? That will do :) Thanks jewels, when do you want to meet in the trading room?

      not sure if you saw this

      Yeah I’m sure. I can trade anytime. I’ll log in and meet you in reg KC in 10 min. Sound good?

      Sounds good thanks!

      I’llpost the extra item.

    4. #602051


      Oh jewels, how about light blue regular. You can trade the first three, and then the other two, after midnight so we can trade again. Sounds good? LMK thanks

    5. #602050


      jewels250 wrote on 2012-05-14 at 11:22 PM

      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-14 at 11:01 PM

      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-14 at 08:13 PM

      jewels250 wrote on 2012-05-14 at 07:21 PM

      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-14 at 10:11 AM

      jewels250 wrote on 2012-05-13 at 09:42 PM

      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-13 at 08:42 PM

      jewels250 wrote on 2012-05-13 at 03:29 PM

      puppycujo wrote on 2012-05-13 at 12:15 AM
      Hey jewels, I don’t know if you saw my post but LMK :) thanks

      Hi Puppy, I like your VIP booth and Kinzville Park window. Did you have anything else you wanted to put on a list or did you want me to make an offer on those 2 items? PLMK I’ll be back in a few hours. Taking My Gran to an early dinner!

      If you wanted the slide you can offer on all three :) I listed the stuff that I liked in previous posts. Please let me know what you can put together for these three. Sweet of you! LMK thanks!

      O.K. So for your slide, window and vip booth I offer these ;
      Large Spring Egg Wardrobe (Promo)
      Candy Steam Whistle (E-store)
      Northern Research Igloo (Sig)
      Giant Movie Screen
      I chose things off your list, PLMK what you think. I can always switch out items for others. Thanks

      Hey do you think you can switch out the well hmm, i need the banana split seeds, but is there anything else you need so that you can add the seeds? thanks!

      I’m so sorry I traded those days ago. If you like, I can add one of these ; donut seeds, candy cane seeds or marshmallow seeds. My treat, you don’t have to add for one of these! LMK if that will do. Thanks,

      Oh no worries! Do you think you can add donut seeds please? You’re really kind, are you sure? That will do :) Thanks jewels, when do you want to meet in the trading room?

      not sure if you saw this

      Yeah I’m sure. I can trade anytime. I’ll log in and meet you in reg KC in 10 min. Sound good?

      Sounds good thanks!

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