Rare Item Worth an Exclusive?

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This topic contains 12 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  e3459d 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #844118


    Obviously it depends on the item, but is an exclusive item worth a rare item, or no? Which one is worth more -generally speaking- if so? Thanks!

    1. #845900


      Thanks. It was the window from the Egyptian theme (unsure of name) for the Queen of Hearts Bed.

    2. #845850


      DF the hot tub costed me 100,000 is that the most expensive one?-Atom

      • #846502


        I think the bowling alley and movie screen are worth more. Items you can’t get like the Moon lamp are worth more to me, because you just can’t buy them. The Egyptian theme is high in value, and it just retired less than two years ago. DF

    3. #844475


      No, because exclusive items you can get from the wish factory and rare items, well I’m not sure. Unless by exclusive you mean: super beds, PSI, retired anything, and pet of month items, then they’re worth more than rare items.

      • #845826


        HI atom, retired exclusives are worth a lot. Retired rares are worth more then the ones in the curio shop. Some are almost priceless, like the kooky scientist and hockey and retired space items. It varies so much that’s why you simply need to check values all the time. DF

    4. #844431

      No, most serious collectors would value a nice rare over an exclusive. Unless a signature exclusive, or rockerz back stage pass item. These are examples of special exclusives that are certainly worth more than most. If it were me, I would trade a bowling alley or a hot tub for these, but unless a special brand of exclusive. I would never even dream of it. If it were a rare under 3,000 kinz-cash, I may, however, consider it. If you have a rare movie screen though. Take not they are VERY valuable, and should NEVER be traded for a single special exclusive. I hope this helps, everyone has their ownn opinions on this though, and I don’t want to frustrate anyone. I am sure everybody has great advice :)

      • #844864


        Right DG, I wasn’t thinking about the movie screen. They sell them for 40,000 KC tons. AThanks DF for giving some for me to sell.-Atom

    5. #844367


      Exclusives more than rare unless it is expenisive. The bowling ally really rare I never saw one before and the hot tub (I got one) :) are the very rare and expensive so probably equal or more.-Atom

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