Post Your New Webkinz Pet Ideas Here

Home Forums Pets – Archives Post Your New Webkinz Pet Ideas Here

This topic contains 15 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Allieberry2 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #789928


    Here are a few of my favorite ideas: Ant, Bee, and a Stingray.

    1. #797971


      I would like it if they had a garden series of pets.They would be so awesome!!

      • #807919


        I think the following Virtual-Only pets should be made into a plush: Afghan Hound, Betta Fish, Big Top Elephant, Blossom Fish, Camo Rhino, Candy Leopard, Carousel Horse, Cheshire Cat, Cloud Sheep, Cookies and Cream Koala, Cotton Candy Sheep, Cotton Top Tamarin, All of the Birthstone Pets, Dire Wolf, Fire Fawn, Floppy Eared Bunny, Floral Fox, All of the Zodiac Pets, Golden Dragon, Golden Eagle, Golden Turkey, Green Seadragon, Green Shimmer Snake, Griffin, Holiday Husky, Ice Cream Scoop Snail, Ice Fawn, Jackalope, Leonberger, Love Dino, Love Kitten, Love Puffin, Magical Retriever, Magnificent Macaw, Marshmallow Chipmunk, Mint Chocolate Cow, Minty Reindeer, Mistletoe Mouse, Moon Fox, Mystic Moon Bear, Mystical Mouse, Mystical Panda, Narwhal, Phoenix, Pink Greyhound, Pink Hippo, Pom Pom Chinchilla, Pterodactyl, Purple Monster, Rainforest Boa, Rock Candy Croc, Seaspray Dolphin, Shamrock Dragon, Silk Sparrow, Silkie Chicken, Sock Monkey, Sour Watermelon Hound, Spotted Sea Monster, Spring Celebration Bunny, Sugar Glider, Sun Fox, Sunflower Lion, Sweet Tooth Tiger, Swordfish, Thunderbird, Trick or Treat Troll, and the Wintermint Reindeer.

        • #808522

          I totally agree with you! :)

        • #815929


          I so agree! A lot of those pets I’ve really wanted, like the Silk Sparrow, but I don’t get estore pets.

    2. #795319


      A signature poodle and a signature goldfish and a signature flamingo

    3. #792708


      Definitely a Norwegian Forest cat, and a Russian Blue cat, and I think an American Wirehair would be nice. The Wirehair could have fur like the Grape Soda Pup but tan and a bit shorter, and curly whiskers. I also think there should be a Welsh pony, maybe a Signature. Then there could be a Midnight Zebra that would be black with neon rainbow stripes and neon blue (or pink if you wanted it to be girly) hooves and mane. Also maybe a “Cocoa Kitten” that was chocolate brown or a York chocolate-colored cat. York cats are a real breed, but Cocoa Kittens are made up. They look almost the same though and I like realistic animals most of the time. (I like some make-believe animals too like the Midnight Zebra idea, but I prefer realistic.) I have other ideas too; I might post them later.

    4. #792154

      I would like a wire fox terrier, a great dane, and a french bulldog. :)

    5. #792088

      signature horses and signature Maine coon cat or signature Norwegian forest cat.~Dapplegreyhorse

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