Peppermint Seeds!

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This topic contains 15 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  dogfish 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #843151

    Hi everyone! I have a little story for you. Okay here goes. Once, many years ago, I was much younger obviously, and not as wise.. I had just adopted the Peppermint Puppy. Much to my dismay, the PSI was the Peppermint Seeds! I thought, “Why would I need these seeds if after I use them, I will never be able to make another Peppermint Plant?” So I traded them. It was about a year ago I realized (I’m a tad slow.), that once you plant the seeds, you can always get them back. So i had traded my seeds for no reason! Oh no. My bad. xD Anyways, I was wondering if any of you kind folk could trade me some of those Peppermint Seeds, or send them to me, and I can send something in return? I’m low on PSI’s, but I have some exclusives and rares. I have, -A couple of the Cat Room Theme items. (Bed, ottoman, sign, playground, chair, couch)
    -Hoops of Fire
    -Medieval Side Table
    -Neo Gothic Coffee Table
    -CandyEggs Picnic Basket?
    -Rainy Day Window
    -Alexandrite Lamp
    -Groovin’ Googles’ Jukebox (makes a lot of noise, beware) That’s some of the things I have, I thought some of these might be the equivalent to the seeds? Sorry if they aren’t. Thank you, lovelies!

    1. #843567


      Hi WebkinzLove, I found a perfect return trading gift for you. It is the very close in value too. It is the Topsy Turvy Window. I got one from the friend, I sent the one I earned. This was my very first exclusive I kept on the site. I sold the one I got with the first pet, and it’s PSI. That was a big mistake. However I was able to get both back!!! The Topsy Turvy Window has a value of 25,000 to 30,000. Your Rainy Day Window had a value of 30,000 to 35,000. Can we just call it even 30,000, 30,000 trade? I don’t have much and maybe I can get a different piece to Sig theme with the extra PSI I have. Thanks I hope you like your new exclusive. I don’t know if you have it already but do me one favor, if you do keep it. -Atom

      • #845571

        Hi Atom! You probably won’t check here anymore, but I hadn’t been on in a few days so I didn’t see your messages! Yes, I am character__, I added you, I got the gifts, I sent you the window. I’m totally okay with the values, the Rainy Day Window was not my most important piece, and I loved the Topsy Turvy Window much more, that was very kind. I just wanted to reassure you, because it sounded like you were freaking out and I felt really bad for not being online to see all of your comments. If you need the window back, I can give it back, I still have it in my dock and I won’t do anything with it ever besides putting it in my house. It’s perfectly safe, don’t you worry (: So just contact me here if you need something. Also, DF, THANK YOU SO MUCH. Oh my goodness! I got the seeds, I sent the highest valued stuff I had in my dock at the moment, I mean the only other thing I really have is an Aztec Stove but that was a gift from another friend and I love it so much. Otherwise I’d have given that to you. But thank you so much, it is very appreciated.

        • #845845


          Awesome Webkinz Lover! I am so happy for you! :)! I don’t need the window back. I would really like to see your webkinz house one day. I am glad you aren’t upset with me. I saw you in the trading room with your white terrier but you didn’t want to trade with me. I actually had some good stuff too! :(! TTYS-Atom

        • #846180


          HI WL12 what ever I send to you or anyone is a GIFT, unless I happen to be doing one of my once a year trades LOL Please keep your items for trading. I am always happy to help and truly appreciate a Thank You note. I will send your items back, If they are unopened, if they are lost in my dock, I will send a surprise. TTYL DF

    2. #843536


      Ok so value is 25,000-30,000 just looked it up. Could you please list some items that you need or want. I am not deluxe and I haven’t been playing longer than June 19,2012. What i have that is valueable or more valuable than that I got from friends, which makes it even more special. I really value friends over items. I am willing to do what it takes to make people happy. I will do my best to find something good for you. So if you need the PSI it has value of 5,000. I can always see what kids in the Trading room will give me. Should I look for superbeds, regular exclusives. Please list a few items. Thank you for the great gift and your kindness. Sorry I didn’t send anything but a 56 KC thankyou. My mom is sick in the hospital and we went to see her, so I had to get off the computer. Hope you understand. I really don’t know what to do, you really surprised me. I would like to see your house sometime. You are really awesome, now I don’t know how to be really awesome back.-Atom

    3. #843532


      I don’t know what to do. You see I got almost everything I have from friends. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feeling’s. However, would you like a PSI? I have Polar Bear and Love Frog for trade. However I offered the Love Frog PSI to someone who needs it. I will see what happens with that. That only has a value of 5,000, but is one of my most valuable items I have that I was able to find myself and I didn’t get as a gift. I also have halloween items from this year, well check out my trade list. You have been really kind to me, I don’t know what to do. Maybe do you have all the current? I have like 6 current exclusives on my trade list. Each has a value of (2,000-4,000). If you add up the thousand it might be closer. Please answer back.-Atom

    4. #843448


      Are you Collector10, WebkinzLove. I really need to find that member who sent me the Rainy Day window. You see I sent a TY Note on WW, but I didn’t know what to send back. TYVM for that!-Atom

    5. #843407

      Hey Atom! I went ahead and sent you the window. I hope you like it!

      • #843746


        I love it! I sent you a gift in return. Pretty close in value too!-Atom

        • #843931


          Don’t worry DF. I sent Topsy Turvy Window. It was my first exclusive ever on this site. I got another one from a friend and so I traded my first one. It is pretty close in value.-Atom

      • #843927


        Hi webkinzlover, can I add you? please look for a FR from discover****, I have something for you, a little thank you for helping my pal Atom. Have a great day, DF

        • #843953


          Wow Webkinzlover!! You are very lucky. You get a present from both of us. I bet you don’t have DF’s!-Atom

    6. #843255


      HI Just wanted to say good luck, your PSI is now retired and yes, it is worth much more than your offers. I sold and traded all my PSIs also and you can get them back, if you put your mind to it. It took me years but I got all mine back. So keep the faith, DF

    7. #843381

      I will surely send you the window. I’m very sorry about your grandfather, my heart goes out to you and your family. I always had the window but never had a real use for it. I will friend you, and we can set up a trade! Or mail, whichever. My UN is character10. So if you get my request, it’s only me not someone else hahah. I don’t mind what i get in return, just something close to equal value so I’m not losing much, you know. But I will see you soon!

    8. #843383

      Thanks DF for your help. I’ll keep looking for it, hopefully I’ll find something that is worth trading for it! Thanks again.!

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