Home Forums Games – Archives Project RUFFway! DESIGN CONTEST!!!

This topic contains 429 replies, has 40 voices, and was last updated by  mackenziebourgfan 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #658572

    amazingracegal wrote on 2012-08-27 at 08:41 PM

    Hello! If you love making outfits for Webkinz, this is a great contest for you! To enter, all you have to do is use items from the KinzStyle Outlet to make an outfit to satisfy a client that I give you! Just post your fashion ideas here! Clothing Machine items are allowed, as long as you provide the recipe. The first client is a back-to-school outfit for a black lab named Bella. So, as they say on the GREAT TV show Project Runway, make it work! And have fun!

    hey ARG! neat idea!
    Lime green shorts
    yellow v-neck shirt
    summer sandals
    lemon lime sash


    1. #659226

      fanofthefrog7 wrote on 2012-08-28 at 11:53 PM

      Top: Lightweight Striped Top
      Pants: Faded and Frayed Shorts
      Glasses: White Hollywood Sunglasses
      Shoes: High Cut Runners
      Belt: Silver Braided Belt
      Hat: Plaid Buckle Cap

      OH!!! I think the pet is girl. So hear: Tan leather skirt, ( This is if it is cooler or in the season Fall) penny loafers or blue Mary Jane’s, WAIT UGH hold on my window is closed wait two secend’s, OK back. grey cardigan with pink top, spring fedora, (AGAIN SORRY HOPE YOU LIKE HAT ANYWAY) Zum buckled belt, and no glasses. If the cardigan doesn’t work I would go with the long knit sweater again, KAY?

      STILL winner JERRY (I have a proud title)

    2. #659219

      earnestandjerry wrote on 2012-08-28 at 11:42 PM

      earnestandjerry wrote on 2012-08-28 at 10:34 PM

      amazingracegal wrote on 2012-08-28 at 09:48 PM

      earnestandjerry wrote on 2012-08-28 at 08:32 PM

      amazingracegal wrote on 2012-08-27 at 08:41 PM
      Hello! If you love making outfits for Webkinz, this is a great contest for you! To enter, all you have to do is use items from the KinzStyle Outlet to make an outfit to satisfy a client that I give you! Just post your fashion ideas here! Clothing Machine items are allowed, as long as you provide the recipe. The first client is a back-to-school outfit for a black lab named Bella. So, as they say on the GREAT TV show Project Runway, make it work! And have fun!

      Well is it supposed to be a warm out-fit (Jacket sweats thick hat sneakers that sort of thing) or a warm out-fit? (T-shirt shorts small hat (Such as bow) sandle\’s ect.) Either way I can make a out-fit. Most likely won\’t win twice though. But I can go for secend right? SO warm or cold or just what the weather is supposed to be outside for this out-fit? Won\’t ask if I could first AGAIN, please tell me the type of weather
      Jerry the winner (ER for now)

      UH? SHOULD I MAKE MY OUT-FIT TONIGHT OR TOMORROW? ANYWAY STILL WAITING ON AN ANSER FOR THAT WEATHER THING. But here is what I think could be a really cool sporty out-fit for going to the park and just parkish-sportish-summerish-fallish-and-\’SCHOOL WILL NOT OVER COME FUN-ish, kind of outfit. Now what is the dogs name? If you said it I missed that part. SO here is my out-fit hope I (faints a little) first ER secend. her it is: WAIT WAIT SLOW YOUR ROAD!!!!! Is the pet a boy or girl? Must know before outfit is complete,

      Jerry still the winner of \”THE FORUM\”

    3. #659216

      Jerry, you make good outfits. Don’t doubt yourself.

      Agreed, if it is cold i might need to make some modifications LOL. I like what i have right now though…..

    4. #659213

      Top: Lightweight Striped Top
      Pants: Faded and Frayed Shorts
      Glasses: White Hollywood Sunglasses
      Shoes: High Cut Runners
      Belt: Silver Braided Belt
      Hat: Plaid Buckle Cap

    5. #659212

      oh yeah if its cold i wanna redo mine ><

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