Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives PSI TRADING!!:)

This topic contains 121 replies, has 33 voices, and was last updated by  lacrossegirl5 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #658023

    iam looking for cottoncandy puppy batic elephant or gold and white cat i will make my best trade to

    1. #658871


      thanks everybody for taking interest in this forum its my first one so yeah!!

      these are the psi i have!
      wallowing tub,super fluffy sofa, wacky eucalyptus tv, bobbin Robbin jukebox,buried bone fridge,poco fiesto throne,dowm under borrow,poodle vanity,gas pump,wilds of jungle sofa,frosty fireplace and thats it! o yeah PLMK if interested!

      ~be bright mornngshine

    2. #658867


      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-28 at 04:30 PM

      snowy527 wrote on 2012-08-28 at 02:51 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-28 at 01:51 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-27 at 07:53 PM
      Hey again snowy.. i have the calming campfire stove already, so i don\’t really need that. I also forgot to clarify, i\’m looking for signature PSI, not so much the theme, unless you have the fresh waterfalls. PLMk if you have any signature psi you could trade for the stage, i\’d appreciate it! Thanks,

      hey snowy did you see this? LMK!

      Guest-so sorry, traded plumpy ( if I find another, I won’t trade it unless it’s someone from news), I could do the chair and something else for it. What else did you like?
      Aqua-I have the catnip canopy gazebo and just got the emerald TV. And also have the blueberry fountain.

      hey snowy! Sorry but none of those really strike my interest. however, i heard you’re getting the peppermint swirl slide? i could add for that if you wanted. PLMK if you’re interested, thanks,

      I also made a list at trading 123 and if I do get the slide it’s on hold for morton I think so you will be second in line!

    3. #658858


      snowy527 wrote on 2012-08-28 at 02:51 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-28 at 01:51 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-27 at 07:53 PM
      Hey again snowy.. i have the calming campfire stove already, so i don\’t really need that. I also forgot to clarify, i\’m looking for signature PSI, not so much the theme, unless you have the fresh waterfalls. PLMk if you have any signature psi you could trade for the stage, i\’d appreciate it! Thanks,

      hey snowy did you see this? LMK!

      Guest-so sorry, traded plumpy ( if I find another, I won’t trade it unless it’s someone from news), I could do the chair and something else for it. What else did you like?
      Aqua-I have the catnip canopy gazebo and just got the emerald TV. And also have the blueberry fountain.

      Hmm I am doing a trade for it if we don’t trade I want the monkey chair and the ice tower

    4. #658856

      TLC Means Tender Loving Care which everyone should know but I say TLC Because that is The Lovely Cracker’s Word thing. Initials? I guess so.

      TLC forever <3
      PS! Did I say for life before? Sorry if I did :D

    5. #658852

      Well I don’t know if anyone wants the Googles Scrying Pond (It tells fortunes) Or, I also have a pig POTM Item, from when i had the pig, the Pig Paradise Lake. That’s not really a psi but it’s up for trade :) (I might not check back I have a bad memory with these kinds of things…)


      TLC for life <3

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