
Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Priceless

This topic contains 14 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  ferretfriend 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #87787


    <p>Help! What clothes are priceless? And what is a good trade?

    1. #632126

      Dipper- Actually I think the jeans are kinzstyle shop from Persepones. I think I spelled her name wrong. LOL .

      Does anyone have…

      Wz jeans I need an extra pair. I didn’t lose mine. LOL,!.!
      Cat pants
      Cat shirt
      And I think I need some more priceless.

    2. #631944


      Dipper- I think the jeans retired a long time ago but they are not worth what most priceless are worth, you might be able to get shuts with them.

    3. #631850

      HarryPotterDaleks wrote on 2012-07-15 at 09:39 PM

      Priceless clothes are generally clothes that you can’t buy anymore- things that have been retired, like holiday items or old w-shop clothing. The older the item, the more valuable it is. Some examples of priceless items are the purple witch hat, which was a halloween gift in 2005, Wacky Zingoz jeans, which were a click-to-win prize (2006), Plumpy’s glasses (which were retired from the w-shop in 2007), and Rock Star sunglasses (Shutter shades), which were available through redeeming a code for real life webkinz clothing.
      Hope this helps!
      “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” -Sherlock Holmes

      I have Stone-washed Jeans, are they priceless?

    4. #631821

      Priceless clothes are generally clothes that you can’t buy anymore- things that have been retired, like holiday items or old w-shop clothing. The older the item, the more valuable it is. Some examples of priceless items are the purple witch hat, which was a halloween gift in 2005, Wacky Zingoz jeans, which were a click-to-win prize (2006), Plumpy’s glasses (which were retired from the w-shop in 2007), and Rock Star sunglasses (Shutter shades), which were available through redeeming a code for real life webkinz clothing.

      Hope this helps!

      “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” -Sherlock Holmes

    5. #631524


      priceless clothing is at the kinzstyle outlet

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