Home Forums Games – Archives Project RUFFway! DESIGN CONTEST!!!

This topic contains 429 replies, has 40 voices, and was last updated by  mackenziebourgfan 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #658572

    amazingracegal wrote on 2012-08-27 at 08:41 PM

    Hello! If you love making outfits for Webkinz, this is a great contest for you! To enter, all you have to do is use items from the KinzStyle Outlet to make an outfit to satisfy a client that I give you! Just post your fashion ideas here! Clothing Machine items are allowed, as long as you provide the recipe. The first client is a back-to-school outfit for a black lab named Bella. So, as they say on the GREAT TV show Project Runway, make it work! And have fun!

    hey ARG! neat idea!
    Lime green shorts
    yellow v-neck shirt
    summer sandals
    lemon lime sash


    1. #673179

      Results tonight??? “:/ (scratching head face LOL!)


    2. #673043

      batluver wrote on 2012-10-05 at 08:19 PM

      amazingracegal wrote on 2012-10-05 at 02:31 PM
      AHH I forgot to say honorable mentions!!!!! They are batluver, 4pb, and TDDT2. So sorry about that!
      ~A.R.G: TEAM UNIQUE!

      Thank you :). For a second there I was like Mentions? LOL. Was the outfit good? I don’t think it was very bright, but anyways, what’s your opinion?

      Of course your outfit was good! I think the only thing that made it lose some points was the fact that it wasn’t very bright. Otherwise, your outfit was great. You definitely have a sense of style that I love. Personally, I love outfits that aren’t so loud with color, but being that it’s for a client, it just needed to suit all the elements Lady wanted. You’re a really great designer, though, so don’t doubt yourself!

      ALL- Results are soon!

      ~A.R.G.: team unique!!

    3. #672898


      amazingracegal wrote on 2012-10-05 at 02:28 PM

      It’s RESULTS TIME!
      4th……… rat50! (Great style sense you have! Only thing was that you used capris, and she does want a warm outfit… But overall, nice job!)
      3rd……… earnestandjerry!! (Love each piece of clothing, and your use of color!)
      2nd…….. KC!!! (You would think that the orange jacket and red jeans clash, but the headband pulls the look together! Great work!)
      1st……… fanofthefrog!!!! (It’s warm, suits the time of year, and it has a perfect pop of color in the shoes! Fantastic!)
      Next client…….. a Rabbit named Blossom! She’s going to her older sister’s Hop-Mitzvah (get it? instead of bat-mitzvah?) in a few weeks and needs a fancy outfit suitable for the event. Things you may want to know: her favorite color is blue, but she doesn’t want to be ALL blue like Cookie Monster or something, and she loves fairytale books.
      ~A.R.G.: TEAM UNIQUE!

      Hi! So I know this is kind of last minute but this forum looks AWESOME so I’m going to enter an outfit and see how it does!

      OK so:
      Blue and Green Kilt
      Fancy Turquoise Blouse
      Rhinestone Flats
      and Blue Bow!


    4. #672896

      HI! So something nice yet normel?

      HERE YOU GO!
      Moonberry Dress
      ~Purple Pajama Top
      ~ Plaid Buckle Hat
      ~ Smocked Sundress
      Glass Slippers, Princess Hat, Ruby Slippers, Funky Girl Glasses
      Blue Bow
      No Belt No Glasses 8D :O : C D

      So catch up with ya later,

      ~Too-Shay Earnest EN Jerry

    5. #672859

      Anyone else?

      ~A.R.G.: team unique!!

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