Pink Bunny Ears For Trade :)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Pink Bunny Ears For Trade :)

This topic contains 11 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Girlsrule122345 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #738967

    Hey, I have the 2007 pink bunny ears for trade if you are intersted you may post your offers I am looking for smaller priceless please such as scuba belt, my user is Hollister217362 if you would like to add me, Thank You and let me know if you are interested :)

    1. #753563


      Hi! I do need the brown belt.. but I don’t know what I can add that would be fair for you. LMK

    2. #753639


      heyy aquamarinepup7! i just trading with you! i’m a green dog named Mo-

    3. #752738

      can you please save the polka dot hoodie? here is my things 1. cherry tank top 2. watermelon shirt 3. exclusive item please reply, it takes awhile for this to come in though, girlsrule122345 I really want the hoodie :)

      • #753566

        Really Sorry I haven’t checked this forums recently I traded my hoodie for leopard tank, if you would like I have other kinzstyle including pink warm up pants, lilac sparkle party dress, leopard tank, gold belt, purple paw belt if you are interested please let me know thank so much :)

        • #756013

          Hiya!! Is the leapord tank avaible still? If so, will you please tell me what you want for it? Thanks! :)

    4. #739854


      Hey I don’t really have any priceless but I really need pink bunny ears!! Can you maybe make a list or rare items you need or something!! Thanks :)

    5. #739601


      Hi! I have scuba feet. I can add a Psi or something.. Are you interested?

      • #740574

        Hey I’m sorry the offer would have been great but I just saw this post today, I had traded them for DJ headphones last week, Thank you so much though :) if you are interested in any other items here is what I have: DJ headphones (deluxe gift), brown belt (priceless clothing) , Bedtime Puppy Psi, Mallard duck psi, Plumfadoodle psi, Pink greyhound psi, Polka dot hoodie, aqua high belt, I have some more too if you are interested please let me know :)

        • #753401


          Hey aquamarinepup7 is the brown belt retired? If so I really need that :D If that’s it can you PLMK so I can tell you what I have? Thanks!

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