Home Forums Games – Archives Project RUFFway! DESIGN CONTEST!!!

This topic contains 429 replies, has 40 voices, and was last updated by  mackenziebourgfan 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #658572

    amazingracegal wrote on 2012-08-27 at 08:41 PM

    Hello! If you love making outfits for Webkinz, this is a great contest for you! To enter, all you have to do is use items from the KinzStyle Outlet to make an outfit to satisfy a client that I give you! Just post your fashion ideas here! Clothing Machine items are allowed, as long as you provide the recipe. The first client is a back-to-school outfit for a black lab named Bella. So, as they say on the GREAT TV show Project Runway, make it work! And have fun!

    hey ARG! neat idea!
    Lime green shorts
    yellow v-neck shirt
    summer sandals
    lemon lime sash


    1. #663717

      FuryGirl5 wrote on 2012-09-03 at 04:10 PM

      amazingracegal wrote on 2012-09-03 at 01:30 PM

      FuryGirl5 wrote on 2012-09-03 at 12:40 PM
      ARG? ur judging 2nite, rite? LMK pls. thx soooo much!
      Just Kick It,

      Of course! Oh, and that reminds me…. I’ll only be able to judge nights now, because school starts for me tomorrow. And if results aren’t out by night, please don’t get mad. I’ll probably be busy. So I’d post the results the next night.
      Also, Fury, where is the Jean Jacket Uniform from? I can’t find it in the KinzStyle Outlet…. So if you could change that part of your outfit, that would be great.

      I thought we were allowed 2 use deluxe and estore stuff. i believe it’s a deluxe item. if we’re not, I’ll change it. Sorry. LMK ASAP! thx :)
      Just Kick It,

      Fury, cool ending!

      Here is my out-fit! : D

      Long knit sweater

      No belt No glasses

      Red bow

      Red Mary Jane’s

      Brown corduroy pants

      ALL for about, $355 Kinzcash. Hope you like it

      Stirrup The saddle,

      ~Jerry EN Earnest

    2. #663697

      “The next client is…… a cat (the free account one) named Mew-Mew! Summer is ending, so she needs to switch over to fall clothes. That means warmer clothes and cool styles! She needs a casual fall-inspired look. BUT, she has a budget: 400 KinzCash. So make sure it stays within her budget! :)”

      hi there!! Here’s my outfit for Mew-Mew…
      I wasn’t sure if she was on a full account or a free account so I made 2 outfits :)

      1. Using regular items
      HAT: baby blue beanie (35KC) OR Purple Beanie (60KC)
      SHIRT: purple layered tee (40KC)
      PANTS: powder blue skirt (50KC)
      SHOES: red Mary janes (90KC)
      GLASSES: n/a
      BELT: n/a
      TOTAL COST: 215-240 KC

      2. Using items not availabe for free members
      HAT: pink newsboy cap (65KC)
      SHIRT: cardi with pink top (235KC)
      PANTS: cuffed jeans (65KC)
      SHOES: moccasins (70KC)
      GLASSES: n/a
      BELT: n/a
      TOTAL COST: 435 KC

      Sorry I went over on outfit #2

      hope your cat likes them!!

    3. #663696

      “The next client is…… a cat (the free account one) named Mew-Mew! Summer is ending, so she needs to switch over to fall clothes. That means warmer clothes and cool styles! She needs a casual fall-inspired look. BUT, she has a budget: 400 KinzCash. So make sure it stays within her budget! :)”

      hi there!! Here’s my outfit for Mew-Mew…
      I wasn’t sure if she was on a full account or a free account so I made 2 outfits :)

      1. Using regular items
      HAT: baby blue beanie (35KC) OR Purple Beanie (60KC)
      SHIRT: purple layered tee (40KC)
      PANTS: powder blue skirt (50KC)
      SHOES: red Mary janes (90KC)
      GLASSES: n/a
      BELT: n/a
      TOTAL COST: 215-240 KC

      2. Using items not availabe for free members
      HAT: pink newsboy cap (65KC)
      SHIRT: cardi with pink top (235KC)
      PANTS: cuffed jeans (65KC)
      SHOES: moccasins (70KC)
      GLASSES: n/a
      BELT: n/a
      TOTAL COST: 435 KC

      Sorry I went over on outfit #2

      hope your cat likes them!!

    4. #663661

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-09-06 at 09:32 PM

      amazingracegal wrote on 2012-09-06 at 08:35 PM
      So, no results tonight…. there are NO entries! :””( Please enter, everyone! I’d really appreciate it!

      Sorry, I was busy! Anyway,
      Distressed stretchy jeans
      Fall style striped hoodie
      Red sneakers
      Red bow
      Red belt (optional)
      Hope u like! I used reds and oranges and such. Even in the shoelaces is fall color. And jeans really can match with anything. And pretty much the whole thing is comfortable and warm.

      Wow I didn’t know that went over the budget lol. Instead, this is MY OFFICIAL ENTRY.

      Fall style striped hoodie
      Red sneakers
      Red bow
      Yellow rain pants thing or red jeans

      Hope u like!


    5. #663631


      Oooooh… This is a big one! OK, so fashion show you say, well let’s get fancy!
      Top: Preppy Button Shirt
      Bottom: Ruffled Skirt (Pink/Black)
      Glasses: White Hollywood Sunglasses
      Hat: Sparkly Pink Bow
      Shoes: High Heel Sandals (Pink/Black)
      I tried this with my Chocolate Lab and she looks FABulous. I might even use the outfit myself.

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