~QUICK!!!!! Who needs stone washed jeans or rockerz stuff!!!~

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives ~QUICK!!!!! Who needs stone washed jeans or rockerz stuff!!!~

This topic contains 33 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  SKILEY 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89435


    <p>HI!!! I have the Stone washed jeans and this is the rockerz stuff i have: Cat top, Lion top, freeworld rock pants, wireless headset, torn i think, rising stage, and i think thats all! sorry! but anyways i do have a few other things!!!!!!!!! So who needs it!

    1. #655579


      SKILEY wrote on 2012-08-21 at 04:52 PM

      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-21 at 04:04 PM

      SKILEY wrote on 2012-08-19 at 05:06 PM
      HI!!! I have the Stone washed jeans and this is the rockerz stuff i have: Cat top, Lion top, freeworld rock pants, wireless headset, torn i think, rising stage, and i think thats all! sorry! but anyways i do have a few other things!!!!!!!!! So who needs it!

      Hi, I\’m interested in the Lion Top and rising stage :) I have a couple of PSI for the rising stage since it is psi as well, and I have different types of clothes for the lion top, LMK if you’d like me to list :)

      Yes, it would be nice if you could list your things.

      Alright, here are my psi. Please note that you can choose multiple items for the Rising Stage,

      Porcupine Sculpture (Porcupine)
      Ming Vase Panda Fridge (Panda)
      Lovely Monkey Armchair (Love Monkey, Seasonal)
      Elephants Travel Trunk (Velvety Elephant)
      Hopping Drum Kit (Hopping Bunny)
      Treetop Lamp (Chickadee, Animated)
      Brilliant Hisbiscus Chair (Hummingbird)
      Breaching Orca Pond (Orca Whale, Animated)
      Leafy Lounger (Gecko)
      Triblazin Terrier Scooter (White Terrier, Retired)

      Rare Items-
      Neo Gothic Bed (NGO)
      Neo Gothic Couch
      Theater Screen (Huge, takes up a whole wall)
      Persian Pedestal
      Luxury Hot Tub

      Okay Part 2 Coming , LMK if anything interests you.

    2. #655556


      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-21 at 04:04 PM

      SKILEY wrote on 2012-08-19 at 05:06 PM
      HI!!! I have the Stone washed jeans and this is the rockerz stuff i have: Cat top, Lion top, freeworld rock pants, wireless headset, torn i think, rising stage, and i think thats all! sorry! but anyways i do have a few other things!!!!!!!!! So who needs it!

      Hi, I\’m interested in the Lion Top and rising stage :) I have a couple of PSI for the rising stage since it is psi as well, and I have different types of clothes for the lion top, LMK if you’d like me to list :)

      Yes, it would be nice if you could list your things.


    3. #655518


      SKILEY wrote on 2012-08-19 at 05:06 PM

      HI!!! I have the Stone washed jeans and this is the rockerz stuff i have: Cat top, Lion top, freeworld rock pants, wireless headset, torn i think, rising stage, and i think thats all! sorry! but anyways i do have a few other things!!!!!!!!! So who needs it!

      Hi, I\’m interested in the Lion Top and rising stage :) I have a couple of PSI for the rising stage since it is psi as well, and I have different types of clothes for the lion top, LMK if you’d like me to list :)

    4. #655500


      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-08-20 at 05:36 PM

      Omg!! I need the cat top sooo much Plz Plz Plz reply!!

      Okie i posted a list!

    5. #655498


      mislev wrote on 2012-08-20 at 03:15 PM

      SKILEY wrote on 2012-08-19 at 05:06 PM
      HI!!! I have the Stone washed jeans and this is the rockerz stuff i have: Cat top, Lion top, freeworld rock pants, wireless headset, torn i think, rising stage, and i think thats all! sorry! but anyways i do have a few other things!!!!!!!!! So who needs it!

      i am interested in the cat top, lion top, and rising stage what are u looking for….PLMK
      i have slips infant and giant gumball wardrobe plus more

      HI the things i am looking for are..

      B&W cat pieces
      Any ears
      Charm tiara
      Swirl tiara
      Rockerz cat tutu
      Rockerz papillon dress
      Any promo outfits
      Scuba belt
      Any priceless or retired clothing
      Slides or swings

      If you don’t have any of this just make an offer. THIS LIST GOES FOR EVERYONE

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