Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives PRO TRADERS OVER HERE!!!!

This topic contains 152 replies, has 37 voices, and was last updated by  fudgeyvanilla 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #644289


    bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-05 at 11:01 PM

    Hi! Everyone can trade here. I will have a list up soon. Bailey101010

    Ok I Want~~~
    Estore points
    Fun in the sun dress
    Rainbow rascal PSI
    Spot of tea Slide
    Burrowing Cliffside Slide
    Darling Den Slide
    Warm river spa

    Trading List~~~
    Crazy Confetti Chest
    Soda Sprinkler
    Cozy Water Bed
    Leaping Lemur Trampoline
    Little Lamb Bed
    Gumball Wardrobe
    Tennis Ball Swing
    Yorkie Couch
    Underwater television
    Glittering gem tree
    gold dress
    silver dress
    webkinz beauty dress
    pop star dress
    rockerz cow clothes

    lmks bailey101010

    1. #646800

      mdl5455 wrote on 2012-08-09 at 08:15 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-08-09 at 01:02 PM

      mdl5455 wrote on 2012-08-08 at 05:29 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-08-08 at 03:13 PM

      mdl5455 wrote on 2012-08-08 at 12:58 PM

      mdl5455 wrote on 2012-08-07 at 06:08 PM

      chihuahualuver wrote on 2012-08-06 at 01:32 PM
      I want plumpys glasses and the bed of the pharoah. I have the persian couch and the queen of hearts bed and there both rare.

      Is it the persian cat\’s PSI? I don\’t have anything on your list but I have the Moon Rover, Countdown to Celabration and something else I can\’t remember. They are all exclusive. If you want one, tell me. I have a persian cat (I\’ll bring her to trade if we trade) and I accedentally sold her PSI

      I don\’t need the Persian Cat PSI anymore. But I do need Charcoal Cat, Pink Poodle (hold), and Glamour Gecko PSI

      i have pink poodle PSI if your intrested

      You do! The person who has it on hold hasn\’t responed yet, so what do you want for it?

      what PSI do you have????
      polorbear, really? what do you want for it??? (other then one of my slides)

      I don\’t have any PSIs for trade, but I might have and extra love frog PSI. Not sure, though

      m5l4, (that your user?) also i don\’t like your love frog PSI.
      but what PSI do you have? can i just look????

    2. #646731


      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-08-09 at 01:02 PM

      mdl5455 wrote on 2012-08-08 at 05:29 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-08-08 at 03:13 PM

      mdl5455 wrote on 2012-08-08 at 12:58 PM

      mdl5455 wrote on 2012-08-07 at 06:08 PM

      chihuahualuver wrote on 2012-08-06 at 01:32 PM
      I want plumpys glasses and the bed of the pharoah. I have the persian couch and the queen of hearts bed and there both rare.

      Is it the persian cat’s PSI? I don’t have anything on your list but I have the Moon Rover, Countdown to Celabration and something else I can’t remember. They are all exclusive. If you want one, tell me. I have a persian cat (I’ll bring her to trade if we trade) and I accedentally sold her PSI

      I don’t need the Persian Cat PSI anymore. But I do need Charcoal Cat, Pink Poodle (hold), and Glamour Gecko PSI

      i have pink poodle PSI if your intrested

      You do! The person who has it on hold hasn’t responed yet, so what do you want for it?

      what PSI do you have????
      polorbear, really? what do you want for it??? (other then one of my slides)

      I don’t have any PSIs for trade, but I might have and extra love frog PSI. Not sure, though

    3. #646482


      puppycujo wrote on 2012-08-07 at 05:32 PM

      6bhi wrote on 2012-08-06 at 09:21 AM
      I want Plumpy, Charm, Texting Puppy Psi, infant, Wacky, and torn.

      I have pink infant if the owner doesn’t have :) what can you offer?

      Well, i have lots of stuff. Come and trade with me so i can show you.

    4. #646471


      Hi, I’m looking for the purple lava lamp. I can offer e-store points or maybe e-store item or PSI. LMK if you have one for trade. DF

    5. #646425

      mdl5455 wrote on 2012-08-08 at 05:29 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-08-08 at 03:13 PM

      mdl5455 wrote on 2012-08-08 at 12:58 PM

      mdl5455 wrote on 2012-08-07 at 06:08 PM

      chihuahualuver wrote on 2012-08-06 at 01:32 PM
      I want plumpys glasses and the bed of the pharoah. I have the persian couch and the queen of hearts bed and there both rare.

      Is it the persian cat’s PSI? I don’t have anything on your list but I have the Moon Rover, Countdown to Celabration and something else I can’t remember. They are all exclusive. If you want one, tell me. I have a persian cat (I’ll bring her to trade if we trade) and I accedentally sold her PSI

      I don’t need the Persian Cat PSI anymore. But I do need Charcoal Cat, Pink Poodle (hold), and Glamour Gecko PSI

      i have pink poodle PSI if your intrested

      You do! The person who has it on hold hasn’t responed yet, so what do you want for it?

      what PSI do you have????

      polorbear, really? what do you want for it??? (other then one of my slides)

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