Post your webkinz food recipes!(I have some too)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Post your webkinz food recipes!(I have some too)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  ludwigger 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #682834


    Some of my favs: (Sorry if they don’t work)
    Hole in One-Asparagus, chicken nuggets, bagel, for sandwich maker
    Neon Pink Smoothy-cream soda, dragon fruit, pink lemonade, for blender

    1. #704381


      aminkle grogs : licorice, blueberries, and rasberries. put them in the blender! it makes these cool purple stars :P

    2. #683175


      I’m getting this from a website so ya:
      For the stove try the following…
      Blueberry cheesecake, corn flake cereal, coconut
      Lolipop, marshmallows, dragon fruit
      Honey, sunflower seeds, tomato soup
      Cake, french fries, salad

      For the blender:
      Chocolate milkshake, honey, tacos
      Cola, pumpkin, pickles
      Banana, jelly, iced tea
      Honey, pink lemonade, salad

    3. #682920

      I believe this is a burrito, baked beans, pancakes, and cheeses in sandwich maker (if not, try stove)

    4. #682834


      Some of my favs: (Sorry if they don’t work)
      Hole in One-Asparagus, chicken nuggets, bagel, for sandwich maker
      Neon Pink Smoothy-cream soda, dragon fruit, pink lemonade, for blender

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