Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives PSI TRADING!!:)

This topic contains 121 replies, has 33 voices, and was last updated by  lacrossegirl5 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #658023

    iam looking for cottoncandy puppy batic elephant or gold and white cat i will make my best trade to

    1. #670423

      nutty_buddy wrote on 2012-09-30 at 05:38 PM

      EmiliaGG wrote on 2012-09-30 at 04:36 PM
      nb thx i might have to get another. I sold mine and now regret it but thats fine i hope you enjoy it. but if not lets trade

      We haven’t done the trade yet (I seriously can’t find the forum lol) seeing as it means a lot to you, once I find the forum and 4pb again, how about I send them back here to trade it with you….I am not really all that into “having to have it” lol :) I just like it cuz it’s cute. I have a few friends who sold or traded their psi’s and later regretted it, I just learned that myself the other day lol….I won’t be doing that again lol. Anyway, I like I said I gotta find the forum LOL then I will send 4pb back over :P

      no thanks though i am gonna get it from someone else

    2. #670419


      dogfish wrote on 2012-09-30 at 05:24 PM

      EmiliaGG wrote on 2012-08-30 at 10:24 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-30 at 10:12 PM

      EmiliaGG wrote on 2012-08-30 at 09:50 PM

      nuttybuddy wrote on 2012-08-30 at 09:43 PM

      4444polarbears wrote on 2012-08-29 at 09:40 PM
      NB– yes u can offer… but if emiliagg replies in the next couple of days I will consider their offer first. And yes, I am. R u enjoying your new slide and dress? ;)

      Oh my goodness, yes, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that slide :D!!! It was sooooo worth it :)!! I am happy you’re loving your stuff too! Do you have the flooring in a room yet?? Does it look awesome?? Ok, I will keep an eye on the forum for emiliagg’s reply and if I don’t see one, I will wait to hear from you and once you say its cool, I will list some psi :)

      i said b4 you that i have cream soda sprinkler

      sorry was just responding to 4pb….

      okay but i really need cottoncandy psi bcause i have one

      Hi emiliaGG, Please add me clo91 and I will try to find the cotton candy closet for you. I used to sell and trade all my PSIs and it took me more than a year to get them all back. So, I know exactly how you feel. TTYL DF

      Hi furry friend chloe :P

      Don’t worry about that, remember the other day I found out how yuck I felt when I realized I traded a pet psi that I now wish I still had? I (once I find the forum lol) am going to send 4pb back here to do the trade with emilla….as long as 4pb finds somethign they want of his/her list) :P I remember how yuck I felt when I traded my emerald tv…remember that post I sent yhou about that?) and then wound up needing it…Im still sad about that lol but at least I can still get another one from the estore by adding another green puppy lol :P


    3. #670409

      I have a cotton candy closet for trade and would you be any chance like a room to go with that? My forum is lovely design that you will love that is the name so please come by.

    4. #670408


      winnie1120 wrote on 2012-09-30 at 04:16 PM

      NB – i don\’t know if you saw my other post, but i\’ll take the Roman Head Wreath for the Fire AQueen Robes if that\’s okay with you.


      I responded on the other forum lol, whichever one you read…..please don’t send the robes because I must have traded or gifted my extra wreath. I can list a few other deluxe pieces or we can just call off the trade….it was TOTALLY my fault and I am very sorry :(


    5. #670404


      EmiliaGG wrote on 2012-09-30 at 04:36 PM

      nb thx i might have to get another. I sold mine and now regret it but thats fine i hope you enjoy it. but if not lets trade


      We haven’t done the trade yet (I seriously can’t find the forum lol) seeing as it means a lot to you, once I find the forum and 4pb again, how about I send them back here to trade it with you….I am not really all that into “having to have it” lol :) I just like it cuz it’s cute. I have a few friends who sold or traded their psi’s and later regretted it, I just learned that myself the other day lol….I won’t be doing that again lol. Anyway, I like I said I gotta find the forum LOL then I will send 4pb back over :P


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