Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives PROMO AND ESTORE POINTS NEEDED!!

This topic contains 101 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  leopold 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #680076


    leopold wrote on 2012-11-07 at 07:38 PM

    anyone have any?? i have a gemster!!

    which gemster???? and do you have the enchanted loch?

    1. #686520


      AIW, did you see my post? (: LMK!

    2. #686057

      ThePinkKoala wrote on 2012-12-01 at 08:32 PM

      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-12-01 at 01:55 PM

      ThePinkKoala wrote on 2012-12-01 at 11:41 AM
      I REALLY need eStore points!! My list for them is below:
      Sail Dress
      Sail Captain Hat
      Elf Shoes
      White Ears
      Kitty Pants
      Brown Belt
      PLMKS if anyone has them for trade! I’m looking for about 10,000, but I could always offer for more or less. Thx!
      ~ TPK

      Hello there. I was wondering what you might perhaps be offering for the 10,000 points? PLMK, thanks. :) *AIW

      Well, ideally, I would say one sail and one of the others. But I’m always open to other suggestions lol. Lmk what you would need
      ~ TPK

      Hmm, I might be interested in doing your Sail Hat and Elf Shoes if that would be an option. LMK your thoughts, thanks! *AIW

    3. #686054


      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-12-01 at 07:30 PM

      Hannah412 wrote on 2012-12-01 at 06:16 PM
      EVERYONE I AM NEEDING 25,000 estore points badly. I know that’s a LOT but I REALLY need them. I have a lot for trade:
      Sailor belt
      Elf shoes
      Emo jeans
      Purple Witch Hat
      Alexadrite Gemster
      Acorn Car
      Winter Fawn PSI (x3)
      Estore Ice Fawn PSI
      I may add more to the list later. Someone PLEASE LMK! (you can offer ANY amount of estore points for any of these~)

      Hi Hannah. :) Was wondering how many points you might need for your Gemster? I was also somewhat interested in your Acorn Car or Ice Fawn PSI. PLMK how many points you were thinking you wanted for these items individually, or in a combo. Thanks! *AIW

      Hmm… what could you do for the three of them? I don’t really know points values–kind of new to trading them. LMK your idea! Thank you! ~Hannah~

    4. #686041


      AliceInWebkinzland wrote on 2012-12-01 at 01:55 PM

      ThePinkKoala wrote on 2012-12-01 at 11:41 AM
      I REALLY need eStore points!! My list for them is below:
      Sail Dress
      Sail Captain Hat
      Elf Shoes
      White Ears
      Kitty Pants
      Brown Belt
      PLMKS if anyone has them for trade! I’m looking for about 10,000, but I could always offer for more or less. Thx!
      ~ TPK

      Hello there. I was wondering what you might perhaps be offering for the 10,000 points? PLMK, thanks. :) *AIW

      Well, ideally, I would say one sail and one of the others. But I’m always open to other suggestions lol. Lmk what you would need

      ~ TPK

    5. #686030


      I really need estore points! i need about 12,500 ( for peppermint unicorn :)
      I have shuts (better be REALLY good offer
      charm fairy skirt
      spree bowling unit
      usher outfit
      vogue vapmire outfit (blue)
      Deluxe santa outift
      pixie dust pouch
      a fireplace ( one of the webkinz charactors
      victorian dress
      I have no priceless or new psi!! sorry!

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