Persesophones shop.

Home Forums Suggestions – Archives Persesophones shop.

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  pitchblack2014 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #835370


    I have a major passion for webkinz fashion. I was never so thrilled in all 8 years on webkinz when I saw that Peresophones shop was open to the “public” I read further and saw it was for deluxe only. Many webkinz players can’t afford deluxe. I mean, we already paid for the pet.! I never heard of a tax on fun! I’m sure many loyal webkinz citizens feel the same. Please give us Peresophones shop. Bring back the fun into webkinz. Peresophones fashion is my passion. What do you think?

    1. #855549


      Yeah i wish we could get cute clothes too. For some reason i was actually able to buy the shop and i was so happy and then i went in and couldn’t buy anything! And it cost 10,000 kinzcash!

    2. #840740

      I agree with you. I have 50 pets, Ganz made around 200 dollars off of me! Loyal members of webkinz like myself who aren’t deluxe should be allowed to access Persesophone’s Shop and buy any Deluxe items and access all deluxe places. We all have to join together, let’s protest!

    3. #840242


      Ok, well hello! I was Deluxe up until a month ago. I bought her shop..and when I became unDeluxe I can no longer use it. It is such a waste of 10,000 KC!!! Cute clothes, but unless you want Deluxe forever, don’t buy it. I just wish it was open to anyone so you could buy it and have it forever without being Deluxe. ~God’s Disciple

    4. #837311


      I think Gans gets so much money from all the products that it’s pretty unfair to have a membership on top of that. But it is how they make their living.It seems like everything is Deluxe only, but instead of making me want one, I want it LESS. I’ve us Persephone’s shop before, actually. This won’t make you feel better, but the stuff there is REALLY cute. You can buy Webkinz clothes in real life and put the code on the site to unlock it. :)

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