Red Wolf Swing for Trade!! Goldstar2

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Red Wolf Swing for Trade!! Goldstar2

This topic contains 174 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  bailey101010 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #653307


    Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-18 at 08:21 PM

    Post offers! :D looking for estore, other signature, kinzclothes(tshirt), mad scientist, scuba, new psi, torn, etc

    I offer muddy mire, water bed, little lamb bed, lap it up pool, love monkey armchair, stripey speedster, yorkie couch, and that’s all I can remember:) lmk bailey101010

    1. #653799


      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-19 at 01:35 PM

      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 01:24 PM

      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-08-19 at 01:02 PM
      Hey goldstar, here’s my list for the swing.. i hope you like it!!
      Signature Endangered Mountain Lion PSI (Mountain Climbing Cliff)
      Signature Black Bear PSI (Golden Honey Waterfall)
      Portuguese Water Dog PSI (Heated Hound Hot Tub)
      Tennis Ball Swing PSI
      Lucky Horseshoe Fireplace PSI
      PROMO Burger Costume (NGO)
      Deluxe Cake Hat
      Deluxe Golden Gown
      Blue Infant
      Full Black Ninja, Retired in 2009
      Zodiac Air Costume Top
      Riding The Rails Superbed
      Retired Hockey Bed (35,000-40,000)
      Okay just LMK if you like anything here, and we can go from there!
      Thanks so much,

      Hi :) I’m Quite interested in the burger costume, is there anything your looking for that I could add to that? LMK :)

      Hmm do you have any rare clothing or new psi? If not, it’s perfectly fine. I also am looking for a couple other signatures, but i also liked your wings. Would you do wings and the PSI for burger? PLMK! Also, i’d be happy to do a separate trade for the heated hound tub. What could you offer for it? PLMK,

      If you guys don’t make a trade as I posted above I’m also interested in the burger costume and mountain climbing cliff. Lmk. Bailey101010

    2. #653791


      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 03:56 PM

      ferretfriend wrote on 2012-08-19 at 03:31 PM

      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 03:19 PM

      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 03:12 PM

      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 02:50 PM

      cfskate wrote on 2012-08-19 at 02:43 PM

      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 02:40 PM

      cfskate wrote on 2012-08-19 at 02:35 PM

      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 02:22 PM
      All- This is going to be a trading forum now that I traded the swing :) If any one has 1,000 estore points for trade LMK! Yes, just a thousand xD

      great! everybody here is my trade & wishlist!!!!!!!
      ~Levitating love seat
      ~Half moon hammock
      ~Over the rainbow ride
      ~Frozen fun slide
      ~Icing on the cake Gazebo
      ~Golden Gorilla slide
      ~Snowy mountain peek
      ~Bamboo chute slide
      ~Peppermint swirl slide
      ~Golden glide waterslide
      ~Spot of tea slide
      ~Daring den slide
      ~Cozy canopy bed
      ~Bamboo chute swing
      ~Tennis ball swing
      ~Lovely tree swing
      ~Cool cat string swing
      ~Shamrocking swing
      ~Precious purse swing
      ~Pot of gold pond
      ~Red wolf swing
      ~Spotted jaguar slide
      HAVE LIST:
      ~Super sugar swing
      ~Three ring swing
      ~Swing in the sky
      ~Candy cane canopy bed
      ~Levitating love seat
      ~Half moon hammock
      ~golden gorilla slide
      ~Any item from V.I.P. backstage pass
      ~T-shirt booth
      ~Groovy solo stage
      ~Dressing room vanity
      ~Sly slide
      ~Burrowing Cliffside slide
      ~Harmonious hammock
      ~Hibernation hut
      ~Wild game gourmet BBQ
      ~Calming campfire stove
      ~Banana split sundae station
      ~Stately bookshelf
      ~Fashionable gas fireplace
      ~Regal rug
      ~Stately dining table
      ~Dignified dreams bed
      ~Cotton candy closet
      ~Rabbit eared television
      ~Relaxing rocky sauna
      ~Bubbly blue bathtub
      ~Heart warming tub
      ~Northern nights bed
      ~Ski lodge fireplace
      ~Sloping summit chair
      ~Fragrant flower bed
      ~Frozen tundra tread mill
      ~Starlight stable
      ~unstable stable
      ~Timeless treasure TV
      ~Witches brew bathtub
      ~Snowy camp site
      ~Frosty fireplace
      ~Tiger stripe convertible
      ~Paw print fire place
      LMK if you like any of these!!! ;)))

      What do you wnt for your levitating loveseat and burrowing cliffside slide??? i realize the love seat is on both your wishlist and trading list so is it for trade? plmk bailey101010

      hmm your offer alone for the levitating love seat should be at least estore promo, but i don’t think i would trade both together anyway so whichever one you like more please give me a good offer, both are worth a ton…but yes i am willing to trade it depending

      Umm ok well i have the estore gumballl wardrobe, muddy mire, super stripey speedster, lap it up pool, love m onkey armchair, cozy water bed, yorkie couch, little lamb bed, terrior scooter, candy cane seeds, webkinz beauty dress and tiara, halloween items, Christmas items, underwater tv, queen of the jungle throne, tiger striped convertible, pink convertible, ski lodge fireplace, gold dress, and silver dress. lmks bailey101010

      Like anything? plmks bailey101010

      Ok i now also have the elegant settee. lmks bailey101010

      Bailey? um…..Hope you don’t mind me asking, but I really need the settee, can I offer if its OK with Gold?

      Sure go ahead :)

      Thanks, Gold. :)

    3. #653790


      ferretfriend wrote on 2012-08-19 at 03:31 PM

      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 03:19 PM

      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 03:12 PM

      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 02:50 PM

      cfskate wrote on 2012-08-19 at 02:43 PM

      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 02:40 PM

      cfskate wrote on 2012-08-19 at 02:35 PM

      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 02:22 PM
      All- This is going to be a trading forum now that I traded the swing :) If any one has 1,000 estore points for trade LMK! Yes, just a thousand xD

      great! everybody here is my trade & wishlist!!!!!!!
      ~Levitating love seat
      ~Half moon hammock
      ~Over the rainbow ride
      ~Frozen fun slide
      ~Icing on the cake Gazebo
      ~Golden Gorilla slide
      ~Snowy mountain peek
      ~Bamboo chute slide
      ~Peppermint swirl slide
      ~Golden glide waterslide
      ~Spot of tea slide
      ~Daring den slide
      ~Cozy canopy bed
      ~Bamboo chute swing
      ~Tennis ball swing
      ~Lovely tree swing
      ~Cool cat string swing
      ~Shamrocking swing
      ~Precious purse swing
      ~Pot of gold pond
      ~Red wolf swing
      ~Spotted jaguar slide
      HAVE LIST:
      ~Super sugar swing
      ~Three ring swing
      ~Swing in the sky
      ~Candy cane canopy bed
      ~Levitating love seat
      ~Half moon hammock
      ~golden gorilla slide
      ~Any item from V.I.P. backstage pass
      ~T-shirt booth
      ~Groovy solo stage
      ~Dressing room vanity
      ~Sly slide
      ~Burrowing Cliffside slide
      ~Harmonious hammock
      ~Hibernation hut
      ~Wild game gourmet BBQ
      ~Calming campfire stove
      ~Banana split sundae station
      ~Stately bookshelf
      ~Fashionable gas fireplace
      ~Regal rug
      ~Stately dining table
      ~Dignified dreams bed
      ~Cotton candy closet
      ~Rabbit eared television
      ~Relaxing rocky sauna
      ~Bubbly blue bathtub
      ~Heart warming tub
      ~Northern nights bed
      ~Ski lodge fireplace
      ~Sloping summit chair
      ~Fragrant flower bed
      ~Frozen tundra tread mill
      ~Starlight stable
      ~unstable stable
      ~Timeless treasure TV
      ~Witches brew bathtub
      ~Snowy camp site
      ~Frosty fireplace
      ~Tiger stripe convertible
      ~Paw print fire place
      LMK if you like any of these!!! ;)))

      What do you wnt for your levitating loveseat and burrowing cliffside slide??? i realize the love seat is on both your wishlist and trading list so is it for trade? plmk bailey101010

      hmm your offer alone for the levitating love seat should be at least estore promo, but i don’t think i would trade both together anyway so whichever one you like more please give me a good offer, both are worth a ton…but yes i am willing to trade it depending

      Umm ok well i have the estore gumballl wardrobe, muddy mire, super stripey speedster, lap it up pool, love m onkey armchair, cozy water bed, yorkie couch, little lamb bed, terrior scooter, candy cane seeds, webkinz beauty dress and tiara, halloween items, Christmas items, underwater tv, queen of the jungle throne, tiger striped convertible, pink convertible, ski lodge fireplace, gold dress, and silver dress. lmks bailey101010

      Like anything? plmks bailey101010

      Ok i now also have the elegant settee. lmks bailey101010

      Bailey? um…..Hope you don’t mind me asking, but I really need the settee, can I offer if its OK with Gold?

      Sure go ahead :)

    4. #653782




      May I offer on your three ring swing?


    5. #653763


      ferretfriend wrote on 2012-08-19 at 03:31 PM

      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 03:19 PM

      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 03:12 PM

      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 02:50 PM

      cfskate wrote on 2012-08-19 at 02:43 PM

      bailey101010 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 02:40 PM

      cfskate wrote on 2012-08-19 at 02:35 PM

      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-19 at 02:22 PM
      All- This is going to be a trading forum now that I traded the swing :) If any one has 1,000 estore points for trade LMK! Yes, just a thousand xD

      great! everybody here is my trade & wishlist!!!!!!!
      ~Levitating love seat
      ~Half moon hammock
      ~Over the rainbow ride
      ~Frozen fun slide
      ~Icing on the cake Gazebo
      ~Golden Gorilla slide
      ~Snowy mountain peek
      ~Bamboo chute slide
      ~Peppermint swirl slide
      ~Golden glide waterslide
      ~Spot of tea slide
      ~Daring den slide
      ~Cozy canopy bed
      ~Bamboo chute swing
      ~Tennis ball swing
      ~Lovely tree swing
      ~Cool cat string swing
      ~Shamrocking swing
      ~Precious purse swing
      ~Pot of gold pond
      ~Red wolf swing
      ~Spotted jaguar slide
      HAVE LIST:
      ~Super sugar swing
      ~Three ring swing
      ~Swing in the sky
      ~Candy cane canopy bed
      ~Levitating love seat
      ~Half moon hammock
      ~golden gorilla slide
      ~Any item from V.I.P. backstage pass
      ~T-shirt booth
      ~Groovy solo stage
      ~Dressing room vanity
      ~Sly slide
      ~Burrowing Cliffside slide
      ~Harmonious hammock
      ~Hibernation hut
      ~Wild game gourmet BBQ
      ~Calming campfire stove
      ~Banana split sundae station
      ~Stately bookshelf
      ~Fashionable gas fireplace
      ~Regal rug
      ~Stately dining table
      ~Dignified dreams bed
      ~Cotton candy closet
      ~Rabbit eared television
      ~Relaxing rocky sauna
      ~Bubbly blue bathtub
      ~Heart warming tub
      ~Northern nights bed
      ~Ski lodge fireplace
      ~Sloping summit chair
      ~Fragrant flower bed
      ~Frozen tundra tread mill
      ~Starlight stable
      ~unstable stable
      ~Timeless treasure TV
      ~Witches brew bathtub
      ~Snowy camp site
      ~Frosty fireplace
      ~Tiger stripe convertible
      ~Paw print fire place
      LMK if you like any of these!!! ;)))

      What do you wnt for your levitating loveseat and burrowing cliffside slide??? i realize the love seat is on both your wishlist and trading list so is it for trade? plmk bailey101010

      hmm your offer alone for the levitating love seat should be at least estore promo, but i don’t think i would trade both together anyway so whichever one you like more please give me a good offer, both are worth a ton…but yes i am willing to trade it depending

      Umm ok well i have the estore gumballl wardrobe, muddy mire, super stripey speedster, lap it up pool, love m onkey armchair, cozy water bed, yorkie couch, little lamb bed, terrior scooter, candy cane seeds, webkinz beauty dress and tiara, halloween items, Christmas items, underwater tv, queen of the jungle throne, tiger striped convertible, pink convertible, ski lodge fireplace, gold dress, and silver dress. lmks bailey101010

      Like anything? plmks bailey101010

      Ok i now also have the elegant settee. lmks bailey101010

      Bailey? um…..Hope you don’t mind me asking, but I really need the settee, can I offer if its OK with Gold?

      well im trying to get the burrowing cliffside slide from cwfskate. so if he/she doesnt want it then yes. lmks bailey101010

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