Home Forums Games – Archives Project RUFFway! DESIGN CONTEST!!!

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  • #658572

    amazingracegal wrote on 2012-08-27 at 08:41 PM

    Hello! If you love making outfits for Webkinz, this is a great contest for you! To enter, all you have to do is use items from the KinzStyle Outlet to make an outfit to satisfy a client that I give you! Just post your fashion ideas here! Clothing Machine items are allowed, as long as you provide the recipe. The first client is a back-to-school outfit for a black lab named Bella. So, as they say on the GREAT TV show Project Runway, make it work! And have fun!

    hey ARG! neat idea!
    Lime green shorts
    yellow v-neck shirt
    summer sandals
    lemon lime sash


    1. #672079


      amazingracegal wrote on 2012-10-05 at 02:28 PM

      It’s RESULTS TIME!
      4th……… rat50! (Great style sense you have! Only thing was that you used capris, and she does want a warm outfit… But overall, nice job!)
      3rd……… earnestandjerry!! (Love each piece of clothing, and your use of color!)
      2nd…….. KC!!! (You would think that the orange jacket and red jeans clash, but the headband pulls the look together! Great work!)
      1st……… fanofthefrog!!!! (It’s warm, suits the time of year, and it has a perfect pop of color in the shoes! Fantastic!)
      Next client…….. a Rabbit named Blossom! She’s going to her older sister’s Hop-Mitzvah (get it? instead of bat-mitzvah?) in a few weeks and needs a fancy outfit suitable for the event. Things you may want to know: her favorite color is blue, but she doesn’t want to be ALL blue like Cookie Monster or something, and she loves fairytale books.
      ~A.R.G.: TEAM UNIQUE!

      Sorry I missed one or two, but I’m back! Let’s see what I’ve got for Blossom-

      Blue Bow
      Spiral Designer Dress
      Rhinestone Flats

      I know it’s not my best outfit, but I hope you like it!

    2. #672057


      thedress wrote on 2012-10-05 at 09:07 PM

      ok this is my first design so i might be a bit rusty
      shirt:preppy button shirt
      pants:distressed stretchy jeans
      shoes:laced heels
      hat:spring fedora
      thanks – the dress

      I think it’s pretty cool, almost something I would wear in real life! Great job!! :)

    3. #671949

      amazingracegal wrote on 2012-10-05 at 02:28 PM

      It’s RESULTS TIME!
      4th……… rat50! (Great style sense you have! Only thing was that you used capris, and she does want a warm outfit… But overall, nice job!)
      3rd……… earnestandjerry!! (Love each piece of clothing, and your use of color!)
      2nd…….. KC!!! (You would think that the orange jacket and red jeans clash, but the headband pulls the look together! Great work!)
      1st……… fanofthefrog!!!! (It’s warm, suits the time of year, and it has a perfect pop of color in the shoes! Fantastic!)
      Next client…….. a Rabbit named Blossom! She’s going to her older sister’s Hop-Mitzvah (get it? instead of bat-mitzvah?) in a few weeks and needs a fancy outfit suitable for the event. Things you may want to know: her favorite color is blue, but she doesn’t want to be ALL blue like Cookie Monster or something, and she loves fairytale books.
      ~A.R.G.: TEAM UNIQUE!

      Beautiful Ball Gown (Clothing Recipes)

      Ballerina Leotard Top
      Blue Bow
      Powder Blue Skirt

      Academy Mary Janes
      Daisy Hair Clip

      Thanks for 1st!


    4. #671601


      ok this is my first design so i might be a bit rusty
      shirt:preppy button shirt
      pants:distressed stretchy jeans
      shoes:laced heels
      hat:spring fedora
      thanks – the dress

    5. #671617


      Hmm. I\’m not very good at fancy outfits, but I\’ll see what I can do(LOL on the Cookie Monster thing by the way!).
      Gray cardigan (A simple fancy cardigan with a splash of blue)
      Powder blue skirt (The part with the most blue in the outfit, still it matches and looks gorgeous!)
      Laced heels (A soft touch of elegance)
      Eyeglasses (A pretty accessory-black goes well with anything)
      Sparkly pink bow (The finishing touch that leaves a hint of pink in the outfit!)

      The outfit I created in my opinion is enchanting(Fairy tales) and has the right balance of blue by placing white and gray into the outfit. I hope you consider my entry as placing-worthy! :)

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