Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives PSI TRADING!!:)

This topic contains 121 replies, has 33 voices, and was last updated by  lacrossegirl5 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #658023

    iam looking for cottoncandy puppy batic elephant or gold and white cat i will make my best trade to

    1. #670386


      EmiliaGG wrote on 2012-08-30 at 10:24 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-30 at 10:12 PM

      EmiliaGG wrote on 2012-08-30 at 09:50 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-30 at 09:43 PM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-08-29 at 09:40 PM
      NB– yes u can offer… but if emiliagg replies in the next couple of days I will consider their offer first. And yes, I am. R u enjoying your new slide and dress? ;)

      Oh my goodness, yes, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that slide :D!!! It was sooooo worth it :)!! I am happy you’re loving your stuff too! Do you have the flooring in a room yet?? Does it look awesome?? Ok, I will keep an eye on the forum for emiliagg’s reply and if I don’t see one, I will wait to hear from you and once you say its cool, I will list some psi :)

      i said b4 you that i have cream soda sprinkler

      sorry was just responding to 4pb….

      okay but i really need cottoncandy psi bcause i have one

      Hi emiliaGG, Please add me clo91 and I will try to find the cotton candy closet for you. I used to sell and trade all my PSIs and it took me more than a year to get them all back. So, I know exactly how you feel. TTYL DF

    2. #670362


      Here are some of the psi’s i have…….

      Take it easy through
      cheeky gumball pit
      bamboo chute swing
      bagpiper’s trampoline
      country side gazebo
      sweet sweater stand
      lily padz water bed
      hidey house lounger
      three wishes genie lamp

      i’m sorry i dont have alot i have more but i really like them sorry
      but if you like anything L.M.K. !!!!:)


    3. #670356

      nb thx i might have to get another. I sold mine and now regret it but thats fine i hope you enjoy it. but if not lets trade

    4. #670336


      NB – i don\’t know if you saw my other post, but i\’ll take the Roman Head Wreath for the Fire AQueen Robes if that\’s okay with you.

    5. #670315


      EmiliaGG wrote on 2012-09-29 at 06:22 PM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-08-30 at 10:51 PM

      EmiliaGG wrote on 2012-08-30 at 10:46 PM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-08-30 at 10:34 PM
      Emiliagg- sorry I don’t need that either… have any clothes?
      NB– yeah I put the flooring in my retired exclusives room. Neon plants… sparkles… colorfulness…plus that flooring… its my fav room. So if emiliagg doesn’t have any clothes I need then your next! I might also ask Emilia if they have retired exclusives… I collect them… its fun collecting them… anyway so yeah…. yeah. Ttyl!

      no i dont but i sold my psi and need one and so what else do you need please i need it

      Retired exclusives?

      omg yes mow ido a retired disco ball and i will throw in a swan boat car and a turtle wading pool. Please accept and nutty buddy can youplease let me and 4pb come to an agreement

      Emiilagg I already told you that I said “if” so don’t worry but 4pb and I already worked out a trade on a different forum for the closet, I have been trying to find it for a couple of days lol but we did already work out a trade for that, sorry….if I see someone else with the closet for trade, I will be sure to let you know


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