Queen of Hearts Gown / Neo Gothic Dress / Teal Punk Riot Dress for Trade!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Queen of Hearts Gown / Neo Gothic Dress / Teal Punk Riot Dress for Trade!

This topic contains 31 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Snowflake Pup Queen 11 years, 3 months ago.

  • Author
  • #820026


    :) Would like some clothing :)

    1. #821341

      its not sending my user is EmiliaGG try adding me stupid glitch o-0

    2. #821301


      Heyz there hklover628! I am interested in your teal punk riot dress (Its for my sister) Is there any thing you REALLY want that i might be able to trade you for it?

      • #821677

        Oops, logged in on wrong account, but yes, i am still interested in your teal punk riot dress. Please tell me what you want and i will see if i have it.

        • #821812

          is that like your sister account or your other

          • #822339


            Lol sorry about that. That acually was my brother :p He wanted to give it to me as a gift but he was logged on, on my account so i kinda found out, but i am trying to trade for it now :p ~~Ash

            • #822859

              why not keep the same old foxstar account so i got everything all wrong meh

            • #823279


              Because meh brother is difficult like that :p he wanted his own account instead of using myne, but thats just how he does :) ~~Ash

      • #821686


        Hi foxstar2000, well im really in need of the swan princess dress.Maybe if u have the Red Spring Sparkle Dress or pretty prom dress/masquarade gown? I can’t really list all the things i want but maybe if u list what u have ~hklover628

        • #821973


          Hmm. Would you like a Lilac Sparkle Party Dress? LMK.

          • #821975


            btw, I am still interested in the Queen of Hearts gown, just to let you know.

          • #822871


            Sorry,not in need of that I am in need of ruby red slippers and fire zodiac shoes… I have some shoes to trade

        • #822002


          Sadly, i do not have any of those items :p I guesse i can list the things that i have for trade, but i dont know how much it will be: Rockin’ Pompadour, Wheel Of The Month T-Shirt, Gift Box Shoes, Winterfest Pajama Pants, Magic Charm Forest Good Fairy T-Shirt, Wedding Dress+Veil, Bee Costume (Shirt,Pants,Shoes,Hat), Pirate Costume Pants+Hat, Bunny Hoodie Top, Winterfest Hoodie, FreeWorld Rocking Pants, Country Party Dress. These are really all i have for trade. i know they arent worth much but let me know i ya need any of these :) ~~Ash

          • #822874


            Sorry, but not interested….Do you have fairytale dress?Btw I thought it was sweet of ur brother

            • #823278


              Nope, sorry i dont have it. And yea, my brother is always trying to get me cool things. I do th same for him, its just how we do on webkinz :) ~~Ash

    3. #821229

      ok well here goes nothing fine ribbon bed, creepy ghost father clock, yellow plamsa, twilghts ball gown, martian headband, despicalbly blue overalls, now here a good trade list my perfect one Trade List
      Bamboo Biscuits
      Batikka Masala
      Bright ‘n’ Early Breakfast
      Bueno Bone Burritos
      Bull’s Eye Biscuits
      Doodle Noodles
      Garlicky Gazelle Tenderloin
      Glam Hors D’oeures
      Ice Cream Cupcake’s
      Marzipan Bone
      Pokey Porridge
      Roasted Mousemallows
      Savory Swamp Stew
      Sea Sponge Cake
      Snowflake Frosted Cookies
      Sour Plum Drops
      Sticky Spider Cider
      Succulent Sweet Sushi
      Tuna Caramel Corn
      Zebra Dog
      Alien Mask
      Country Bonnet
      Bramble Circlet
      Mazin Hamster Stunt Belt
      Despicably Blue Overalls
      Zodiac Earth Shoes
      Martain HeadBand
      Bee Antennae
      Red Striped Fedora
      Super Hero Suit Top
      Super Hero Suit Bottom
      Golden Mask
      Wise Wizard Hat
      Magic Cauldron Stove
      Spree Standee
      Giant Zingo Plushy
      Garage Band Flooring
      Bright Ideas Lamp
      Classic Movie Studio Camera
      Royal Red Carpet
      lmk my user is EmiliaGG willing to send first

      • #821723


        I would like to trade clothes… so I see that none in your list i want but thank-you :) Do u have anything else?

        • #822312

          no afraid not let me see if you have a wish list i might so let you know

          • #822876


            ROse Party dress? DO u have tht?

      • #822878


        Hi! I changed my mind, I like ur fine ribbon bed, I have Fantasy Coach Mega Bed, Yoga ball bed, and over the rainbow bed :)

    4. #820773


      Hi! I like your Queen of Hearts gown. I have Pixie’s Wings, Springtime Dress, Deluxe Disco Jacket, Spirit Squad Uniform (PSI), Nafaria Star Trading Lunar Outfit, Santakinz Helperette Skirt, Full Pink Diving Bell (minus the helmet) and others.

      • #821059


        to cutieny2008 – hello! i am not in need of those items but i have other items instead of dresses

    5. #820097

      i need neo gothic dress and queen of hearts gownn post a trade later

      • #820977


        Okay, just put wht u have for trade im hklover628 add me a friend

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