Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives PRO TRADERS OVER HERE!!!!

This topic contains 152 replies, has 37 voices, and was last updated by  fudgeyvanilla 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #644289


    bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-05 at 11:01 PM

    Hi! Everyone can trade here. I will have a list up soon. Bailey101010

    Ok I Want~~~
    Estore points
    Fun in the sun dress
    Rainbow rascal PSI
    Spot of tea Slide
    Burrowing Cliffside Slide
    Darling Den Slide
    Warm river spa

    Trading List~~~
    Crazy Confetti Chest
    Soda Sprinkler
    Cozy Water Bed
    Leaping Lemur Trampoline
    Little Lamb Bed
    Gumball Wardrobe
    Tennis Ball Swing
    Yorkie Couch
    Underwater television
    Glittering gem tree
    gold dress
    silver dress
    webkinz beauty dress
    pop star dress
    rockerz cow clothes

    lmks bailey101010

    1. #650261

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-08-14 at 01:55 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-08-14 at 11:18 AM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-08-13 at 04:36 PM
      fudgeyvanilla— sorry about the suuuuuper late response! anyway, for the pink punch cheeky dog psi, i guess i want other psi.

      we were trading??????

      yeah, remember the buffet fruit juicer and stuff?

      no. well i belive you. but its been forever sence you replyed
      so i’m not intrested anymore. sorry.

    2. #650234

      midnightmoon13 wrote on 2012-08-14 at 01:40 PM

      dogfish wrote on 2012-08-13 at 05:36 PM

      dogfish wrote on 2012-08-13 at 02:06 PM

      midnightmoon13 wrote on 2012-08-12 at 11:12 PM
      its ok it didn\’t sound awful! :) plmk if u need anything for ur friends gifts!! lol :) i added u and my user starts w/ 4 and ends w/6 :)

      Hey MNM, I can offer 6,000 points for your lava, I really would like to get it as a gift for Nutty Buddy. I\’m hoping to get you the cobweb bed also. I would like nothing better than to help you with your points and getting a pet, PLMK if you want to trade with me. TTYL Chloe

      Hey MNM, I just realized it’s not you that wants the cobweb bed. I met two new people yesterday and got confused. If you by any chance need that bed LMK Anyway, I still want to work out something with you for the lava. LMK if you have any older xmas or Halloween items, that’s what I’m looking for right now. TTYL Chloe

      hey df i might do that but is there anything else u need for gifts? i have a few older halloween and christmas items u can look on my my page go to my stuff and see my older halloween and christmas items. i added u but u didn’t say yes yet. lmk if there is anything else u need!

      i also have that halloween candle thing i heard u were looking 4. plmk if u need it! :)

    3. #650224

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-08-14 at 11:18 AM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-08-13 at 04:36 PM
      fudgeyvanilla— sorry about the suuuuuper late response! anyway, for the pink punch cheeky dog psi, i guess i want other psi.

      we were trading??????

      yeah, remember the buffet fruit juicer and stuff?


    4. #650218

      dogfish wrote on 2012-08-13 at 05:36 PM

      dogfish wrote on 2012-08-13 at 02:06 PM

      midnightmoon13 wrote on 2012-08-12 at 11:12 PM
      its ok it didn\’t sound awful! :) plmk if u need anything for ur friends gifts!! lol :) i added u and my user starts w/ 4 and ends w/6 :)

      Hey MNM, I can offer 6,000 points for your lava, I really would like to get it as a gift for Nutty Buddy. I\’m hoping to get you the cobweb bed also. I would like nothing better than to help you with your points and getting a pet, PLMK if you want to trade with me. TTYL Chloe

      Hey MNM, I just realized it’s not you that wants the cobweb bed. I met two new people yesterday and got confused. If you by any chance need that bed LMK Anyway, I still want to work out something with you for the lava. LMK if you have any older xmas or Halloween items, that’s what I’m looking for right now. TTYL Chloe

      hey df i might do that but is there anything else u need for gifts? i have a few older halloween and christmas items u can look on my my page go to my stuff and see my older halloween and christmas items. i added u but u didn’t say yes yet. lmk if there is anything else u need!

    5. #650063

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-08-13 at 04:36 PM

      fudgeyvanilla— sorry about the suuuuuper late response! anyway, for the pink punch cheeky dog psi, i guess i want other psi.

      we were trading??????

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