Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives PRO TRADERS OVER HERE!!!!

This topic contains 152 replies, has 37 voices, and was last updated by  fudgeyvanilla 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #644289


    bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-05 at 11:01 PM

    Hi! Everyone can trade here. I will have a list up soon. Bailey101010

    Ok I Want~~~
    Estore points
    Fun in the sun dress
    Rainbow rascal PSI
    Spot of tea Slide
    Burrowing Cliffside Slide
    Darling Den Slide
    Warm river spa

    Trading List~~~
    Crazy Confetti Chest
    Soda Sprinkler
    Cozy Water Bed
    Leaping Lemur Trampoline
    Little Lamb Bed
    Gumball Wardrobe
    Tennis Ball Swing
    Yorkie Couch
    Underwater television
    Glittering gem tree
    gold dress
    silver dress
    webkinz beauty dress
    pop star dress
    rockerz cow clothes

    lmks bailey101010

    1. #644748


      So does anyone want to trade? Bailey101010

    2. #644682


      WackyWebber wrote on 2012-08-06 at 12:42 PM

      SHINEBRIGHT- The PSI you’re thinking of, the Small Sig. Black Lab PSI, is called the Frantic Frisbee Flinger. However, the Tennis Ball Swing is the regular Labradoodle’s PSI. Hope this helps! ~WW

      Also, If you mean the Regular Black lab, then the regular’s PSI is a window..

    3. #644624


      WackyWebber wrote on 2012-08-06 at 12:42 PM

      SHINEBRIGHT- The PSI you’re thinking of, the Small Sig. Black Lab PSI, is called the Frantic Frisbee Flinger. However, the Tennis Ball Swing is the regular Labradoodle’s PSI. Hope this helps! ~WW

      ok thanks foe telling me wackywebber
      ~shine bright morning shine

    4. #644588

      morningshie, thats labradoodle PSI. not SIG. SIG. black lab PSI
      is the frisbee flinger. and i have that swing if anyones intrested.

    5. #644586

      heres some good stuff i have….. blue and green lava lamp, burrowing
      cliffside slide, sly slide, red wolf swing, BUNDLE ROCKERZ t-shirt stand, wallpaper, sound effect machine,
      rockerz puppy PSI, (no clothes) and some other things i don’t know about. ‘m looking for,
      any gemsters, bamboo chute slide, diamond piano, candykinz PSI, (not sure which ones though)
      winged piano, papillion dog PSI, (looking for whole set) log lodge pool, rare pianos, cheeky dog grill,
      elegant sette, doggie diving pool, and more. PLMKSNOL if anyone has this stuff.

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