Home Forums Games – Archives Project RUFFway! DESIGN CONTEST!!!

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  • #658572

    amazingracegal wrote on 2012-08-27 at 08:41 PM

    Hello! If you love making outfits for Webkinz, this is a great contest for you! To enter, all you have to do is use items from the KinzStyle Outlet to make an outfit to satisfy a client that I give you! Just post your fashion ideas here! Clothing Machine items are allowed, as long as you provide the recipe. The first client is a back-to-school outfit for a black lab named Bella. So, as they say on the GREAT TV show Project Runway, make it work! And have fun!

    hey ARG! neat idea!
    Lime green shorts
    yellow v-neck shirt
    summer sandals
    lemon lime sash


    1. #664063

      Thanks for mentions. I knew it wasn’t my best but it doesn’t matter. Here’s for S’Mores!

      Burgundy Track Pants
      Dark Shades
      B&W Sneakers
      Black Belt
      Baseball Hoodie
      Cowboy Hat (LOL, my other choices didn’t look good on my Clydesdale.)



    2. #664062

      Yay! Thanks for fourth place!!

      “Next pet is…… a Clydesdale named S’mores! He plays four different sports (soccer, basketball, lacrosse, and baseball) all throughout the year. He needs an outfit that fits his athletic lifestyle, but still looks cool!”

      Is there any budget?

    3. #663942

      It’s RESULTS TIME!

      4th……….. FluffySilly! (I used your first outfit because your second one was over budget. But I LOVE the beanies!)
      3rd……….. Fury!! (It was ok to go 5 kinzcash over. Cute dress, and you accesorized it well!)
      2nd………. earnestandjerry!!! (the sweater and the corduroys go so well together! great styling!)
      1st……….. 4pb!!!! (Colored jeans are so in style. And you used great fall colors!)
      Honorable Mentions go to fanofthefrog and princesscocol!!!!!

      Next pet is…… a Clydesdale named S’mores! He plays four different sports (soccer, basketball, lacrosse, and baseball) all throughout the year. He needs an outfit that fits his athletic lifestyle, but still looks cool!

    4. #663882



    5. #663863


      splice239 wrote on 2012-09-07 at 07:47 PM

      Oooooh… This is a big one! OK, so fashion show you say, well let’s get fancy!
      Top: Preppy Button Shirt
      Bottom: Ruffled Skirt (Pink/Black)
      Glasses: White Hollywood Sunglasses
      Hat: Sparkly Pink Bow
      Shoes: High Heel Sandals (Pink/Black)
      I tried this with my Chocolate Lab and she looks FABulous. I might even use the outfit myself.

      Oops. That was for Cowabell. I guess I was too late for the entry.

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