Priceless…. Promo…. TRADING!!!! ~+~SAG~+~

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This topic contains 424 replies, has 44 voices, and was last updated by  guineapigirl2 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #663006

    Hey SAG! Do you have the swordfish PSI? LMK I can offer lots,

    1. #663226


      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-09-06 at 04:33 PM

      snowy527 wrote on 2012-09-06 at 04:25 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-09-06 at 04:02 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-09-05 at 10:47 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-09-05 at 09:52 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-09-05 at 09:28 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-09-05 at 08:59 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-09-05 at 08:19 PM
      Hey SAG! Do you have the swordfish PSI? LMK I can offer lots,

      Swordfish PSI?! I never had it! LOL. I think it was Adama that had it. Everyone here is my trade list.
      My priceless that I have
      Sail Dress
      Full Cat
      Round Sail Hat (On Hold)
      Emo Jeans
      And I think I have more.
      Wish List
      Merry Melodies Hat
      Sea Captins shoes (I think I am getting them)
      And I need the Social media couch.

      hey SAG what for the kitty? i need the shoes and shirt the most. Btw do you have science goggles? i need those a lot too… JLMK!

      No I don;t have the goggles. All I need for cat is Social Media Stuff, plumpy (Maybe), swirl, Merry Melodies Hat, And Sea Captins shoes.

      Hmm i have merry melody, not sure if it’s for trade though. what would you offer for it?

      AQUA- Tomorrow I am geting the Petal Print skunk. The PSI will be for trade. I posted my priceless list up at the top of the page. Oh! I wondered if you are bad with Aqua Marie? I see that pet A LOT. I think that is his/her pets name.
      Fudgey-Sorry,actually AugauriaKee And I are trading round sail hat and diamond piano for sea captins shoes.

      Hey I have the hula bottom….I like your emo so is that worth hula or do I add or what?

      You have to add. But I would only trade my stuff for my biggest wants.

      I will keep a look out….so I could do one more priceless maybe……

    2. #663220

      snowy527 wrote on 2012-09-06 at 04:25 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-09-06 at 04:02 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-09-05 at 10:47 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-09-05 at 09:52 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-09-05 at 09:28 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-09-05 at 08:59 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-09-05 at 08:19 PM
      Hey SAG! Do you have the swordfish PSI? LMK I can offer lots,

      Swordfish PSI?! I never had it! LOL. I think it was Adama that had it. Everyone here is my trade list.
      My priceless that I have
      Sail Dress
      Full Cat
      Round Sail Hat (On Hold)
      Emo Jeans
      And I think I have more.
      Wish List
      Merry Melodies Hat
      Sea Captins shoes (I think I am getting them)
      And I need the Social media couch.

      hey SAG what for the kitty? i need the shoes and shirt the most. Btw do you have science goggles? i need those a lot too… JLMK!

      No I don;t have the goggles. All I need for cat is Social Media Stuff, plumpy (Maybe), swirl, Merry Melodies Hat, And Sea Captins shoes.

      Hmm i have merry melody, not sure if it’s for trade though. what would you offer for it?

      AQUA- Tomorrow I am geting the Petal Print skunk. The PSI will be for trade. I posted my priceless list up at the top of the page. Oh! I wondered if you are bad with Aqua Marie? I see that pet A LOT. I think that is his/her pets name.
      Fudgey-Sorry,actually AugauriaKee And I are trading round sail hat and diamond piano for sea captins shoes.

      Hey I have the hula bottom….I like your emo so is that worth hula or do I add or what?

      You have to add. But I would only trade my stuff for my biggest wants.

    3. #663212


      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-09-06 at 04:02 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-09-05 at 10:47 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-09-05 at 09:52 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-09-05 at 09:28 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-09-05 at 08:59 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-09-05 at 08:19 PM
      Hey SAG! Do you have the swordfish PSI? LMK I can offer lots,

      Swordfish PSI?! I never had it! LOL. I think it was Adama that had it. Everyone here is my trade list.
      My priceless that I have
      Sail Dress
      Full Cat
      Round Sail Hat (On Hold)
      Emo Jeans
      And I think I have more.
      Wish List
      Merry Melodies Hat
      Sea Captins shoes (I think I am getting them)
      And I need the Social media couch.

      hey SAG what for the kitty? i need the shoes and shirt the most. Btw do you have science goggles? i need those a lot too… JLMK!

      No I don;t have the goggles. All I need for cat is Social Media Stuff, plumpy (Maybe), swirl, Merry Melodies Hat, And Sea Captins shoes.

      Hmm i have merry melody, not sure if it’s for trade though. what would you offer for it?

      AQUA- Tomorrow I am geting the Petal Print skunk. The PSI will be for trade. I posted my priceless list up at the top of the page. Oh! I wondered if you are bad with Aqua Marie? I see that pet A LOT. I think that is his/her pets name.
      Fudgey-Sorry,actually AugauriaKee And I are trading round sail hat and diamond piano for sea captins shoes.

      Hey I have the hula bottom….I like your emo so is that worth hula or do I add or what?

    4. #663195

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-09-05 at 10:47 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-09-05 at 09:52 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-09-05 at 09:28 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-09-05 at 08:59 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-09-05 at 08:19 PM
      Hey SAG! Do you have the swordfish PSI? LMK I can offer lots,

      Swordfish PSI?! I never had it! LOL. I think it was Adama that had it. Everyone here is my trade list.
      My priceless that I have
      Sail Dress
      Full Cat
      Round Sail Hat (On Hold)
      Emo Jeans
      And I think I have more.
      Wish List
      Merry Melodies Hat
      Sea Captins shoes (I think I am getting them)
      And I need the Social media couch.

      hey SAG what for the kitty? i need the shoes and shirt the most. Btw do you have science goggles? i need those a lot too… JLMK!

      No I don;t have the goggles. All I need for cat is Social Media Stuff, plumpy (Maybe), swirl, Merry Melodies Hat, And Sea Captins shoes.

      Hmm i have merry melody, not sure if it’s for trade though. what would you offer for it?

      AQUA- Tomorrow I am geting the Petal Print skunk. The PSI will be for trade. I posted my priceless list up at the top of the page. Oh! I wondered if you are bad with Aqua Marie? I see that pet A LOT. I think that is his/her pets name.

      Fudgey-Sorry,actually AugauriaKee And I are trading round sail hat and diamond piano for sea captins shoes.

    5. #663150

      Hi everyone! I have Cheeseburger, I might trade it, might not :)


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