Personalized Money-Earning Plans!

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Personalized Money-Earning Plans!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  jiainc 12 years ago.

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  • #712007

    HI! I’m here to help you conquer your kinzcash! Need kc fast? Want to find the cheapest way to do something? Just tell me the following, and I’ll create a plan for you! Info I need: 1. How much do you have? 2. How much do you want? 3. What do you spend kinzcash on the most? 4. How much time can you be on Webkinz a day? 5. How many rooms do you have in your house? 6. How many pets? 7. Are you a collector of rare, exclusive, valued, or psi? 8. How quick do you need the money? Once you’ve told me those, I’ll start constructing a plan for you. I might need to ask you a few more questions before I can finish, though. I really like to see people manage their finances, because I remember when I never had quite enough money. I PROMISE TO CHECK HERE OFTEN AND NOT ABANDON THIS FORUM!

    1. #714061


      hey caribousmiles i need about 8000 KC i don’t really needd it that immediatly but it would be nice to have it in 2 or 3 days i have a huge garden and maintain it regularly i hope you can get to me quickly thanks – jiainc

    2. #713302

      Sorry, LoveWebkinzForeverGirl, I’m sure I wrote how to earn 2,000 in one hour but it didn’t post! Well, it’s pretty simple. Sell whatever you don’t want. If you have rares, don’t sell them but instead trade them for something pricey (swimming pool, air hockey table, superhero theme). If you don’t have rares, make some clothing recipes and trade them for expensive stuff! Don’t buy any food to feed your pets, and only sell food when you have over two hundred food items. And if you need 2,000 kinzcash in one hour because of a rare or something similar, ask yourself if you really want it before you clear your bank for it.

    3. #712730

      Okay, Christinekc, it looks like you have your money under control. And 500+ a day is VERY doable. I’m just going to give you tricks, and I’m not counting dailies. 1. Start a garden! Keep some veggies and sell some! 2. Find your Super Game! A super game is your best game, one that you can make over 50 kc per time you play. Mine are Smoothie Moves and Pizza Palace. 3. Don’t buy as much new stuff! Since you have a lot of pets, try “shuffling” stuff instead. Take EVERYTHING out of a room and put it back differently. Swap some stuff with other rooms! 4. Come to Webkinz World every day, and come near when the hour changes to get two hour’s worth of Today’s Activities! For example, my most common time to go on is 4:50 KT. Hope this helps! Don’t give up! And thanks for visiting PerMoEarPlans!

    4. #712614


      I have 54369 kinzcash. I want as much as possible and would like to earn 500+ a day. I spend kinzcash mostly on food, clothing, and items for my room. 15-20 minutes a day. I have many rooms but do not wish to sell anything. Over 60 pets. Yes, all of the above lol but again, do not wish to sell anything if thats what your going for. I would like to earn just 500+ kinzcash a day, so if you could set up a plan for a regulaur webkinz day? Thanks so much. Btw- I’m able to do more webkinz time on the weekend, maybe 30 minutes. Please take your time. ~KC

    5. #712282

      Hi I need 2,000 kinzcash in an hour!

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