Rare Items Wanted

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Rare Items Wanted

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  abislu1 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #700303


    Does anyone have rare items from the medieval or ascended princess themes? Pls let me know if you do!

    1. #701751


      I havethe medival dining chair……………………..not really a worthy trade for anything…………………………………you can have it for free…………………my UN is abislu1!

    2. #701162

      i have neo gothic t.v .

    3. #700385


      I have the medival dining chair.

    4. #700366


      Hello! I have some items from both of those themes. I can only remember some of what i have but here goes: Medivial Chest, Bellacourt blooming flower (princess theme), Medivial dining chair, contessa wall sconce ( princess theme), forever you rose (princess theme), entitled tapestry ( princess theme), princess magic mirror, Viscountess Vanity Chair , Royal Reign Rug, King’s Royal Lamp (medivial theme). That is all i have for now i think. I need the following: persian rare, signature items,psi, (pet specific gifts, they come with your pet and is unqiue to only your pet) . I especially need outdoor ice psi, like the signature penguin fountain or the hidden hot spring. i also need any psi that come with the chipmunks or squirrels. there are a lot of other items i need also. thanks for your time! are we going to be trading? i will check back to see your reply.

      • #700436


        I have the stylish siamese settee.

        • #701572


          Sorry i dont need that. anything else you have?

      • #701564


        Is the princess theme you were talking about the one that’s all pink? If it is, I have the bed, the wardrobe, and the candle wall sconce. I have the medieval side table, trophy pedestal, and several others. What do you have to trade? -birdseye-

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