Purple Tee Shirt for trade!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Purple Tee Shirt for trade!

This topic contains 83 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  peacelovegymnastics 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #630668


    What’s tthe purple tee

    1. #633656

      peacelovegymnastics wrote on 2012-07-17 at 05:09 PM

      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-07-16 at 05:17 PM

      peacelovegymnastics wrote on 2012-07-15 at 11:44 AM

      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-07-14 at 04:05 PM

      peacelovegymnastics wrote on 2012-07-14 at 03:30 PM

      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-07-14 at 02:58 PM

      peacelovegymnastics wrote on 2012-07-14 at 02:21 PM

      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-07-14 at 12:56 PM

      peacelovegymnastics wrote on 2012-07-14 at 12:06 PM

      Eveh wrote on 2012-07-14 at 10:50 AM
      I just recently got the purple tee and I want to trade it now! So offer now and then we can meet up in the club house!

      what do you want for it? i could offer the purple floral fox PSI…….PLMK!

      Hiya! I don’t have the purple tee but I have shuts and wings and lots if psi and I am very very interested in your floral fox psi!!!!! Plmk

      i will trade for your shuts!!!!!!! is that a fair trade? PLMK!!!!!!!

      Yes I think it is a very fair trade!!!!! I will be very buissy this weekend so let’s meet yellow zone room 2 at 7:00 kinz time in plus!! Plmk if u can make it

      sorry i dont have kinzchat + and that time doesnt work for me. would yellow zone, normal kinzchat at 4:00 kinztime work for you? PLMK!

      Ok I can’t make 4:00 kinz time on Monday can u do 5:00 kinz time yellow regular on Monday plmk

      yup i can make it then! see you then! ps friend me my username is gymnastflower

      were are you gymnast i have been waiting for sixteen minutes please come to yelow regular room now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      i am so sorry! i havent been on webkinz for 2 days because i’ve been busy with my theater camp. do you think we could trade by kinzpost? it is was easier for me. i will send first if you want. let me know before i send, okay?
      ps i think we are on different time zones

      hello, mortonhippo? do you want me to send the PSI?

    2. #632998

      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-07-16 at 05:17 PM

      peacelovegymnastics wrote on 2012-07-15 at 11:44 AM

      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-07-14 at 04:05 PM

      peacelovegymnastics wrote on 2012-07-14 at 03:30 PM

      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-07-14 at 02:58 PM

      peacelovegymnastics wrote on 2012-07-14 at 02:21 PM

      mortonhippo wrote on 2012-07-14 at 12:56 PM

      peacelovegymnastics wrote on 2012-07-14 at 12:06 PM

      Eveh wrote on 2012-07-14 at 10:50 AM
      I just recently got the purple tee and I want to trade it now! So offer now and then we can meet up in the club house!

      what do you want for it? i could offer the purple floral fox PSI…….PLMK!

      Hiya! I don’t have the purple tee but I have shuts and wings and lots if psi and I am very very interested in your floral fox psi!!!!! Plmk

      i will trade for your shuts!!!!!!! is that a fair trade? PLMK!!!!!!!

      Yes I think it is a very fair trade!!!!! I will be very buissy this weekend so let’s meet yellow zone room 2 at 7:00 kinz time in plus!! Plmk if u can make it

      sorry i dont have kinzchat + and that time doesnt work for me. would yellow zone, normal kinzchat at 4:00 kinztime work for you? PLMK!

      Ok I can’t make 4:00 kinz time on Monday can u do 5:00 kinz time yellow regular on Monday plmk

      yup i can make it then! see you then! ps friend me my username is gymnastflower

      were are you gymnast i have been waiting for sixteen minutes please come to yelow regular room now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      i am so sorry! i havent been on webkinz for 2 days because i’ve been busy with my theater camp. do you think we could trade by kinzpost? it is was easier for me. i will send first if you want. let me know before i send, okay?


      ps i think we are on different time zones

    3. #632846

      cutieace wrote on 2012-07-17 at 02:07 PM

      dogfish wrote on 2012-07-17 at 01:27 PM

      cutieace wrote on 2012-07-17 at 10:16 AM

      DeluxeQueen00 wrote on 2012-07-17 at 09:15 AM
      I offer Elf Jacket for Purple Tee, LMK!

      I have the purple tee, and would love your elf jacket. Let me know.

      Cutie, I have the entire elf outfit, if it’s the kinzstyle one. I also have 90% of you “friends” want list, if you need any of those. I don’t have any of the social media prizes,but most of the rest. DF

      Are you able to meet later?

      Thanks for the trade, cutie!


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