Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives PSF COLLECTER'S CLUB, CLICK HERE

This topic contains 97 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  mdl5455 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89052


    <p>Do you collect PSF. I do! Trade PSFs for PSFs HERE! Have Fun!

    1. #651740


      appeloverxD wrote on 2012-08-16 at 02:26 PM

      ok the following psi food i have unlimited things of it:
      retired unicorn
      grey and white cat
      orange and white cat
      (i have a lot more common ones i see no reason to list them)
      rockers puppy
      emerald dog
      and more for full list please contact me my user is leen96 so add me thnx a lot bye
      plmk soon what foods you need

      I want your rockerz puppy psf and your emrald dog psf.

    2. #651722


      appeloverxD wrote on 2012-08-16 at 02:26 PM

      ok the following psi food i have unlimited things of it:
      retired unicorn
      grey and white cat
      orange and white cat
      (i have a lot more common ones i see no reason to list them)
      rockers puppy
      emerald dog
      and more for full list please contact me my user is leen96 so add me thnx a lot bye
      plmk soon what foods you need

      hi! i have mystical mouse psf and moon fox psf for your emerald dog and rockers puppy psfs! PLMK if you want to trade i just sent you a friend request from FSpot00 :)

      SW :)

    3. #651693


      ok the following psi food i have unlimited things of it:
      retired unicorn
      grey and white cat
      orange and white cat
      (i have a lot more common ones i see no reason to list them)
      rockers puppy
      emerald dog
      and more for full list please contact me my user is leen96 so add me thnx a lot bye
      plmk soon what foods you need

    4. #651595


      PSF I have part 1:
      Bamboo Canelloni(Panda)
      Best in Show Brownies(American Golden)
      Bow Wow Chow Mein(Shih Tzu)
      Braised Brannock Bites(Clydesdale)
      Bubbly Fish Pop(Seal)
      Bueno Bone Burritos(Chihuhua)
      Carrot Cake Supreme(Rabbit)
      Cheese and Quackers(Duck)
      Crunchy Carrot Chutney(Angora Bunny)
      Fluffy Tuna Tartufo(Persian Cat)
      Four Leaf Catnip(Clover Cat)
      Fried Bat Cakes(Black Cat)
      Tell me what you will trade!

    5. #651496


      mdl5455 wrote on 2012-08-15 at 06:24 PM

      JumpyBeasty- Can I have Sabe Toothed Tiger?
      DQ00- Have you sent?

      also whats your user name so i can add you PLMK!

      JB :)

      ^. .^
      > * <
      ( ) |
      ( o o)_/
      0 0

      (random kitty)

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