Priceless…. Promo…. TRADING!!!! ~+~SAG~+~

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Priceless…. Promo…. TRADING!!!! ~+~SAG~+~

This topic contains 424 replies, has 44 voices, and was last updated by  guineapigirl2 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #663006

    Hey SAG! Do you have the swordfish PSI? LMK I can offer lots,

    1. #664199


      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-09-09 at 10:21 AM

      xboxpab wrote on 2012-09-09 at 10:09 AM
      my trade list
      wacky jeans
      cake gazebo promo
      moon beer psi x2
      hockey skates
      figure skates
      story time chair
      items i need are
      magic mare marsh
      melody hat
      and new owl psi

      I have the melody hat. I like a lot of your items.

      what do you need for the melody hat

    2. #664189


      Hey DQ

      Sorry I didn’t get a chance to post back to you yesterday….you’re gonna be shocked at the list of priceless I have now lol, 2 witch hats (one was a birthday gift), jack o lantern hat (not the deluxe one), plumpy full cat, hippo, lion, rainbow fountain of wow, 2 wacky (one was a gift) , full scuba, pink and white bunny, full green santa, full red santa (including black belt) Elf, full pink explorer, nutcracker :P


    3. #664176

      xboxpab wrote on 2012-09-09 at 10:09 AM

      my trade list
      wacky jeans
      cake gazebo promo
      moon beer psi x2
      hockey skates
      figure skates
      story time chair
      items i need are
      magic mare marsh
      melody hat
      and new owl psi

      I have the melody hat. I like a lot of your items.

    4. #664166


      my trade list
      wacky jeans
      cake gazebo promo
      moon beer psi x2
      hockey skates
      figure skates
      story time chair
      items i need are
      magic mare marsh
      melody hat
      and new owl psi

    5. #664137

      Everyone- I have the Merry Melodies Hat now. Today I am going to try to trade doodlebug back her hat for my sail hat and burger. Wish me luck! LOL.

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